bib00303 | Clagett 1990 | 1990 | Clagett, Fred
| “The Life of William H. Clagett.” Paper presented on 20 April at the Pacific Northwest History Conference in Boise, Idaho. TS in CU-MARK. [bib00303]
| |
bib00372 | Fried 1951 | 1951 | Fried, Martin B.
| “The Composition, Sources, and Popularity of Mark Twain’s Roughing It.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago. [bib00372]
| |
bib00408 | Hirst 1975 | 1975 | Hirst, Robert H.
| “The Making of The Innocents Abroad: 1867–1872.” Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley. [bib00408]
| |
bib00429 | Twichell 1874–1916 | 1874–1916 | Twichell, Joseph H.
| “Personal Journal.” MS of twelve volumes, Joseph H. Twichell Collection, CtY-BR. [bib10615] [bib00429]
| |
bib00434 | Schmidt 2000 | 2000 | Schmidt, Barbara
| “The Life and Works of True W. Williams.” Unpublished typescript in CU-MARK [bib00434]
| |
bib00455 | MTMR | 1968 | Bates, Allan C.
| Mark Twain and the Mississippi River. Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago. [bib00455]
| |
bib00470 | Bell 1984 | 1984 | Bell, Raymond Martin
| “The Ancestry of Samuel Clemens, Grandfather of Mark Twain.” 413 Burton Avenue, Washington, Pa.: Raymond Martin Bell. Mimeograph. [bib00470]
| |
bib00479 | Cadets [1850] | [1850] | Cadets of Temperance
| “The Property of Cadets of Temperance Hannibal Mo.” MS of two pages containing the membership roster, MoHM[bib10255]. [bib00479]
| |
bib00900 | Rulon 1967 | 1967 | Rulon, Curt Morris
| “The Dialects in Huckleberry Finn.” Ph.D. diss., University of Iowa, Iowa City. [bib00900]
| |
bib00997 | Lehr 1982 | 1982 | Lehr, Eugene R.
| United States Copyright Office inventory of works registered under the names Mark Twain and Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1870–1910. In “Clemens, S. L. Copyright registrations of his works,” subject file, CU-MARK. [bib00997]
| |
bib01028 | Brownell 1941 | 1941 | Brownell, George H.
| “Letters of Mark Twain, 1867–1909, Chiefly to Bliss of the American Publishing Company. Copies Made by Dana Ayer, Worcester, Massachusetts.” PH in CU-MARK. [bib01028]
| |
bib10139 | Harris 1965 | 1965 | Harris, Faye Erma
| A Frontier Community: The Economic, Social, and Political Development of Keokuk, Iowa, from 1820 to 1866. Ph.D. diss., University of Iowa. [bib10139]
| |
bib10154 | Howland [1906] | [1906] | Howland, Louise
| Untitled recollections of Mark Twain and Robert M. Howland. MS of five pages, collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gunn. [bib10154]
| |
bib10441 | SLC 1873 | 1873-01-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Samuel Langhorne Clemens.” Autobiographical sketch, January, MS of eleven pages, written ca. 27 January, NNPM[bib10289]. [bib10441]
| |
bib10449 | SLC 1898? | 1898? | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Talk about going . . .” Autobiographical notes. MS of seven leaves beginning “Talk about going . . .”), CU-MARK. [bib10449]
| |
bib10450 | SLC 1899 | 1899 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Samuel Langhorne Clemens.” MS of fourteen leaves, notes written in March for Samuel E. Moffett to use in preparing a biographical sketch, NN-BGC[bib10288]. [bib10450]
| |
bib10462 | Stanford 1863 | 1863 | Stanford, Leland
| Message to the California legislature, 30 March, unidentified clipping in Scrapbook 3:35, CU-MARK. [bib10462]
| |
bib10503 | Webster 1918 | 1918 | Webster, Annie Moffett
| “Family Chronicle Written for Jean Webster McKinney by Her Grandmother.” TS of forty-four pages dated 26 October, catalogued as AA43, NPV. [bib10503]
| |
bib10538 | APC 1866–79 | 1866–79 | APC (American Publishing Company)
| “Books received from the Binderies, Dec 1st 1866 to Dec 31. 1879,” the company’s stock ledger, NN-BGC[bib10288]. [bib10538]
| |
bib10632 | Denny 1867 | 1867 | Denny, William R.
| “Quaker City and Holy Land Journal.” TS of 273 pages, Manuscripts Department, ViU[bib10492], PH in CU-MARK. [bib10632]
| |
bib10640 | Duncan 1867 | 1867 | Duncan, Charles C.
| “Excursion to the Holy Land, Egypt, the Crimea, Greece, and Intermediate Points of Interest.” Excursion prospectus dated 1 February, Ct-HMTH. Reproduced in photofacsimile in L2, 382–84. [bib10640]
| |
bib10641 | Duncan 1867 | 1867 | Duncan, Charles C.
| “ ‘Quaker City’ Journal.” MS of 121 leaves, entries from 8 June through 13 November, MeBath. [bib34376] [bib10641]
| |
bib10703 | Hirst 1978 | 1978 | Hirst, Robert H.
| “‘He Trimmed & Trained & Schooled Me’: How Bret Harte Edited The Innocents Abroad.” TS in CU-MARK. [bib10703]
| |
bib10731 | “James Mason Family” n.d. | n.d. | “James Mason Family.”
| “James Mason Family.” TS of records in a family Bible, Chenango County Historical Society, Norwich, N.Y., PH in CU-MARK. [bib10731]
| |
bib10734 | JLC 1861-70 | 1861–70 | JLC (Jane Lampton Clemens)
| “Financial record kept in SLC’s Notebook 3.” CU-MARK. Page references are to a sixteen-page TS in CU-MARK. [bib10734]
| |
bib10748 | Langdon 1867 | 1867 | Langdon, Charles Jervis
| Journal of the Quaker City excursion, 11 July through 28 July. Typescript in CU-MARK. [bib10748]
| |
bib10750 | Langdon 1867$#x2013;68 | 1867–68 | [Langdon, Charles]
| “Langdon Guest Book.” Record of visitors to the Langdons‘ Elmira residence with entries dated October 1867 to September 1868. Catalogued as “Charles Langdon‘s autograph book”, CtHSD. [bib10750]
| |
bib10822 | Nesbit 1867 | 1867 | Nesbit, Benjamin B.
| MS journal of the Quaker City excursion, 3 January through 6 September plus memoranda. Owned by Mary N. Shelnutt, Claremont, Calif. Photocopy in CU-MARK courtesy of Leon T. Dickinson. [bib10822]
| |
bib10832 | “Nook Farm Genealogy” 1974 | 1974 |
| TS by anonymous compiler, CtHSD. [bib10832]
| |
bib10835 | OC 1862-63 | 1862–63 | Clemens, Orion
| “Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada from December 20th 1862 to June 30th 1863.” Miscellaneous treasury account no. 147608. Record Group 217. National Archives, Washington, D.C. [bib10835]
| |
bib10852 | Paff 1897 | 1897 | Paff, Harriet Lewis
| “What I Know about Mark Twain.” MS of twelve pages, CtY-BR. [bib10852]
| |
bib10867 | Portsmouth Census 1860 | 1860 | Portsmouth Census
| Population Schedules of the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Roll M653. New Hampshire: Rockingham County, Portsmouth Township. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib10867]
| |
bib10955 | SLC 1867 | 1867-11-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Untitled MS fragment of twenty-eight pages, written ca. 25 November, an unfinished play on the Quaker City excursion, InU-Li. Transcribed in L2, 404–414. [bib10955]
| |
bib10970 | SLC 1868 | 1868-01-09 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[The Frozen Truth].” Untitled MS fragments, totaling thirteen pages, written ca. 8–9 January as a draft for a lecture entitled “The Frozen Truth,” catalogued as A13 (one page numbered 67) and A23 (three pages numbered 59–61 and nine pages numbered 71–79), NPV. [bib10970]
| |
bib11016 | SLC 1868 | 1868-06-15 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[A discussion of Christian dogma].” Untitled MS fragment of nineteen pages, written in early May, a discussion of Christian dogma, catalogued as A11, NPV. [bib11016]
| |
bib11018 | SLC 1868 | 1868-05-18 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “I Rise to a Question of Privilege.” MS of fifteen pages, written ca. 18–23 May for the San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser, although left unpublished, a discussion of reverence versus ridicule, catalogued as A15, NPV. [bib11018]
| |
bib11020 | SLC 1868 | 1868-05-20 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[An obituary of Colonel J. Heron Foster].” Untitled MS fragment of two pages, written 20 May, an obituary of Colonel J. Heron Foster drafted as a footnote for SLC 1869a, chapter 20, catalogued as A7, NPV. [bib11020]
| |
bib11022 | SLC 1868 | 1868-06-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[A discussion of the Bible].” Untitled MS fragment, five pages numbered 959–63, written ca. 1–15 June as part of SLC 1869a, chapter 46, but not included in the published book, a discussion of the Bible, catalogued as A26, NPV. [bib11022]
| |
bib11024 | SLC 1868 | 1868-05-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[A discussion of Christian dogma].” Untitled MS fragment, of twenty-seven pages, written ca. 15–30 June, a discussion of Christian dogma, catalogued as A20, NPV. [bib11024]
| |
bib11025 | SLC 1868 | 1868-06-17 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[A description of the Sphinx].” Untitled MS fragment, three pages numbered 1256–58, plus the versos of 1257 and 1258, written ca. 17 June as working notes and a draft of the passage published in SLC 1869a, chapter 58, 628–30, a description of the Sphinx, catalogued as A27, NPV. [bib11025]
| |
bib11026 | SLC 1868 | 1868-06-17 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[Extract of RI chapter 59].” Untitled MS fragment, forty-three pages numbered 1289–1331, written ca. 17–23 June as part of SLC 1869a, chapter 59, but not included in the published book, a description of the week in Spain, catalogued as A27, NPV. [bib11026]
| |
bib11032 | SLC 1868 | 1868-10-07 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “[The American vandal abroad].” Untitled MS fragment of forty-one pages: one page unnumbered, the rest numbered 7–8 and 20–57, written ca. 7 October, a draft of “The American Vandal Abroad” lecture, CU-MARK. Published in part, with variants, in MTSpk, 27–36. [bib11032]
| |
bib11038 | SLC 1869 | 1869-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Scenery.” MS of eleven pages, written ca. July as part of a lecture to be called “Curiosities of California,” formerly catalogued as DV17, CU-MARK. Published in Wecter 1948, 13–17. [bib11038]
| |
bib11044 | SLC 1900 | 1900 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Scraps from My Autobiography. Playing ‘Bear.’ Herrings. Jim Wolf and the Cats.” MS of forty-two leaves, CU-MARK. Published in MTA[bib00116], 1:125–43, and AutoMT1[bib33010], 155–63. [bib11044]
| |
bib11045 | SLC 1903 | 1903 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Notebook 46.” [bib11045]
| |
bib11046 | SLC 1904 | 1904-04-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Notes on ‘Innocents Abroad.’ ” Autobiographical Dictation, TS of thirteen pages numbered 68–80, written in April, CU-MARK. Published in MTA[bib00116], 1:238–46. [bib11046]
| |
bib11047 | SLC 1907 | 1888-01-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Marginalia on frontispiece of SLC’s copy of Stephen M. Griswold, inscribed “S L. Clemens 1907” on the front endpaper, CU-MARK. [bib11047]
| |
bib11087 | Wallace 1960? | 1960? | Wallace, Robert D.
| “A Gentleman of Some Notoriety: Mark Twain Speaks in Illinois.” Unpublished TS, CU-MARK. [bib11087]
| |
bib11101 | “William Mason Family” nd | nd | “William Maston Family.”
| “William Mason Family.” TS of records in a family Bible, Chenango County Historical Society, Norwich, N.Y., PH in CU-MARK. [bib11101]
| |
bib11116 | Young 1868 | 1868 | Young, John Russell
| “Illuminated Diary for 1868.” Box 36, John Russell Young Papers, Manuscript Division, DLC, transcript in CU-MARK. [bib11116]
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