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bib34176 | “Statement of Disbursements” 1909 | 1909 | “Statement of Disbursements, etc., as made by Miss Lyon, as shown by Expert Accountant’s Report.” TS of seven leaves, CU-MARK. [bib34176] | ||||
bib34177 | Ashcroft 1909 | 1909 | “Statement submitted in behalf of Mrs. Ashcroft, at the request of Mr. Stanchfield, in which are classified (E. & O. E.) the cash disbursements made by Mrs. Ashcroft for Mr. Clemens during the two years ending February 28, 1909.” TS of six leaves, written ca. 10 August, CU-MARK. [bib34177] | ||||
bib34178 | src01030 | London Tribune [bib34178] | |||||
bib34179 | “Accountants’ Statements and Schedules” 1909 | 1909 | “S. L. Clemens. Holder No. 1. Accountants’ Statements and Schedules.” Includes Schedules 1–12, financial spreadsheets for 1 March 1907 to 10 May 1909, CU-MARK. [bib34179] | ||||
bib34181 | van Eeden 1909 | 1909 | van Eeden, Frederick | “Curing by Suggestion.”The World’s Work 18 (September): 11993–99. [bib34181] | |||
bib34182 | Bryce 1997 | 1997 | Bryce, Robert M. | Cook and Peary: The Polar Controversy, Resolved. Mechanicsburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books. [bib34182] | |||
bib34183 | Leary 1997 | 1997 | Leary, Warren E. | “Who Reached the North Pole First? A Researcher Lays Claim to Solving the Mystery.” New York Times, 17 February, 10. [bib34183] | |||
bib34184 | Winbigler 1900 | 1900 | Winbigler, Charles F. | Christian Science and Kindred Superstitions by Charles F. Winbigler (The Abbey Press, New York) 1900. [bib34184] | |||
bib34185 | Todd 1906 | Todd, Charles Burr | The History of Redding, Connecticut. New York: Grafton Press. [bib34185] | ||||
bib34186 | California Death Index, 1905–39 | 1905–39 | California Death Index, 1905–1939 [online database]. [bib34186] | ||||
bib34187 | “Petition and Affidavits” 1905 | 1905 | “Petition and Affidavits. In the Matter of Election of Directors of the Plasmon Company of America. (Copy.) Supreme Court, County of New York.” TS of ninety-one pages, CU-MARK. [bib34187] | ||||
bib34188 | Richards 2005 | 2005 | Richards, Jeffrey | Sir Henry Irving: A Victorian Actor and His World. London: Hambledon and London. [bib34188] | |||
bib34189 | Huffman 2003 | 2003 | Huffman, James L. | A Yankee in Meiji Japan: The Crusading Journalist Edward H. House. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. [bib34189] | |||
bib34190 | Wordsworth 1815 | 1815 | Wordsworth, William | Poems: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the Miscellaneous Pieces of the Author. 2 vols. London: n.p. [bib34190] | |||
bib34191 | Leitch 1978 | 1978 | Leitch, Alexander. | A Princeton Companion. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978. [bib34191] | |||
bib34192 | Tucker 1999 | 1999 | Tucker, Edward L. | “A Refusal by Olivia Clemens,” ANQ 12 (Summer): 43–44. [bib34192] | |||
bib34193 | Preston 1991 | 1991 | Preston, Jean F. | “Manuscripts,” Princeton University Library Chronicle 53 (Autumn): 96–104. [bib34193] | |||
bib34194 | Donald 1903 | 1903 | Donald, Robert | "The Most Famous Press in the World." World’s Work and Play 2 (June–November): 70–76. [bib34194] | |||
bib34195 | Baldwin 1941 | 1941 | Baldwin, Leland D. | The Keelboat Age on Western Waters. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. [bib34195] | |||
bib34196 | Ryan 2007 | 2007 | Ryan, Deborah Sugg | “ ‘Pageantitis’: Frank Lascelles’ 1907 Oxford Historical Pageant, Visual Spectacle and Popular Memory.” Visual Culture in Britain 8 (2007): 63–82. [bib34196] | |||
bib34197 | SLC 1939 | 1939 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain: The Text Edited with an Introduction by Bernard DeVoto, with a Prologue ‘Boy’s Manuscript’ Printed for the First Time. Illustrated by Thomas Hart Benton. Cambridge: Limited Editions Club at the University Press [bib34197] | |||
bib34198 | Watson 2012 | 2012 | Watson, Robert P. | Affairs of State: The Untold History of Presidential Love, Sex, and Scandal, 1789–1900. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. [bib34198] | |||
bib34199 | SLC 1898 | 1898 | Clemens, Samuel L. | Reisebilder—Unterwegs und daheim. Mark Twains Humoristische Schriften Band 6. Illustriert von H. Schrödter. Anhang Mark Twains Lebensgeschichte. Stuttgart: Verlag Robert Lutz. [bib34199] | |||
bib34200 | Lowrey 2013 | 2013 | Lowrey, Linda | “Hellen Elizabeth Martin” in “The Morton Family: From Lanark and Perthshire, Scotland, to Canada.” [bib34200] | |||
bib34201 | Pratt and Whitney 1930 | 1930 | Pratt and Whitney | Accuracy for Seventy Years, 1860–1930. Hartford: Pratt and Whitney Company. [bib34201] |