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bib00358Conway 18761876-01-22Conway, Moncure D.
“Science and Religion in England.” Lecture delivered in Hartford, Connecticut, 22 January. Transcription in “Mr. Conway’s Lectures,” Hartford Courant, 24 January, 1. [bib00358]

bib00359Conway 18761876-01-23Conway, Moncure D.
“Oriental Religions; Their Origin and Progress.” Lecture delivered in Hartford, Connecticut, 23 January. Transcription in “Mr. Conway’s Lectures,” Hartford Courant, 24 January, 1. [bib00359]

bib00360Cotton 19851985Cotton, Michelle L.
Mark Twain’s Elmira, 1870–1910. Elmira, N.Y.: Chemung County Historical Society. [bib00360]

bib00362Gillis 19241924Gillis, William R.
Memories of Mark Twain and Steve Gillis. Sonora, Calif.: Banner. [bib00362]

bib00363Fitch 19781978Fitch, Thomas
Western Carpetbagger: The Extraordinary Memoirs of “Senator” Thomas Fitch. Edited by Eric N. Moody. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib00363]

bib00364Flanders 19651965Flanders, Robert Bruce
Nauvoo: Kingdom on the Mississippi. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [bib00364]

bib00365Fletcher 18981898Fletcher, Robert H., ed.
The Annals of the Bohemian Club from Its Beginning, in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-two, to Eighteen Hundred and Eighty. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Hicks-Judd Company. [bib00365]

bib00366Ford 18701870Ford, Darius R.
“Around the World. Letter Number IX. The Pacific.” Letter dated 19 November 1869, signed “D. R. F.” Buffalo Express, 12 February, 2. [bib00366]

bib00367Ford 18701870Ford, Darius R.
“Around the World. Letter Number X. Japan.” Letter dated 17 and 24 January, signed “D. R. F.” Buffalo Express, 5 March, 2. [bib00367]

bib00368Foster 19811981Foster, Lawrence
Religion and Sexuality: Three American Communal Experiments of the Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib00368]

bib00369Fowler 19651965Fowler, H. W.
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. 2d ed., revised by Sir Ernest Gowers. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib00369]

bib00370Fox 19651965Fox, Theron
Nevada Treasure Hunters Ghost Town Guide. San Jose, Calif.: Theron Fox. [bib00370]

bib00371Frederick 19401940Frederick, J. V.
Ben Holladay, the Stagecoach King. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company. [bib00371]

bib00372Fried 19511951Fried, Martin B.
“The Composition, Sources, and Popularity of Mark Twain’s Roughing It.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago. [bib00372]

bib00373Fulton 19141914Fulton, Robert
“Glimpses of the Mother Lode.” Bookman 39 (March): 49–57. [bib00373]

bib00374Furniss 19601960Furniss, Norman F.
The Mormon Conflict, 1850–1859. New Haven: Yale University Press. [bib00374]

bib00375Gaines 19811981Gaines, David
Mono Lake Guidebook. Lee Vining, Calif.: Kutsavi Books. [bib00375]

bib00376Gamble 18811881Gamble, James
“Wiring a Continent.” The Californian: A Western Monthly Magazine 3 (June): 556–63. [bib00376]

bib00377Gasinski 19761976Gasinski, T Z
“Captain John Dominis and His Son Governor John Owen Dominis: Hawaii’s Croatian Connection.” Journal of Croatian Studies 17: 14–46. [bib00377]

bib00378Gianella 19601960Gianella, Vincent P.
“The Site of Williams Station, Nevada.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 3 (October–December): 5–10. [bib00378]

bib00379Gillis 19301930Gillis, William R.
Gold Rush Days with Mark Twain. New York: Albert and Charles Boni. [bib00379]

bib00380Glasscock 19311931Glasscock, Carl Burgess
The Big Bonanza. Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill Company. [bib00380]

bib00381Goodman 18721872Goodman, Joseph T.
“Greeley and Hank Monk.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 24 July, 2. [bib00381]

bib00382Goodman 18911891-12-27Goodman, Joseph T.
“Taming a Terror.” San Francisco Chronicle, 27 December, 1–2. [bib00382]

bib00383Goodman 18921892-02-14Goodman, Joseph T.
“A Battle-Born State.” San Francisco Chronicle, 14 February, 1. [bib00383]