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Moray Council, Libraries and Information Services, Elgin, Scotland [formerly Uk6, UkElgM] [bib13231]

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh [formerly UkENL] [bib13232]

Mitchell Library, Glasgow, Scotland [formerly UkG2] [bib13233]

bib13234Unger 19641964Unger, Irwin
The Greenback Era: A Social and Political History of American Finance, 1865–1879. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [bib13234]

bib13237Vincent 19191919Vincent, James Edmund
Highways and Byways in Berkshire. London: Macmillan and Co. [bib13237]

bib13239Vogelback 19541954Vogelback, Arthur L.
“Mark Twain and the Fight for Control of the Tribune.” American Literature 26 (November): 374–83. [bib13239]

bib13240Vogelback 19551955Vogelback, Arthur L.
“Mark Twain and the Tammany Ring.” PMLA 70 (March): 69–77. [bib13240]

Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. [bib13241]

bib13242Waiting for Godot Books 19951995Waiting for Godot Books
Mark Twain: Books by and About. Special List Number 1. Hadley, Mass.: Waiting for Godot Books. [bib13242]

bib13244Wall 19561956Wall, Joseph Frazier
Henry Watterson: Reconstructed Rebel. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib13244]

bib13245Warner 18721872-04-00Warner, Charles Dudley
“Back-Log Studies.—IV.” Scribner’s Monthly 3 (April): 693–700. [bib13245]

bib13246Warner 18731873Warner, Charles Dudley
Backlog Studies. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib13246]

bib13247Warner 18751875Warner, Charles Dudley
“Samuel Langhorne Clemens.” In Duyckinck and Duyckinck 1875[bib12638], 2:951–55. [bib13247]

bib13248Warner 18721872–79Warner, Elisabeth G. (Lilly)
Untitled diary. MS of 130 pages, inscribed in a blank book bound in leather, with numerous photographs of the children of George and Lilly Warner, CU-MARK. [bib13248]

bib13249Aaron Watson 19071907Watson, Aaron
The Savage Club. A Medley of History, Anecdote and Reminiscence . . . With a Chapter by Mark Twain. London: T. Fisher Unwin. [bib13249]

bib13250Watterson 19101910Watterson, Henry
“Mark Twain—An Intimate Memory.” American Magazine 70 (July): 372–75. [bib13250]

bib13251Watterson 19111911Watterson, Henry
“Address in “Public Meeting Held in Carnegie Hall, New York, November 30, 1910, in Memory of Mark Twain”.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Letters 1 (November): 24–29. [bib13251]

bib13252Watterson 19191919Watterson, Henry
“Marse Henry”: An Autobiography. 2 vols. New York: George H. Doran Company. [bib13252]

bib13253Watterson 19271927Watterson, Henry
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bib13258Weisenburger 19411941Weisenburger, Francis P.
The Passing of the Frontier, 1825–1850. Vol. 3 of The History of the State of Ohio. Columbus: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. [bib13258]

bib13261Westby-Gibson 18871887Westby-Gibson, John
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bib13262Western Union 18671867Western Union
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bib13264Whiting 19101910Whiting, Lilian
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bib13266Wiggin 19231923Wiggin, Kate Douglas
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bib13267Williamson 1903-51903–5Williamson, George C., ed.
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