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bib11229DeWitt and Snelling 19111911DeWitt and Snelling
Mark Twain’s Letter to the California Pioneers. Oakland, Calif.: DeWitt and Snelling. (BAL 3516). [bib11229]

bib11230Disturnell 18761876Disturnell, John, comp.
New York as It Was and as It Is. New York: D. Van Nostrand. [bib11230]

bib11232DNB 19591959DNB
The Dictionary of National Biography, 1941–1950. Edited by L. G. Wickham Legg and E. T. Williams. London: Oxford University Press. [bib11232]

bib11233Donald 18891889Donald, Robert
“Mark Twain and His Book: The Humorist on the Copyright Question.” New York Times, 10 December, 5. Reprinted in Budd 1977[bib00477], 43–46. [bib11233]

bib11235Douglass 18481848Douglass, Frederick
“H. G. Warner, Esq., (Editor of the Rochester Courier).” Rochester (N.Y.) North Star, 22 September, 2. Reprinted in Foner 1950–75[bib11261], 1:371–74, misdated 30 March 1849. [bib11235]

bib11236Duncan 19751975Duncan, Bingham
Whitelaw Reid: Journalist, Politician, Diplomat. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib11236]

bib11237Eastman [1905][1905]Eastman, Annis Ford
A Flower of Puritanism: Julia Jones Beecher, 1826–1905. Elmira, N.Y.: Snyder Brothers. [bib11237]

bib11238Eastman 19381938Eastman, Max
“Mark Twain’s Elmira.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 177 (May): 620–32. Reprinted in Max Eastman, Heroes I Have Known (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1942), in Cotton 1985[bib00360], 4–5., and in Jerome and Wisbey 1977[bib10170], 129–47. [bib11238]

bib11239Edwards 19101910Edwards, E. J.
“New News of Yesterday.” New York Evening Mail, 4 May, 8. [bib11239]

bib11240Edwards 18681868Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Tenth Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1868. St. Louis: Richard Edwards. [bib11240]

bib11241Edwards 18691869Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Eleventh Annual Directory to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1869. St. Louis: Charless Publishing and Manufacturing Company. [bib11241]

bib11242Edwards 18701870Edwards, Richard
[Edwards’ Twelfth Annual Director to the . . . City of St. Louis, for 1870]. St. Louis: Southern Publishing Company. [bib11242]

bib11243Edwards 18711871Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Thirteenth Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Business, Business Firms, Manufacturing Establishments, etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1871. St. Louis: Southern Publishing Company. [bib11243]

bib11244Elliott 18691869-03-05Elliott, George W.
“The Dead Canary.” Mohawk Valley Register, 5 March, 1. [bib11244]

bib11245Elliott 18691869-08-06Elliott, George W.
“The Blush Rose.” Mohawk Valley Register, 6 August, 3. [bib11245]

bib11246Elliott 18691869-08-20Elliott, George W.
“Saml. L. Clemens.” Mohawk Valley Register, 20 August, 2. [bib11246]

bib11247Elliott 18691869-08-20Elliott, George W.
“‘Mark Twain’s’ New Book.” Mohawk Valley Register, 20 August, 2. [bib11247]

bib11248Elson 18991899Elson, Louis C.
The National Music of America and Its Sources. Boston: L. C. Page and Co. [bib11248]

bib11249Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania 19041904Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania
Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of the State of Pennsylvania, with a Compendium of History. 2 vols. New York: Lewis Publishing Company. [bib11249]

bib11250Ensor 19871987Ensor, Allison R.
“The Favorite Hymns of Sam and Livy Clemens.” Mark Twain Journal 25 (Fall): 21–22. [bib11250]

bib11255Eubank 19691969Eubank, Marjorie Harrell
The Redpath Lyceum Bureau from 1868 to 1901. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [bib11255]

bib11261Foner 1950–751950-75Foner, Philip S.
The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. 5 vols. New York: International Publishers. [bib11261]

bib11266Freeman 19471947Freeman
Rare American Historical Autographs . . . The Collection of the Late Frederick S. Peck, Belton Court, Barrington, Rhode Island. Part 2. Sale of 17 March. Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman and Co. [bib11266]

bib11267French 18601860French, John Homer
Gazetteer of the State of New York. Syracuse, N.Y.: R. Pearsall Smith. Citations are to the 1980 reprint edition, Interlaken, N.Y.: Heart of the Lakes Publishing. [bib11267]

Private Collection [bib11268]