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bib00163MTS 19101910Paine, Albert Bigelow, ed.
Mark Twain’s Speeches. Edited by Albert Bigelow Paine. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00163]

bib00218Howells 19101910Howells, William Dean
My Mark Twain: Reminiscences and Criticisms. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00218]

bib00668Millard 19101910Millard, Bailey
“Mark Twain in San Francisco.” Bookman 31 (June): 369–73. [bib00668]

bib00851Mencken 19101910Mencken, H. L.
“The Greatest of American Writers.” Smart Set 31 (June): 153–54. [bib00851]

bib10027Bixby 19101910[Bixby, Horace E.]
“Learned River for $500.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 22 April, 3. [bib10027]

bib10091De Vinne 19101910De Vinne, Theodore Low
The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition: A Treatise on Spelling Abbreviations, the Compounding and Division of Words, the Proper Use of Figures and Numerals, Italic and Capital Letters, Notes, Etc. 3d ed. New York: Century Company. [bib10091]

bib10169James 19101910James, George Wharton
Heroes of California. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. [bib10169]

bib10464Stedman and Gould 19101910Stedman, Laura, and George M. Gould
Life and Letters of Edmund Clarence Stedman. 2 vols. New York: Moffat, Yard, and Co. [bib10464]

bib10716Hutchinson 19101910Hutchinson, Joseph
“Two Opinions of Twain.” San Francisco Morning Call, 24 April, 36. [bib10716]

bib11125Anderson Auction Company 19101910Anderson Auction Company
Library and Art Collection of George Bentham of New York City. Part 1—The Library. Sale no. 867 (28 and 29 November). New York: Anderson Auction Company. [bib11125]

bib11239Edwards 19101910Edwards, E. J.
“New News of Yesterday.” New York Evening Mail, 4 May, 8. [bib11239]

bib11330Joseph L. King 19101910King, Joseph L.
History of the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board. San Francisco: Jos. L. King. [bib11330]

bib11604Woods 19101910Woods, Samuel D.
Lights and Shadows of Life on the Pacific Coast. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company. [bib11604]

bib11846Goodman 19101910Goodman, Joseph T.
“Jos. Goodman’s Memories of Humorist’s Early Days.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 April, 3. [bib11846]

bib11956Larned 19101910Larned, Josephus Nelson
“Mark Twain.” Buffalo Express, 26 April, 5. Reprinted in part in MTB 1912[bib00012], 1:399. [bib11956]

bib12482Baring-Gould 19101910Baring-Gould, Sabine
Family Names and Their Story. London: Seeley and Co. [bib12482]

bib12507Bradley and Bradley 19101910Bradley, M. C., and E. T. Bradley
The Westminster Abbey Guide, Sold at the Abbey by Permission of the Dean. 18th ed. London: Pall Mall Press. [bib12507]

bib12513Broadley 19101910Broadley, A. M.
Chats on Autographs. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. [bib12513]

bib12641Edwards 19101910Edwards, E. J.
“How Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner Came to Write ‘The Gilded Age.’ ” New York Evening Mail, 5 May, 8. [bib12641]

bib12644Eggleston 19101910Eggleston, George Cary
Recollections of a Varied Life. New York: Henry Holt and Co. [bib12644]

bib12737Henderson 19101910Henderson, Archibald
“The International Fame of Mark Twain.” North American Review 192 (December): 805–15. In Anderson and Sanderson 1971[bib00228], 302–12. [bib12737]

bib13107SLC 18721910SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Speech at the Whitefriars Club dinner of 6 September, as reported in ‘Mark Twain at the Whitefriars Club.’ ” South London Press, 14 September, 4. Variant texts published in MTS 1910[bib00163], 154–65; MTS 1923, 133–34; and Fatout 1976[bib00141], 72–74. [bib13107]

bib13250Watterson 19101910Watterson, Henry
“Mark Twain—An Intimate Memory.” American Magazine 70 (July): 372–75. [bib13250]

bib13264Whiting 19101910Whiting, Lilian
Louise Chandler Moulton: Poet and Friend. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. [bib13264]

bib20773Lucas, E V.1910Lucas, E. V.
“E. V. Lucas and Twain at a ‘Punch Dinner.’ ” Bookman 38 (June): 116–17. [bib20773]