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bib00902Salzman 19761976Salzman, Jack, ed.
Prospects. New York: Burt Franklin and Co. [bib00902]

bib00903Sattelmeyer and Crowley 19851985Sattelmeyer, Robert, and J. Donald Crowley, eds.
One Hundred Years of “Huckleberry Finn”: The Boy, His Book, and American Culture. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. [bib00903]

bib00904Scharf 18831883Scharf, J. Thomas
History of Saint Louis City and County, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Day. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Louis H. Everts and Co. [bib00904]

bib00905Schirer 19841984Schirer, Thomas
Mark Twain and the Theatre. Nuremburg: Hans Carl. [bib00905]

bib00906Schmitz 19711971Schmitz, Neil
“Twain, Huckleberry Finn, and the Reconstruction.” American Studies 12 (Spring): 59–67. [bib00906]

bib00907Schultz 18101810Schultz, Christian
Travels on an Inland Voyage through the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee . . . Performed in the Years 1807 and 1808. 2 vols. New York: Isaac Riley. [bib00907]

bib00908Scott 19551955Scott, Arthur L.
“The Century Magazine Edits Huckleberry Finn, 1884–1885.” American Literature 27 (November) 356–62. [bib00908]

bib00909Scott 18221822Scott, Walter
The Fortunes of Nigel. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co. [bib00909]

bib00910Scott 18231823Scott, Walter
Quentin Durward. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co. [bib00910]

bib00911Scott 18271827Scott, Walter
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. 5 vols. Philadelphia: J. Maxwell. [bib00911]

bib00912Scott 1842-471842–47Scott, Walter
Quentin Durward. Vol. 8 of The Waverley Novels, Abbotsford Edition. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co. [bib00912]

bib00913Scott 18711871Scott, Walter
The Lady of the Lake. Edinburgh: John Ross and Co. [bib00913]

bib00914Seabrook 18671867Seabrook, E. B.
“The Poor Whites of the South.” Galaxy 4 (October): 681–90. [bib00914]

bib00915Shapiro 19851985Shapiro, Michael Edward
Bronze Casting and American Sculpture 1850–1900. Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press. [bib00915]

bib00916Sharp 19321932Sharp, Cecil J.
English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians. London: Oxford University Press. [bib00916]

bib00917Shultz 19921992Shultz, Suzanne M.
Body Snatching: The Robbing of Graves for the Education of Physicians in Early Nineteenth Century America. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Co. [bib00917]

bib00918Siebert 19671967Siebert, Wilbur H.
The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom. Reprint. New York: Russell and Russell. [bib00918]

bib00919Siebert 19471947Siebert, Wilbur H.
“Beginnings of the Underground Railroad in Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (January): 70–93. [bib00919]

bib00920Simpson 19291929Simpson, F. A.
The Rise of Louis Napoleon. London: Longmans, Green and Co. [bib00920]

bib00921Slater 19491949Slater, Joseph
“Music at Col. Grangerford’s: A Footnote to Huckleberry Finn.” American Literature 21 (March): 108–11. [bib00921]

bib00922Still 18721872Still, William
The Underground Rail Road. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates. [bib00922]

bib00923Still 18831883Still, William
The Underground Rail Road. Rev. ed. Philadelphia: William Still. [bib00923]

bib00924Strickland 19761976Strickland, Carol Colclough
“Emmeline Grangerford, Mark Twain’s Folk Artist.” Bulletin of the New York Public Library 79 (Winter): 225–33. [bib00924]

bib00925Summers 19461946Summers, Montague
Witchcraft and Black Magic. London: Rider and Co. [bib00925]

bib00927Tadman 19891989Tadman, Michael
Speculators and Slaves. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. [bib00927]

bib00928Thomas and Thomas 19201920Thomas, Daniel Lindsey, and Lucy Blayney Thomas
Kentucky Superstitions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [bib00928]

bib00929Thompson 19201845Thompson, William T.
The Chronicles of Pineville. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart. [bib00929]

bib00930Thornton 19121912Thornton, Richard H.
An American Glossary. 3 vols. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. [bib00930]

bib00931Thorpe 18421842Thorpe, Thomas Bangs
“The Disgraced Scalp Lock, or Incidents on the Western Waters.” Spirit of the Times 16 (July): 229–30. In Estes 1989[bib20422], 170–80. [bib00931]

bib00932Thorpe 18551855Thorpe, Thomas Bangs
“Remembrances of the Mississippi.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 12 (December): 25–41. [bib00932]

bib00933Ticknor 19141914Ticknor, Caroline
“ ‘Mark Twain’s’ Missing Chapter.” Bookman 39 (May): 298–309. [bib00933]

bib00934Tidwell 19421942Tidwell, James Nathan
“Mark Twain’s Representation of Negro Speech.” American Speech 17 (October): 174–76. [bib00934]

bib00935Timbs 18761876Timbs, John
Doctors and Patients; or, Anecdotes of the Medical World and Curiosities of Medicine. London: Richard Bentley and Son. [bib00935]

bib00936Trelease 19711971Trelease, Allen W.
White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction. New York: Harper and Row. [bib00936]

bib00937Trenck 18531853Trenck, Friedrich
The Life of Baron Frederick Trenck. Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell. [bib00937]

bib00938Trexler 19141914Trexler, Harrison Anthony
Slavery in Missouri, 1804–1865. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. [bib00938]

bib00939Trollope 18321832Trollope, Frances
Domestic Manners of the Americans. 2 vols. London: Whittaker, Treacher, and Co. Clemens owned an 1832 edition, complete in one volume (London: Whittaker, Treacher, and Co.; New York: Reprinted for the booksellers). [bib00939]

bib00940Trowbridge 18641864Trowbridge, J. T.
Cudjo’s Cave. Boston: J. E. Tilton and Co. [bib00940]

bib00942Turner 18671867Turner, Timothy G.
Gazetteer of the St. Joseph Valley, Michigan and Indiana, with a View of Its Hydraulic and Business Capacities. Chicago: Hazlitt and Reed. [bib00942]

bib00943Walpole 1861-661861–66Walpole, Horace
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Oxford. Edited by Peter Cunningham. 9 vols. London: Henry G. Bohn. [bib00943]

bib00944Waterman 18411841Waterman, Catharine H., ed.
Friendship’s Offering. Philadelphia: Marshall, Williams, and Butler. [bib00944]

bib00945Watts 19771977Watts, Peter
A Dictionary of the Old West, 1850–1900. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [bib00945]

bib00946Way 19431943Way, Frederick, Jr.
Pilotin’ Comes Natural. New York and Toronto: Farrar and Rinehart. [bib00946]

bib00947Way 19721972Way, Frederick, Jr.
“Diagrams.” S&D Reflector 9 (June): 24. [bib00947]

bib00949Wells 19451945Wells, Amos S.
A Treasure of Hymns: Brief Biographies of One Hundred and Twenty Leading Hymn-Writers with Their Best Hymns. Boston: W. A. Wilde Company. [bib00949]

bib00950Wells 19731973Wells, David M.
“More on the Geography of ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ ” South Atlantic Bulletin 38 (November): 82–86. [bib00950]

bib00951Wells 19501950Wells, Evelyn Kendrick
The Ballad Tree. New York: Ronald Press Company. [bib00951]

bib00953Wentworth 19441944Wentworth, Harold
American Dialect Dictionary. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. [bib00953]

bib00954Westerhoff 19781978Westerhoff, John H., III
McGuffey and His Readers. Nashville: Abingdon. [bib00954]

bib00955White 18751875White, Gilbert
The Natural History of Selborne. London: Bickers and Son. [bib00955]

bib00956Whiting 19441944Whiting, B. J.
“Guyuscutus, Royal Nonesuch and Other Hoaxes.” Southern Folklore Quarterly 8 (December): 251–75. [bib00956]

bib00957Wild and Thomas 18411841Wild, J. C., and Lewis F. Thomas, eds.
The Valley of the Mississippi, Illustrated . . . Drawn and Lithographed by J. C. Wild. No. 3, September. St. Louis: J. C. Wild. [bib00957]

bib00958Wilson 19701970Wilson, F. P., ed.
The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs. 3d ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [bib00958]

bib00959Windell 19431943Windell, Marie George
“The Camp Meeting in Missouri.” Missouri Historical Review 37 (April): 253–70. [bib00959]

bib00960Wolford 19161916Wolford, Leah Jackson
The Play-Party in Indiana. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Commission. [bib00960]

bib00961Worcester 18631863Worcester, Joseph E.
A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Brewer and Tileston. [bib00961]

bib00962Workwoman’s Guide 18381838Workwoman’s Guide
The Workwoman’s Guide . . . By a Lady. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. [bib00962]

bib00963Wyeth 19141914Wyeth, John Allan
With Sabre and Scalpel. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00963]

bib00964Yellin 19721972Yellin, Jean Fagan
The Intricate Knot: Black Figures in American Literature, 1776–1863. New York: New York University Press. [bib00964]

bib00965Zellers 19481948Zellers, John A.
The Typewriter: A Short History, on its 75th Anniversary, 1873–1948. New York: Newcomen Society of England, American Branch. [bib00965]

bib00966New York Press Club 18801880New York Press Club
The Reception Given to Thurlow Weed on His Eighty-third Birthday, November 15, 1880. Albany, N.Y.: For Private Distribution. [bib00966]

bib00967Geer 18761876Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for the Year Commencing July, 1876: and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib00967]

bib00968New York Press Club 18811881New York Press Club
Eighth Annual Dinner of the New York Press Club, January 6, 1881. Albany, N.Y.: For Private Distribution. [bib00968]

bib00969Annual Cyclopaedia 18761877Annual Cyclopaedia 1876
Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1876. Vol. 16 (n.s. vol. 1). New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib00969]

bib00970SLC 19821982SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Foreword and notes by John C. Gerber; text established by Paul Baender. The Mark Twain Library. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00970]

bib00971Murray 18391839Murray, Charles Augustus
Travels in North America during the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. [bib00971]

bib00972Musick 19481948Musick, Ruth Ann
“The Tune the Old Cow Died On.” Hoosier Folk-lore 7 (December): 105–6. [bib00972]

bib00973Bennett 18881888Bennett, F. O.
History of the Press Club of Chicago: An Account of Its Organization and Performances from January, 1880, to September, 1888. Chicago: Published by direction of the Club. H. O. Shepard and Co., Printers. [bib00973]

bib00974TS1980Gerber, John C., Paul Baender, and Terry Firkins, eds.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Tom Sawyer Abroad; and Tom Sawyer, Detective. Edited by John C. Gerber, Paul Baender, and Terry Firkins. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00974]

bib00975OED 19331933OED
The Oxford English Dictionary: Being a Corrected Re-issue, with an Introduction, Supplement, and Bibliography, of A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Prepared by James A. H. Murray, Henry Bradley, W. A. Craigie, and C. T. Onions. 13 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [bib00975]

bib00976OED 19891989OED
The Oxford English Dictionary. 2d ed. Prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. 20 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [bib00976]

bib00977Oehlschlaeger 19811981Oehlschlaeger, Fritz H.
“Huck Finn and the Meaning of Shame.” Mark Twain Journal 20 (Summer): 13–14. [bib00977]

bib00978Freeman 18941894Freeman, William H.
The Press Club of Chicago: A History with Sketches of Other Prominent Press Clubs of the United States. Chicago: Press Club of Chicago. [bib00978]

bib00979OSC 19851985OSC (Olivia Susan [Susy] Clemens)
Papa: An Intimate Biography of Mark Twain. Edited by Charles Neider. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co. [bib00979]

bib00980Ottley and Weatherby 19691969Ottley, Roi, and William J. Weatherby, eds.
The Negro in New York: An Informal Social History, 1626–1940. New York: Praeger Publishers. [bib00980]

bib00981Paine 19231923Paine, Albert Bigelow
Introduction to What Is Man? And Other Essays, by Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Volume 26 of the Writings of Mark Twain, Definitive Edition. New York: Gabriel Wells. [bib00981]

bib00982Partridge 19671967Partridge, Eric
A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. 6th ed. New York: Macmillan Company. [bib00982]

bib00983TSA 19821982SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Tom Sawyer Abroad; Tom Sawyer, Detective. Foreword and notes by John C. Gerber, text established by Terry Firkins. The Mark Twain Library. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00983]

bib00984Urnov 19861986Urnov, Dimitri
Quoted in Diana Ketcham, “Soviet Study at UC Focuses on Twain,” Oakland Tribune, 28 July, C-1, C-3. [bib00984]

bib00985Webster [1870][1870]Webster, Noah
A Dictionary of the English Language. Rev. and enl. by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Thomas Heber Orr. 2 vols. Glasgow: William Mackenzie. [bib00985]

bib00986Webster 18841884Webster, Noah
An American Dictionary of the English Language. Rev. and enl. by Chauncey A. Goodrich. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam and Co. [bib00986]

bib00987Webster 18891889Webster, Noah
An American Dictionary of the English Language. Rev. and enl. by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam and Co. [bib00987]

bib00988Webster 18941894Webster, Noah
An American Dictionary of the English Language. Rev. and enl. by Chauncey A. Goodrich. Chicago: Webster’s Dictionary Pub. Company. [bib00988]

bib00989Woodard and MacCann 19841984Woodard, Fredrick, and Donnarae MacCann
“‘Huckleberry Finn’ and the Traditions of Blackface Minstrelsy.” Interracial Books for Children Bulletin 15: 4–13. Also in MacCann and Woodard 1985[bib00828], 75–103. [bib00989]

bib00990Woodard and MacCann 19921992Woodard, Fredrick, and Donnarae MacCann
“Minstrel Shackles and Nineteenth-Century ‘Liberality’ in Huckleberry Finn.” In Leonard, Tenney, and Davis 1992[bib00822], 141–53. [bib00990]

bib00991Wright 18771877Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
History of the Big Bonanza. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib00991]

bib00992Cooper 20032003Cooper, Edward S.
William Worth Belknap: An American Disgrace. Madison and Teaneck, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press and Associated University Presses. [bib00992]

bib00993Howe 19221922Howe, M. A. DeWolfe
Memories of a Hostess: A Chronicle of Eminent Friendships Drawn Chiefly from the Diaries of Mrs. James T. Fields. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press. [bib00993]

bib00994Holland 18721872-02-00Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
“Triflers on the Platform.” Scribner’s Monthly 3 (February): 489. [bib00994]

bib00995Hood 18751875Hood, Tom
From Nowhere to the North Pole: A Noah’s Ark-aeological Narrative. London: Chatto and Windus. [bib00995]

bib00996Rathgar [pseud.] 18821882Rathgar [pseud.]
“Mark Twain: Unwritten History of His Boyhood Days.” Hannibal Courier, 5? June. [bib00996]

bib00997Lehr 19821982Lehr, Eugene R.
United States Copyright Office inventory of works registered under the names Mark Twain and Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1870–1910. In “Clemens, S. L. Copyright registrations of his works,” subject file, CU-MARK. [bib00997]

bib00998Fields 18721872Fields, James T.
Yesterdays with Authors. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co. [bib00998]

bib00999Williams n.d.n.d.Williams, Thomas J.
Turn Him Out. A farce in one act [bib00999]

bib01000Planché 18471847Planché, James Robinson
The Loan of a Lover. Dramas acted by the Shakespeare Club of Cincinnati. New York, Baltimore: W. Taylor & Co. [bib01000]

bib01001McWilliams 19971997McWilliams, Jim
Mark Twain in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1874–1891. Troy, N.Y.: Whitson Publishing Company. [bib01001]

bib01002Moore 18761876Moore, Frank, ed.
Record of the Year, A Reference Scrap Book. Being The Monthly Record of Important Events Worth Preserving. Together with A Selection of the Choicest Current Miscellany. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co. [bib01002]

bib01003Chester 19511951Chester, Giraud
Embattled Maiden: The Life of Anna Dickinson. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib01003]

bib01004Howells 19791979Howells, William Dean
W. D. Howells, Selected Letters, Volume 2: 1873–1881. Edited and annotated by George Arms and Christoph K. Lohmann. Textual editors Christoph K. Lohmann and Jerry Herron. Boston: Twayne Publishers. [bib01004]

bib01005Greenough 18751875Greenough, James B.
The Queen of Hearts. Cambridge, Mass.: Charles W. Sever. [bib01005]