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bib34289 | src01032 | JG Autographs (Davers, Mass.) [bib34289] | |||||
bib34290 | src01033 | [bib34290] | |||||
bib34291 | Lorch 1938 | 1938 | Lorch, Fred W. | “Mark Twain’s Trip to Humboldt in 1861.” American Literature 10 (November): 343–49. [bib34291] | |||
bib34292 | Brashear 1930 | 1930 | Brashear, Minnie M. | "Mark Twain Juvenilia." American Literature 2 (March): 25–53. [bib34292] | |||
bib34293 | Rogers 1961 | 1961 | Rogers, Franklin R. | The Pattern for Mark Twain’s Roughing It: Letters from Nevada by Samuel and Orion Clemens, 1861–1862. Collected and edited with an introduction by Franklin R. Rogers. Berkeley: University of California Press. [bib34293] | |||
bib34294 | src01034 | The Bunkum Flag-Staff and Independent Echo [bib34294] | |||||
bib34295 | SLC 1870 | 1870 | Clemens, Samuel Langhorne | Christmas Fun . . .(New York) 1870. [bib34295] | |||
bib34296 | src01035 | Early American Auctions catalog [bib34296] | |||||
bib34297 | src01036 | One of a Kind Collectibles Auctions catalog [bib34297] | |||||
bib34298 | src01037 | International Autograph Auctions [bib34298] | |||||
bib34299 | src01038 | The Reader: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine [bib34299] | |||||
bib34300 | GAHi | Atlanta Historical Society [bib34300] | |||||
bib34301 | src01039 | The Landmark [bib34301] | |||||
bib34302 | RO-GaBJ | "V. A. Urechia" County Library of Galati, Romania [bib34302] | |||||
bib34303 | McDermott 1958 | 1958 | McDermott, John Francis | McDermott, John Francis. The Lost Panoramas of the Mississippi. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. [bib34303] | |||
bib34304 | Siegel-Cooper | 1899 | Siegel-Cooper Co. | Souvenir Program of The Siegel-Cooper Co. Employees' Association Third Annual Entertainment and Ball. New York: Industrial Hall. [bib34304] | |||
bib34305 | Baskerville 1908 | 1908 | "Man Who Taught Mark Twain the River Talks of His Long Life at the Wheel—Capt. Bixby Now a Pilot on the U. S. Snagboat Wright." Memphis Commercial Appeal, 30 August, 1. [bib34305] | ||||
bib34306 | Jones 1922 | 1922 | Jones, Doris Arthur | What a Life! London: Jarrold's Publishers [bib34306] | |||
bib34307 | TCollSA | McKee Library, Southern Adventist University [bib34307] | |||||
bib34308 | src01040 | Private Collection [bib34308] | |||||
bib34309 | Porter 1916 | 1916 | Porter, Adrian | The Life and Letters of Sir John Henniker Heaton (London and New York: John Lane Company, 1916) [bib34309] | |||
bib34310 | src01041 | The London Observer [bib34310] | |||||
bib34311 | NNGLI | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History [bib34311] | |||||
bib34312 | src01042 | London Evening News [bib34312] | |||||
bib34313 | src01043 | The Grand Magazine [bib34313] | |||||
bib34314 | Gardner 1969 | 1969 | Gardner, Joseph H. | "Mark Twain and Dickens." PMLA 84 (January): 90–101. [bib34314] | |||
bib34315 | Seelye 1977 | Seelye, John | Mark Twain in the Movies. A Meditation with Pictures, New York: The Viking Press [bib34315] | ||||
bib34316 | Jarves 1854 | 1854 | Jarves, James Jackson | "Sights and Principles Abroad. Introduction to Italy—Genoa.—How Much Temper and Money It Cost to Get to Florence." Harper’s Monthly 8 (March): 471–79. [bib34316] | |||
bib34317 | Jarves 1856 | 1856 | Jarves, James Jackson | Italian Sights and Papal Principles, Seen Through American Spectacles. New York: Harper & Brothers. [bib34317] | |||
bib34318 | src01044 | Memorabilia Vault [bib34318] | |||||
bib34319 | Newell 1867 | 1867 | Newell, Julia | “From Janesville to the Holy Land.” Letter dated 20 July in Italy. Janesville (Wis.) Gazette, 7 September, unknown page. [bib34319] | |||
bib34320 | Jackson, Abraham Reeves 1867 | 1867 | Jackson, Abraham Reeves | "Letter VIII. From the Mediterranean Excursion." Letter dated 18 July; clipping in scrapbook described in Jackson 1867a. [bib34320] | |||
bib34321 | Prado 2015 | 2015 | “On-line Gallery [of the Immaculate Conception of Venerable Ones].” Museo Nacional del Prado. [bib34321] | ||||
bib34322 | Mo6 | Collection of James Brieseacher [bib34322] | |||||
bib34323 | Collection of James Brieseacher [bib34323] | ||||||
bib34324 | SLC 1868 | 1868 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Californian Abroad.—Three Italian Cities.” Overland Monthly 1 (September): 209–12. [bib34324] | |||
bib34325 | SLC 1868 | 1868 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Californian Abroad—A Mediæval Romance.” Overland Monthly 1 (October): 316–20. [bib34325] | |||
bib34326 | C9 | Collection of Gladys E. Hill [bib34326] | |||||
bib34329 | Martines 2013 | 2013 | Martines, Lauro | Furies: War in Europe 1450–1700. New York: Bloomsbury. [bib34329] | |||
bib34330 | Tompkins 1908 | 1908 | Tompkins, Eugene | The History of the Boston Theater, 1854–1901. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. [bib34330] | |||
bib34331 | Anderson 1904 | 1904 | Anderson, James H., ed. | Life and Letters of Judge Thomas J. Anderson and Wife, Including a Few Letters from Children and Others, Mostly Written During the Civil War: A History. N.p.: F. J. Heer. [bib34331] | |||
bib34332 | Emerson 1980 | 1980 | Emerson, Everett | "A Send-Off for Joe Goodman" Mark Twain's 'The Carson Fossil-Footprints,'"Resources for American Literary Study 10 (1980): 74-78, ed. Everett Emerson. Contains a printing of SLC's article "The Carson Fossil-Footprints," The San Franciscan, Feb. 16, 1884. [bib34332] | |||
bib34333 | Emerson 2000 | 2000 | Emerson, Everett | Mark Twain, A Literary Life. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [bib34333] | |||
bib34334 | Goethe 1970 | 1970 | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von | Italian Journey [1786–1788]. Translated by W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer. New York: Penguin. [bib34334] | |||
bib34335 | White 1993 | 1993 | White, John | Art and Architecture in Italy: 1250–1400. 3rd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press. [bib34335] | |||
bib34336 | Norwich 1989 | 1989 | Norwich, John Julius | A History of Venice. New York: Vintage. [bib34336] | |||
bib34337 | OhCiUAR | University of Cincinnati Rare Books Library [bib34337] | |||||
bib34338 | Fetridge 1864 | 1864 | Fetridge, W. Pembroke | Harper's Hand-Book for Travelers in Europe and the East. Being a Guide through Great Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy, Sicily, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Spain, Russia, Denmark, and Sweden. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib34338] | |||
bib34339 | src01045 | Goldin Auctions ( [bib34339] | |||||
bib34340 | src01046 | Scala Archives [bib34340] | |||||
bib34341 | src01047 | Burchard Galleries [bib34341] | |||||
bib34342 | Jackson 1867 | 1867 | Jackson, Abraham Reeves | “Letter X. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 22 July, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. PH in CU-MARK courtesy of Leon T. Dickinson. [bib34342] | |||
bib34343 | Schulz 1968 | 1968 | Schulz, Juergen | Venetian Painted Ceilings of the Renaissance. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib34343] | |||
bib34344 | Carboni 2007 | 2007 | Carboni, Stefano | Venice and the Islamic World 828–1797. New York and New Haven: Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press. [bib34344] | |||
bib34345 | src01048 | Kaminski Auctions, Beverly, MA [bib34345] | |||||
bib34346 | Rosand 2001 | 2001 | Rosand, David | Myths of Venice: The Figuration of a State. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. [bib34346] | |||
bib34347 | src01049 | Harbor Grace (NL) Standard [bib34347] | |||||
bib34348 | Engeman 2009 | 2009 | Engeman, Richard H. | The Oregon Companion: An Historical Gazetteer for the Useful, the Curious, and the Arcane. Portland, Ore.: Timber Press. [bib34348] | |||
bib34349 | Mills 1977 | 1977 | Mills, Randall V. | Stern-wheelers up Columbia: A Century of Steamboating in the Oregon Country. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Reprint of 1947 edition. [bib34349] | |||
bib34350 | Poppleton 1908 | 1908 | Poppleton, Irene Lincoln | “Oregon’s First Monopoly—The O.S.N. Co.” The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society 9 (September): 274–304. [bib34350] | |||
bib34351 | src01050 | Glimpses of the Past. Notes on Missouri Missouri Historical Society. St. Louis: Jefferson Memorial Library [bib34351] | |||||
bib34352 | Mackey 1916 | 1916 | Mackey, Albert Gallatin | An Encyclopædia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences, Comprising the Whole Range of Arts, Sciences and Literature as Connected with the Institution. Vol. I. New York: The Masonic History Company. [bib34352] | |||
bib34353 | Hillard 1853 | 1853 | Hillard, George Stillman | Six Months in Italy. 2 vols. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. [bib34353] | |||
bib34354 | Benedict 1860 | 1860 | Benedict, Erastus C. | A Run through Europe. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib34354] | |||
bib34355 | Kaplan 2010 | 2010 | Kaplan, Paul H. D. | “Italy, 1490–1700,” in The Image of the Black in Western Art, vol. 3. Ed. David Bindman and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [bib34355] | |||
bib34356 | src01051 | The Musical Record [bib34356] | |||||
bib34357 | WyCa2 | Kathleen Ryan England [bib34357] | |||||
bib34358 | src01052 | Kathleen Ryan England [bib34358] | |||||
bib34359 | src01053 | Legendary Auctions [bib34359] | |||||
bib34360 | src01054 | Iconic Auctions [bib34360] | |||||
bib34361 | Johnson 2011 | 2011 | Johnson, James H. | Venice Incognito: Masks in the Serene Republic. Berkeley: University of California Press. [bib34361] | |||
bib34362 | src01055 | Essex County Chronicle (Chelmsford) [bib34362] | |||||
bib34363 | Accademia 2016 | 2016 | Accademia Gallery | "Rape of the Sabines by Jean de Boulogne." Accademia Gallery in Florence. [bib34363] | |||
bib34364 | Ruud 2008 | 2008 | Ruud, Jay | Critical Companion to Dante. New York: Facts on File. [bib34364] | |||
bib34366 | Kleinhenz 2004 | 2004 | Kleinhenz, Christopher | Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Christopoher Kleinhenz. New York and London: Routledge. [bib34366] | |||
bib34367 | Harvey 1877 | 1877 | Harvey, James | Paper Money, the Money of Civilization. An Issue by the State, and a Legal Tender in Payment of Taxes. London: Provost and Company. [bib34367] | |||
bib34368 | AutoMT3 | 2015 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3. Edited by Benjamin Griffin and Harriet Elinor Smith with Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, Amanda Gagel, Sharon K. Goetz, Leslie Diane Myrick, and Christopher M. Ohge. The Mark Twain Papers. Oakland: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib34368] | |||
bib34369 | GEMA 2012 | 2012 | GEMA | Grove Encyclopedia of Medieval Art and Architecture. Edited by Colum Hourihane. 6 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [bib34369] | |||
bib34371 | Regan and Dickinson 1995 | 1995 | Regan, Robert, and Leon T. Dickinson | “Newspaper Letters of Another ‘Innocent Abroad,’ Dr. Abraham Reeves Jackson, Discovered by Leon T. Dickinson” and “Other Newspaper Accounts of the Quaker City Tour.” Mark Twain Journal 33 (Spring): 2–59. [bib34371] | |||
bib34372 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 1.” Letter dated 8 June. New York Sun, 10 June, 2. [bib34372] | |||
bib34373 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 2.” Letter dated 9 June. New York Sun, 10 June, 2. [bib34373] | |||
bib34374 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound. No. 3.” Letter dated 15 June. New York Sun, 18 July, 2. [bib34374] | |||
bib34375 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 4.” Letter dated 17 June. New York Sun, 19 July, 2. [bib34375] | |||
bib34376 | MeBath | Patten Free Library, Bath, Maine. [bib34376] | |||||
bib34377 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 5.” Letter dated 1 July in Spain. New York Sun, 25 July, 2. [bib34377] | |||
bib34378 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 6.” Letter dated 1 July at Fayal. New York Sun, 26 July, 2. [bib34378] | |||
bib34379 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 7.” Letter dated 21 June. New York Sun, 29 July, 2. [bib34379] | |||
bib34380 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 8.” Letter dated 24 June. New York Sun, 31 July, 2. [bib34380] | |||
bib34381 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 9.” Letter dated 25 June. New York Sun, 2 August, 2. [bib34381] | ||||
bib34382 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 10.” Letter dated 4 July. New York Sun, 8 August, 2. [bib34382] | |||
bib34383 | IA 2017 | 2017 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Edited by Robert Hirst et al. The Works of Mark Twain. Oakland: University of California Press. [bib34383] | |||
bib34384 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 11.” Letter dated 9 July. New York Sun, 12 August, 2. [bib34384] | |||
bib34385 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound, No. 12.” Letter dated 9 July. New York Sun, 13 August, 2. [bib34385] | |||
bib34386 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 13.” Letter dated 12 July. New York Sun, 14 August, 2. [bib34386] | |||
bib34387 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 14.” Letter dated 20 July. New York Sun, 16 August, 2. [bib34387] | |||
bib34388 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 15.” Letter dated 20 July. New York Sun, 20 August, 2. [bib34388] | |||
bib34389 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 16.” Letter dated 15 August. New York Sun, 16 September, 2. [bib34389] | |||
bib34390 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 17.” Letter dated 17 August. New York Sun, 18 September, 2. [bib34390] | |||
bib34391 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “Mediterranean Bound—No. 18.” Letter dated 18 August. New York Sun, 19 September, 2. [bib34391] | |||
bib34392 | Beach 1867 | 1867 | Beach, Moses S. | “The Quaker City's Passengers and Czar of Russia.” New York Sun, 19 September, 2. [bib34392] |