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bib33837 | Brake and Demoor 2009 | 2009 | Brake, Laurel, and Marysa Demoor | Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland. Ghent: Academia Press. [bib33837] | |||
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bib33840 | Michael and Rosen 2007 | 2007 | Michael, Robert, and Philip Rosen | Dictionary of Antisemitism: From the Earliest Times to the Present. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. [bib33840] | |||
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bib33845 | src00948 | Renaissance Fine and Rare Books [bib33845] | |||||
bib33846 | src00949 | Leslie Hindman, Auctioneer [bib33846] | |||||
bib33847 | Galveston Census 1900 | 1900 | Population Schedules of the Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Roll T623. Texas: Galveston County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib33847] | ||||
bib33848 | Legislative Reference Library of Texas 2012 | 2012 | Legislative Reference Library of Texas | Texas Legislators: Past and Present [online database]. [bib33848] | |||
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bib33855 | California Great Registers 1866–98 | 1866–98 | California Great Registers, 1866–1898 [online database]. [bib33855] | ||||
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bib33887 | src00953 | San Francisco Morning Call [bib33887] | |||||
bib33888 | SLC 1867 | 1867 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib33888] | |||
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bib33928 | Chelsea Census 1870 | 1870 | Chelsea Census | Population Schedules of the Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Roll T132. Massachusetts: Suffolk County, Chelsea, Ward 2. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib33928] | |||
bib33929 | src00996 | Signature House [bib33929] | |||||
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