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bib32190SLC 18811881-03-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Sketches. The Only Publication Containing … Sketches … Written up to 10 January 1881 Toronto: J. Ross Robertson, 1881. [bib32190]

bib32191SLC 18811881-02-25SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Speech at Papyrus Club dinner.” "The Papyrus Club’s Guests." New York Times, 25 February, 4. [bib32191]

bib32192Walsh 18821882Walsh, William Shepard
Authors and Authorship New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib32192]

bib32195Randal-Diehl 18871887Randall-Diehl, Anna
Elocutionary Studies and New Recitations (BAL 3421). New York: Edgar S. Werner. [bib32195]

bib32196Shrew 18871887Dorrey, Richard
The Shrew’s Centenary. A Reminiscence of the 13th of April By One of the Invited. New York: n.p. [bib32196]

bib32197SLC 18871887-03-17SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Speech Celebrating the One Hundredth Performance of The Taming of the Shrew, Daly’s Theater, 13 April 1887.” Printed in The Shrew’s Centenary, pp. 14–17. [bib32197]

bib32200SLC 18881888SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain on the 19th Century.” In Dick’s Comic and Dialect Recitations. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 113–115. [bib32200]

bib32202SLC 18971897-06-23SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“All Nations Pay Homage to Victoria.” San Francisco Examiner, 23 June, 1, 4. Reprinted in SLC 1923[bib00449], 206–10. [bib32202]

bib32203SLC 18651865-11-04SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“San Francisco Letter.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 4 November; not extant. [bib32203]

bib32204Cox 20002000Cox, J. Randolph
The Dime Novel Companion: A Source Book. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. [bib32204]

bib32205White 19241924White, Edgar
“The Old Home Town.” Mentor 12 (May): 51–53. [bib32205]

bib32206SLC 19041904-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Saint Joan of Arc.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 110 (December): 3–12. [bib32206]

bib32207Wallace 19611961.Wallace, Iving
The Twenty-Seventh Wife. New York: Simon and Schuster. [bib32207]

bib32208Burton 18881888Burton, Nathaniel J.
Yale Lectures on Preaching, and Other Writings. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib32208]

bib32209Harrison 18901890Harrison, Lynde
“The Connecticut Secret Ballot Law.” New Englander and Yale Review 242 (May): 401–9. [bib32209]

bib32210Applegate 20062006Applegate, Debby
The Most Famous Man in America: The Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. New York: Doubleday. [bib32210]

bib32211Beecher and Scoville 18881888Beecher, William C., and Rev. Samuel Scoville, assisted by Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher
A Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib32211]

bib32212Hoxie 19101910Hoxie, Charles DeForest
Civics for New York State. New ed. New York: American Book Company. [bib32212]

bib32213Murphy 19041904Murphy, Edgar Gardner
Problems of the Present South. New York: Macmillan. [bib32213]

bib32214Budd 19811981Budd, Louis J.
“Color Him Curious about Yellow Journalism: Mark Twain and the New York City Press.” Journal of Popular Culture 15 (Fall): 25–33. [bib32214]

bib32215Dolmetsch 19921992Dolmetsch, Carl
“Our Famous Guest”: Mark Twain in Vienna. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib32215]

bib32216Child 18871887Child, Theodore
“Duelling in Paris.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 74 (March): 519–35. [bib32216]

bib32217Fatout 19781978Fatout, Paul
Mark Twain Speaks for Himself. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. [bib32217]

bib32218SLC 18651865-06-17SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“He Done His Level Best.” Californian 3 (17 June): 4. (Part of Clemens’s "Answers to Correspondents" column of that date.). [bib32218]

bib32219SLC 18711871-12-21SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain on his Travels.” Danville (Ill.) Weekly Commercial, 21 December, 19. [bib32219]

bib32220SLC 18631863-01-31SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Territorial Sweets.” Santa Cruz (Calif.) Sentinel, 31 January 1863, 1, reprinting an item from the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 22–28? January 1863, not extant. [bib32220]

bib32221SLC 18651865-12-16SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“San Francisco Letter.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 16 or 17 December. [bib32221]

bib32222SLC 18661866-02-18SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain on the Signal Corps. Equal to Spiritualism.” San Francisco Golden Era 14 (18 February): 5, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 10–15? February, not extant. [bib32222]

bib32223SLC 18661866-06-09SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Two Views of Honolulu.” New York Weekly Review, 9 June, reprinting the Sacramento Union of 19–21 April. [bib32223]

bib32224SLC 18801880SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“On removing Sabbath restrictions.” 1 page. [bib32224]

bib32225SLC 18871887-09-11SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Incident.” 7 leaves. [bib32225]

bib32227SLC 18701870-03-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Protest.” 7 leaves. [bib32227]

bib32228SLC 18701870-04-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“New Books.” Buffalo Express, 30 April, 2. [bib32228]

bib32229SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“About Smells.” Galaxy 9 (May 1870): 721–22. [bib32229]

bib32230SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Engagement Rings.” Galaxy 9 (May): 726. [bib32230]

bib32231SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“George Wakeman.” Galaxy 9 (May): 721. [bib32231]

bib32232SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Introductory.” Galaxy 9 (May): 717. [bib32232]

bib32233SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Oneida.” Galaxy 9 (May): 726. [bib32233]

bib32234SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Professor Silliman.” Galaxy 9 (May): 726. [bib32234]

bib32235SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
"‘Hogwash.’ ” Galaxy 9 (June): 862–63. [bib32235]

bib32236SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Judge’s ‘Spirited Woman.’ ” Galaxy 9 (June): 861–62. [bib32236]

bib32237SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Lady Franklin.” Galaxy 9 (June): 867. [bib32237]

bib32238SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Literary ‘Old Offender’ in Court with Suspicious Property in His Possession.” Galaxy 9 (June): 863–64. [bib32238]

bib32239SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Murphy.” Galaxy 9 (June): 867. [bib32239]

bib32240SLC 18701870-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“My Famous ‘Bloody Massacre.’ ” Galaxy 9 (June): 860–61. [bib32240]

Historic Hudson Valley Library. Sleepy Hollow Restorations. Tarrytown, NY 10591 [bib32241]

Olivia (Livy) Louise Langdon. [bib32242]

bib32243Tozzer 1931.1931Tozzer, Alfred M.
“Alfred Percival Maudslay.” American Anthropologist, n.s. 33 (July–September): 403–12. [bib32243]

bib32244Goodman 18971897Goodman, Joseph T.
The Archaic Maya Inscriptions. London: Taylor and Francis. [bib32244]

bib32245Goodman 18981898Goodman, Joseph T.
The Maya Graphic System; Reasons for Believing It to Be Nothing But a Cipher Code. London: Taylor and Francis. [bib32245]

bib32246Goodman 19051905Goodman, Joseph T.
“Maya Dates.” American Anthropologist, n.s. 7 (October–December), 642–47. [bib32246]

bib32247Maudslay and Goodman 1889–19021889–1902Maudslay, Alfred P., and Joseph T. Goodman.
Archaeology. 6 vols. London: R. H. Porter and Dulau and Co. [bib32247]

bib32248Coe 19991999Coe, Michael D.
Breaking the Maya Code. Rev. ed. New York: Thames and Hudson. [bib32248]

bib32249Champollion 1824.1824.Champollion, Jean Francois
Precis du Systeme Hieroglyphique des Anciens Egyptiens. Paris: Treuttel et Wurtz. [bib32249]

bib32250Schmidt 20082008Schmidt, Barbara
“Chronology of Known Mark Twain Speeches, Public Readings, and Lectures.” [bib32250]

bib32251Morris 19951995Morris, Roy, Jr.
Ambrose Bierce: Alone in Bad Company. New York: Crown Publishers. [bib32251]

bib32255Lanier 19381938Lanier, Henry Wysham
The Players’ Book: A Half-Century of Fact, Feeling, Fun and Folklore. New York: The Players. [bib32255]

bib32256Panama Canal Museum 20082008Panama Canal Museum.
“History of Count Ferdinand de Lesseps and the Panama Canal.” [bib32256]

bib32257Panama Canal Authority 20082008Panama Canal Authority
“Frequently Asked Questions: History.” [bib32257]

bib32258“The Russian Revolution” 20082008libcom.org
“1905: The Russian Revolution.” [bib32258]

bib32259Library of Congress 20082008Library of Congress
“When Johnny comes marching home again.” [bib32259]

bib32260Holmes 18621862Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Songs in Many Keys. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. [bib32260]

bib32263Massachusetts Historical Society 2008.2008Massachusetts Historical Society
“Twentieth Century Association Records, 1894–1964. [bib32263]

bib32264Steinberg 2000.2000Steinberg, Salme Harju
“Harvey, George Brinton McClellan.” American National Biography Online.. [bib32264]

bib32265Armed Conflicts Events Database 2008.2008.Armed Conflict Events Database
““Wars of the World: Timeline 1900–1904.” [bib32265]

bib32266Armed Conflicts Events Database 2008.2008.Armed Conflict Events Database
““Wars of the World: Timeline 1905–1909.” [bib32266]

bib32268Ohio County Public Library 20082008Ohio County Public Library.
“The Wheeling Stogie.” [bib32268]

bib32269Ohio County Public Library 2008.2008Ohio County Public Library.
“Cigars & Tobacco, 1886.” [bib32269]

bib32270National Cigar Corporation 2008.2008National Cigar Corporation
“The Marsh Wheeling Story—Marsh Wheeling Stogies.” [bib32270]

bib32271Bercovich 20022002Bercovich, Sacvan
“Deadpan Huck: Or, What’s Funny about Interpretation.” Kenyon Review 24 (Spring–Autumn), 90–134. [bib32271]

bib32273Connecticut Historical Society 20052005Connecticut Historical Society
“Hamersley, William.” [bib32273]

bib32274Connecticut State Library 20082008Connecticut State Library
“Wethersfield Prison Records.” [bib32274]

bib32275Connecticut State Library 20082008Connecticut State Library
“Obituary Sketch of Henry C. Robinson.” [bib32275]

bib32276Connecticut Light & Power 20082008Connecticut Light & Power
“The Hartford Electric Light Company.” [bib32276]

bib32277“Yankee Power” 2008.2008
“Yankee Power.” Time in Partnership with CNN. [bib32277]

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Glossary of Steamboat Terms [bib32278]

bib32279Howells 18851885Howells, William Dean
The Rise of Silas Lapham. Boston: Ticknor and Co. [bib32279]

bib32280Howells 18901890Howells, William Dean
A Hazard of New Fortunes. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib32280]

bib32281Cody 2008.2008Cody, David
“William Morris: A Brief Biography.” [bib32281]

bib32282Gere 2008.2008Gere, Charlotte
“Morris and Company, 1861–1939.” [bib32282]

bib32284SLC 1871.1871-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Facts in the Case of George Fisher, Deceased.” Galaxy 11 (January): 152–55. Reprinted in Budd 1992a,[bib00146] 500–506. [bib32284]

bib32285SLC 18701870-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Facts in the Case of the Great Beef Contract.” Galaxy 9 (May): 718–21. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 367–73. [bib32285]

bib32286SLC 19061906-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Hunting the Deceitful Turkey.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 114 (December): 57–58. [bib32286]

bib32287Tooke 1838–57.1838–57Tooke, Thomas
A History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation, from 1793 to 1837; Preceded by a Brief Sketch of the State of Corn Trade in the Last Two Centuries. 6 vols. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. [bib32287]

bib32288Streamer 1897.1897Streamer, Volney
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bib32290Twichell 20062006Twichell, Joseph Hopkins
The Civil War Letters of Joseph Hopkins Twichell: A Chaplain’s Story. Edited by Peter Messent and Steve Courtney. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib32290]

bib32291Monk 20032003Monk, John
“Bitter S. C. Feud Led to 1903 ‘Crime of the Century.’ ” [bib32291]

bib32292Newseum 2008.2008Newseum
“The Freedom Forum Journalists Memorial: Narciso Gener Gonzales.” [bib32292]

bib32293SLC 1917.1917SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Memorable Assassination.” In What is Man? And Other Essays,[bib31271] 167–81. New York and London: Harper and Brothers. [bib32293]

bib32295Litwack 1980.1980.Litwack, Leon F.
Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery. New York: Vintage Books. [bib32295]

bib32296Berkove 1980.1980.Berkove,Lawrence I,
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bib32297Satre 19821982Satre, Lowell J.
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bib32298Hawthorne 18761876Hawthorne, Julian
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bib32301Horowitz 18981898Horowitz, Johannes
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bib32303Hibbert 20012001Hibbert, Christopher
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bib32304Berkove 19941994Berkove, Lawrence I.
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bib32305Lyceum 18701870
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