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bib20440Field, J. M.1847Field, J. M.
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bib20556Harvey 19671967Harvey, Paul, ed.
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bib20557Haupt 19941994Haupt, Clyde V.
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bib20558Hauptman and Miller 19861986Hauptman, William, and Roger Miller
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bib20564Hazlitt 18901890Hazlitt, W. Carew
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bib20569Hearn 20012001Hearn, Michael Patrick
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bib20574Hemingway 19351935Hemingway, Ernest
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bib20575Henley 18841884Henley, William Ernest
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bib20578HF 19851985HF1985
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bib20597Hilton and Jobe 19761976Hilton, G. W., R. Plummer, and J. Jobé
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bib20679Kelly 19531953Kelly, Walter C.
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bib20680Kemble, E W.1930Kemble, E. W.
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bib20697Kolb 19841984Kolb, Harold J., Jr.
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bib20704Kuykendall 19381938Kuykendall, Ralph S.
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bib20730Lavender 19831983Lavender, David
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bib20738Ledyard 19631963Ledyard, John
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bib20744“Territorial Letters Received” 1861–641861–64
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bib20745“Territorial Letters Sent” 1861–691861–69
Letters sent to Secretary Orion Clemens, in “Letters Sent Relating to Territorial Expenses.” Office of the First Comptroller of the Treasury Department, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA. [bib20745]

bib20747Levy 19671967Levy, Lester S.
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bib20756Linn 19631963Linn, William Alexander
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