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Private Collection [bib13441]

bib13443Whiskeymen1996Cowdery, Charles K.
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bib13444Cox 18761876Cox, Samuel Sullivan
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bib13564Hepburn 19241924Hepburn, Alonzo Barton
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bib13588Howells 18741874-07-00Howells, William Dean
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bib13595Howells 18771877-08-00Howells, William Dean
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bib13597Howells 18891889Howells, William Dean
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bib13598Howells 19071907-11-00Howells, William Dean
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Literary Friends and Acquaintance: A Personal Retrospect of American Authorship Edited by David F. Hiatt and Edwin H. Cady. vol. 32. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib13601]

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