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bib12396Watson 19641964Watson, Margaret G.
Silver Theatre: Amusements of the Mining Frontier in Early Nevada, 1850 to 1864. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company. [bib12396]

bib12397Webb 18711871Webb, Charles Henry [John Paul, pseud.]
“To the Editor of Every Saturday.” Every Saturday, n.s. 2 (28 January): 91. [bib12397]

bib12398Weber 19591959Weber, Carl J.
The Rise and Fall of James Ripley Osgood: A Biography. Waterville, Me.: Colby College Press. [bib12398]

bib12400Wecter 19481948Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 181 (January): 83–88. [bib12400]

bib12405Willard and Livermore 18931893Willard, Frances E., and Mary A. Livermore, eds.
A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women in All Walks of Life. Buffalo: Charles Wells Moulton. [bib12405]

bib12406Wilson and Pitman 19621962Wilson, Colin, and Patricia Pitman
Encyclopedia of Murder. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib12406]

bib12411Wilson 18701870Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXIV For the Year Ending May 1, 1871. New York: John F. Trow. [bib12411]

bib12412Wilson 18711871Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXV For the Year Ending May 1, 1872. New York: John F. Trow. [bib12412]

bib12413Wilson and Caulfield 18691869Wilson, Henry, and James Caulfield
The Book of Wonderful Characters: Memoirs and Anecdotes of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons in all Ages and Countries. London: John Camden Hotten. Clemens owned an American edition by Henry Wilson, published in 1854: Wonderful Characters; Comprising Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Most Remarkable Persons of Every Age and Nation.Collected from the Most Authentic Sources, Louisville: Morton and Griswold. [bib12413]

bib12414Winterich 19361936Winterich, John T.
“The Compleat Collector.” Saturday Review of Literature 14 (3 October): 20. [bib12414]

bib12415Wisbey 19791979Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
“Olivia Clemens Studied at Elmira College.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 2 (June): 7–8. [bib12415]

bib12416Wisbey 19851985Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
“Mark Twain’s Elmira.” In Cotton 1985[bib00360], 4–5. [bib12416]

bib12417Wisbey 19901990Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
Biographical information on Elmira residents. Unpublished TS, CU-MARK. [bib12417]

bib12419Wisbey 19931993Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
Biographical information on Elmira residents. Unpublished TS, CU-MARK. [bib12419]

bib12420Wolcott 18811881Wolcott, Samuel
Memorial of Henry Wolcott, One of the First Settlers of Windsor, Connecticut, and of Some of His Descendants. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Co. [bib12420]

bib12421Wolf 19851985Wolf, Virginia L.
“Thomas Bailey Aldrich.” In American Writers for Children Before 1900, edited by Glenn E. Estes. Vol. 42 of Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research Company. [bib12421]

bib12422Wright 19701970Wright, L. R.
The Origins of British Borneo. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. [bib12422]

bib12423Wright 18631863-12-06Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
“No Head nor Tail.” San Francisco Golden Era 11 (6 December): 5. [bib12423]

bib12424Wright 18631891-07-19Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
“Natural or Supernatural: Our Mundane Sphere and Some of Its Inhabitants.” Salt Lake City Tribune, 19 July, 11. Letter dated 16 July. Excerpt entitled “The Thoreau of the Sierras” reprinted in Berkove, 2. [bib12424]

bib12427Ziporyn 19881988Ziporyn, Terra
Disease in the Popular American Press: The Case of Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever, and Syphilis, 1870–1920. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. [bib12427]

bib12428American Art Association 19241924-02-13American Art Association
The Collection of the Late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Part 3. Sale of 13 and 14 February. New York: American Art Association. [bib12428]

bib12432American Art Association 19251925-04-16American Art Association
The Collection of the Late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Part 8. Sale of 16 April. New York: American Art Association. [bib12432]

bib12433American Art Association 19261926-01-11American Art Association
Books and Autographs: Selections from the Private Libraries of the Late Edmund Penfold and William Hall Penfold . . . the Late Dr. William W. Walker, also the Late W. W. C. Wilson. Sale of 11 and 12 January. New York: American Art Association. [bib12433]

bib12434American Art Association 19261926-03-03American Art Association
Library Sets of Standard Authors . . . Also Autographs of Celebrities, &c. Including the Private Library of the Late Mrs. Hannah M. Standish of Pittsburgh, Pa. Sale of 3 and 4 March. New York: American Art Association. [bib12434]

bib12435AAA/Anderson 19291929AAA/Anderson
American Autographs from the Collection of Gertrude Emerson, New York City; American & Foreign Autographs from the Collection of John M. Geddes, Williamsport, Pa. Sale no. 3781 (30 October). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib12435]

bib12438AAA/Anderson 19351935-02-07AAA/Anderson
The Library Formed by Abraham Goldsmith . . . Books, Autographs, and Mementos from the James Whitcomb Riley Homestead; Selections from the Collections of George B. Thummel and Jahu Dewitt Miller; and Other Properties. Sale no. 4150 (7 and 8 February). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib12438]

bib12439AAA/Anderson 19361936-01-14AAA/Anderson
The Library of Abel Cary Thomas. Sale no. 4221 (14 and 15 January). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib12439]

bib12440Adams 18771877Adams, William Henry Davenport
Great Shipwrecks: A Record of Perils and Disasters at Sea, 1544–1877. London: T. Nelson and Sons. [bib12440]

bib12441Adamson 19611961Adamson, Hans Christian
Rebellion in Missouri: 1861. Nathaniel Lyon and His Army of the West. Philadelphia: Chilton Company. [bib12441]

bib12446Anderson Auction Company 19091909Anderson Auction Company
First Editions of American Authors Forming the Library of Frank Maier of New York. Part 1. Sale no. 782 (16 and 17 November). New York: Anderson Auction Company. [bib12446]

bib12448Anderson Auction Company 19111911Anderson Auction Company
Two Hundred Books from the Library of Richard Butler Glaenzer. Sale no. 924 (28 November). New York: Anderson Auction Company. [bib12448]

bib12449Anderson Galleries 19161916Anderson Galleries
Anderson Galleries Catalog. [bib12449]

bib12450Anderson Galleries 19171917Anderson Galleries
Letters to Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale and Maj.-Gen. David Hunter and Other Rare Autographs. Sale no. 1270 (25 and 26 January). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12450]

bib12451Anderson Galleries 19181918Anderson Galleries
Choice Books from the Library of E. B. Clare-Avery. Sale no. 1372 (25 November). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12451]

bib12452Anderson Galleries 19201920-06-07Anderson Galleries
Selections from the Library of Mr. Eustace Conway of New York, Including Books and Manuscripts Formerly Belonging to the Late Moncure D. Conway. Sale no. 1510 (7 June). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12452]

bib12453Anderson Galleries 19201920-11-04Anderson Galleries
Association Books Collected by Edwin W. Coggeshall of New York City. Sale no. 1525 (4 November). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12453]

bib12454Anderson Galleries 19221922-10-16Anderson Galleries
The Library of the Late George H. Hart of New York City. Part 1. Sale no. 1669 (16, 17, 18, and 19 October). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12454]

bib12455Anderson Galleries 19231923Anderson Galleries
Choice Books from the Library of David G. Joyce of Chicago, Ill. Sale no. 1709 (13 and 14 February). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12455]

bib12457Anderson Galleries 19261926-10-19Anderson Galleries
The Autograph Collection Formed by Mr. Emanuel Hertz, New York City. Sale no. 2086 (19 and 20 October). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib12457]

bib12460Annual Cyclopaedia 18731877Annual Cyclopaedia 1873
The American Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1873. Vol. 13. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib12460]

bib12461Annual Cyclopaedia 18901891Annual Cyclopaedia 1890
Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1890. Vol. 30 (n.s. vol. 15). New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib12461]

bib12462Anstruther 19561956Anstruther, Ian
Presume: Stanley’s Triumph and Disaster. London: Geoffrey Bles. [bib12462]

bib12466Austin 19531953Austin, James C.
Fields of “The Atlantic Monthly”: Letters to an Editor, 1861–1870. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library. [bib12466]

bib12469Axelrod 19861986Axelrod, Todd M.
Collecting Historical Documents: A Guide to Owning History. Rev. ed. Neptune City, N.J.: T. F. H. Publications. [bib12469]

bib12470Baedeker 18741874Baedeker, Karl
Paris and Its Environs. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12470]

bib12471Baedeker 18781878Baedeker, Karl
London and Its Environs. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12471]

bib12473Baedeker 18931893Baedeker, Karl
The United States, with an Excursion into Mexico. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12473]

bib12474Baedeker 18951895Baedeker, Karl
Italy . . . First Part: Northern Italy. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12474]

bib12475Baedeker 19001900Baedeker, Karl
London and Its Environs. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12475]

bib12476Baedeker 19011901Baedeker, Karl
Great Britain: Handbook for Travellers. 5th ed. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12476]

bib12478Baetzhold and McCullough 19951995Baetzhold, Howard G., and Joseph B. McCullough, eds.
The Bible According to Mark Twain: Writings on Heaven, Eden, and the Flood. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib12478]

bib12480Bangs 19001901Bangs
Catalogue of American and English Literature. Sale of 9, 10, and 11 December. New York: Bangs and Co. [bib12480]

bib12481Bangs 19021902Bangs
Catalogue of an Interesting Collection of Autograph Letters and Documents. Sale of 24 January. New York: Bangs and Co. [bib12481]

bib12482Baring-Gould 19101910Baring-Gould, Sabine
Family Names and Their Story. London: Seeley and Co. [bib12482]

bib12483Barnum 18651865Barnum, Phineas T.
The Humbugs of the World. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co. Citations are to the 1970 reprint edition, Detroit: Singing Tree Press. [bib12483]

bib12485BBA 19901990BBA
British Biographical Archive. A One-Alphabet Cumulation of 324 of the Most Important English-Language Biographical Reference Works Originally Published between 1601 and 1929. Edited by Laureen Baillie and Paul Sieveking. London: K. G. Saur. Microfiche. [bib12485]

bib12486Beecher 18641864Beecher, Henry Ward
Plymouth Collection of Hymns and Tunes; for the Use of Christian Congregations. New York: Barnes and Burr. [bib12486]

bib12487Beecher Trial 18751875Beecher Trial
The Beecher Trial: A Review of the Evidence. Reprinted from the New York Times of July 3, 1875. 4th ed. New York: n.p. Copy owned by Clemens, CU-MARK. [bib12487]

bib12488Bell 18961896Bell, Mary
“The Essayist of the West.” University of California Magazine 2 (November): 272–87. [bib12488]

bib12489Benezit 19761976Benezit, E.
Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs. Rev. ed. 10 vols. Paris: Librairie Gründ. [bib12489]

Private Collection [bib12490]

bib12491Berkove 19881988Berkove, Lawrence I.
“‘Nobody Writes to Anybody Except to Ask a Favor’: New Correspondence between Mark Twain and Dan De Quille.” Mark Twain Journal 26 (Spring): 2–21. [bib12491]

bib12492Berkshire Directory 18771877Berkshire Directory
The Post Office Directory of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Edited by E. R. Kelly. London: Kelly and Co. [bib12492]

bib12493Bierce 18721872Bierce, Ambrose
“Letter from England.” Letter dated 3 October. San Francisco Alta California, 30 October, 1. [bib12493]

bib12494Black 18931893Black, Helen C.
Notable Women Authors of the Day. Glasgow: David Bryce and Son. [bib12494]

bib12495Black’s Guide 18701870Black’s Guide
Black’s Guide to London and Its Environs. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. [bib12495]

bib12498Blanc 18721872Blanc, Marie-Thérèse [Thérèse Bentzon, pseud.]
“Les humoristes américains: I. Mark Twain.” Revue des deux mondes 100 (15 July): 313–35. [bib12498]

bib12503Boone 18711871Boone, H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, . . . for 1871–72. Pittsburgh: George H. Thurston. [bib12503]

bib12504Boone 18721872Boone, H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, . . . for 1872–73. Pittsburgh: George H. Thurston. [bib12504]

bib12505Boyd 18711871Boyd, Andrew, comp.
Boyd’s Paterson Directory, 1871–72. Paterson, N.J.: Andrew Boyd. [bib12505]

bib12507Bradley and Bradley 19101910Bradley, M. C., and E. T. Bradley
The Westminster Abbey Guide, Sold at the Abbey by Permission of the Dean. 18th ed. London: Pall Mall Press. [bib12507]

bib12510Brayer 19491949Brayer, Herbert O.
William Blackmore: The Spanish-Mexican Land Grants of New Mexico and Colorado, 1863–1878. A Case Study in the Economic Development of the West, vol. 1. Denver: Bradford-Robinson. [bib12510]

bib12511Brayley 1818-231818–23Brayley, Edward Wedlake
The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. 2 vols. London: J. P. Neale, and Hurst, Robinson, and Co. [bib12511]

bib12512Brinnin 19711971Brinnin, John Malcolm
The Sway of the Grand Saloon: A Social History of the North Atlantic. New York: Delacorte Press. [bib12512]

bib12513Broadley 19101910Broadley, A. M.
Chats on Autographs. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company. [bib12513]

bib12518Browne 19691969Browne, J. Ross
J. Ross Browne: His Letters, Journals, and Writings. Edited by Lina Fergusson Browne. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. [bib12518]

bib12520Brownell 19491949Brownell, George H.
“Twain’s Tale in ‘The Bazaar Record’ Based on Actual Heroic Rescue at Sea.” Twainian 8 (November-December): 1–5. [bib12520]

bib12522Buckland 18681868Buckland, Francis T.
Curiosities of Natural History. Third Series. 2d ed. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. [bib12522]

bib12527Buffalo Directory 18721872Buffalo Directory
Buffalo City Directory for the Year 1872. Buffalo: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib12527]

bib12528Burke 19001900Burke, Bernard
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain. 10th ed. London: Harrison and Sons. [bib12528]

bib12535Cannon 19411941Cannon, Carl L.
American Book Collectors and Collecting. New York: H. W. Wilson Company. [bib12535]

bib125371871Carleton, Will M.
“Betsey and I Are Out.” Harper's Weekly 15 (27 May): 473. [bib12537]

bib12538Hawaiian Annual1897Carleton, Will M.
“Out of the Old House, Nancy.” Harper's Weekly 15 (3 June): 497. [bib12538]

bib125391871Carleton, Will M.
“Over the Hill to the Poor-House.” Harper's Weekly 15 (17 June): 545. [bib12539]

bib125401871Carleton, Will M.
“Gone with a Handsomer Man.” Harper's Weekly 15 (15 July): 641. [bib12540]

bib12541Carleton 18731873Carleton, Will M.
Farm Ballads. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib12541]

bib12547Chicago 19341934Chicago Book and Art Auctions
American Autographs and Americana. Sale no. 45 (27 November) Chicago: Chicago Book and Art Auctions. [bib12547]

bib12548Cholmondeley 19181918Cholmondeley, Mary
Under One Roof: A Family Record. London: John Murray. [bib12548]

bib12549Chowder 19911991Chowder, Ken, ed
Gold Miners & Guttersnipes: Tales of California by Mark Twain. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. [bib12549]

bib12550Christie 19811981-05-22Christie
Catalog for sale of 22 May. New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib12550]

bib12554Christie 19921992-11-20Christie
Printed Books and Manuscripts Including Americana. Sale no. 7574 (20 November). New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib12554]

bib12556Christie 19941994Christie
Printed Books, Autographs, Maps and Decorative Graphics. . . . The Properties of . . . the Late Lyricist Johnny Burke. Sale no. 7545 (20 April). New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib12556]

bib12557Cincinnati Public Library 18991899Cincinnati Public Library
“In Memoriam.” In the “Historical Sketch, 1855–1900,” included in the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library of Cincinnati, Ohio, 85–88. [bib12557]

bib12558City Book Auction 19541954City Book Auction
The Byron Price Library. Sale no. 656 (1 December) New York: City Book Auction. [bib12558]

bib12562OSC 1885–861885–86OSC (Olivia Susan [Susy] Clemens)
Untitled biography of her father, MS of 131 pages, annotated by SLC, ViU[bib10492]. Published in OSC 1985[bib00979], 83–225; in part in MTA[bib00116], vol. 2, passim; and in Salsbury 1965[bib00200], passim. [bib12562]

bib125661993Cliff, Andrew, Peter Haggett, and Matthew Smallman-Raynor
Measles: An Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease, from Global Expansion to Local Retreat, 1840–1990. Oxford, England, and Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers. [bib12566]

bib125701910-59Cokayne, George Edward
The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. New ed., rev. and enl., ed. 13 vols in 14. Vicary Gibbs and H. Arthur Doubleday. London: St. Catherine Press. [bib12570]

bib125711873Coleman, Albert E.
“Life in the Diamond Fields.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 46 (February): 321–36. [bib12571]

bib12572Coleman 19241924Coleman, Sydney H.
Humane Society Leaders in America. Albany, N. Y.: American Humane Association. [bib12572]

bib12573Colstoun pseud. 18731873Colstoun [pseud.]
“New York.” Letter dated 19 February. Chicago Tribune, 23 February, 7. [bib12573]