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bib12132 | SLC 1865 | 1865-07-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (1 July): 4–5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 211–18. [bib12132] | |||
bib12133 | SLC 1865 | 1865-07-08 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Answers to Correspondents.” Californian 3 (8 July): 4–5. Reprinted in ET&S2, 221–32. [bib12133] | |||
bib12134 | SLC 1865 | 1865-11-18 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog.” New York Saturday Press 4 (18 November): 248–49. Reprinted in ET&S2, 262–72, 282–88. [bib12134] | |||
bib12135 | SLC 1865 | 1865-12-24 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “San Francisco Letter.” Letter dated 22 December. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 24 or 26 December, no page. ET&S2, 337–42. [bib12135] | |||
bib12136 | SLC 1866 | 1866-04-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Steed ‘Oahu,’ in ‘Scenes in Honolulu—No. 6.’ ” Letter dated March. Sacramento Union, 21 April, 3. Reprinted in SLC 1867[bib11466], 179–81, and MTH, 284–90. [bib12136] | |||
bib12137 | SLC 1866 | 1866-06-20 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 12.” Letter dated 23 May. Sacramento Union, 20 June, 1. Scrapbook 6:116–17, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 318–22. [bib12137] | |||
bib12138 | SLC 1866 | 1866-06-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 13.” Letter dated 23 May. Sacramento Union, 21 June, 3. Scrapbook 6:117–18, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 323–27. [bib12138] | |||
bib12142 | SLC 1866 | 1866-09-29 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “How, For Instance?” New York Weekly Review 17 (29 September): 1. [bib12142] | |||
bib12152 | SLC 1868 | 1868-08-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Eulogy on Woman.” Excelsior Monthly Magazine (August): 99–100. L2, 415–16. [bib12152] | |||
bib12153 | SLC 1868 | 1868-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Cannibalism in the Cars.” Broadway: A London Magazine, n.s. 1 (November): 189–94. [bib12153] | |||
bib12163 | SLC 1869 | 1869-10-02 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Latest Novelty. Mental Photographs.” Buffalo Express, 2 October, 1. [bib12163] | |||
bib12165 | SLC 1869 | 1869-10-23 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Legend of the Capitoline Venus.” Buffalo Express, 23 October, 1. [bib12165] | |||
bib12173 | SLC 1870 | 1870 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches. Toronto: A. S. Irving. [bib12173] | |||
bib12174 | SLC 1870 | 1870 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Clifton (Ont.) and Detroit: W. E. Tunis. Also issued in Canada under other imprints, including Montreal: Dawson Brothers; Hamilton (Ont.): Joseph Lyght; Toronto: A. S. Irving; and Montreal and Toronto: C. K. Chisholm and Co. [bib12174] | |||
bib12175 | SLC 1870 | 1870-08-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Innocents Abroad.. . . The Voyage Out. London: John Camden Hotten. [bib12175] | |||
bib12176 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Jumping Frog and Other Humourous Sketches. London: John Camden Hotten. [bib12176] | |||
bib12178 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The New Pilgrim’s Progress.. . . The Journey Home. London: John Camden Hotten. [bib12178] | |||
bib12180 | SLC 1870 | 1870-01-06 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mrs. Stowe’s Vindication.” Buffalo Express, 6 January, 2. [bib12180] | |||
bib12185 | SLC 1870 | 1870-02-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Housekeeping.” Untitled MS of two pages, written in early February, CU-MARK. Later titled “Housekeeping” by Albert Bigelow Paine. [bib12185] | |||
bib12187 | SLC 1870 | 1870-02-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Nasby’s Lecture.” Buffalo Express, 19 February, 4. [bib12187] | |||
bib12189 | SLC 1870 | 1870-02-28 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Blondes.” Buffalo Express, 28 February, 2. [bib12189] | |||
bib12190 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-08 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “To the Public.” Notice dated 7 March. Buffalo Express, 8 March, 2. [bib12190] | |||
bib12191 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-09 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “More Wisdom.” Buffalo Express, 9 March, 2. [bib12191] | |||
bib12192 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-12 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Big Thing.” Buffalo Express, 12 March, 2. Reprinted in McCullough and McIntire-Strasburg[bib00829], 161–66. [bib12192] | |||
bib12193 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-14 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Crime of Captain Eyre.” Buffalo Express, 14 March, 2. [bib12193] | |||
bib12194 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Literary.” Buffalo Express, 19 March, 2. [bib12194] | |||
bib12195 | SLC 1870 | 1870-03-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Mysterious Visit.” Buffalo Express, 19 March, 2. [bib12195] | |||
bib12196 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-02 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Facts in the Great Land Slide Case.” Buffalo Express, 2 April, 2. [bib12196] | |||
bib12197 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-11 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A New Department in Agriculture.” Elmira Advertiser, 11 April, 4. [bib12197] | |||
bib12198 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-12 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mark Twain on Agriculture.” Buffalo Express, 12 April, 2. [bib12198] | |||
bib12199 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-16 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The New Crime.” Buffalo Express, 16 April, 2. [bib12199] | |||
bib12200 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-23 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Story of the Good Little Boy Who Did Not Prosper.” Buffalo Express, 23 April, 3. Reprinted from SLC 1870dd, 724–26. [bib12200] | |||
bib12201 | SLC 1870 | 1870-04-30 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Curious Dream.” Buffalo Express, 30 April, 2. [bib12201] | |||
bib12202 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Article Comprising “Introductory,” “The Facts in the Case of the Great Beef Contract,” “George Wakeman,” “About Smells,” “Disgraceful Persecution of a Boy,” and “The Story of the Good Little Boy Who Did Not Prosper.” Galaxy 9 (May): 717–26. [bib12202] | |||
bib12203 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-07 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Curious Dream.” Buffalo Express, 7 May, 2. [bib12203] | |||
bib12204 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-07 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Murder and Insanity.” Buffalo Express, 7 May, 2. [bib12204] | |||
bib12205 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-09 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Personal.” Buffalo Express, 9 May, 2. [bib12205] | |||
bib12206 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-14 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Our Precious Lunatic.” Buffalo Express, 14 May, 2. [bib12206] | |||
bib12207 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Street Sprinkling.” Notice written on 26 May. Buffalo Express, 27 May, 4. [bib12207] | |||
bib12208 | SLC 1870 | 1870-05-31 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Thanks to the thoughtful . . .” Buffalo Express, 31 May, 4. [bib12208] | |||
bib12209 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 9 (June): 858–67. Includes: “A Couple of Sad Experiences,” “The Petrified Man,” “My Famous ‘Bloody Massacre,’” “The Judge’s ‘Spirited Woman,’” “‘Hogwash,’” “A Literary ‘Old Offender’ in Court with Suspicious Property in His Possession.” [bib12209] | |||
bib12210 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-04 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “How Higgins Gently Broke the News.” Buffalo Express, 4 June, 3. Reprinted from untitled item in SLC 1870kk, 862. [bib12210] | |||
bib12211 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-04 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “More Distinction.” Buffalo Express, 4 June, 2. [bib12211] | |||
bib12212 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-24 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Report on ‘committee upon composition’ in ‘Buffalo Female Academy.’ ” Buffalo Express, 24 June, 4. [bib12212] | |||
bib12213 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Editorial Office Bore.” Buffalo Express, 25 June, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870pp, 140–41. [bib12213] | |||
bib12214 | SLC 1870 | 1870-07-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 10 (July): 133–41. Includes: “How I Edited an Agricultural Paper Once,” “The ‘Tournament’ in A. D. 1870,” “Enigma,” “Unburlesquable Things,” “The Late Benjamin Franklin,” “The Editorial Office Bore,” “A Daring Attempt at a Solution of It,” “To Correspondents,” and one untitled item. [bib12214] | |||
bib12215 | SLC 1870 | 1870-07-02 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “How I Edited an Agricultural Paper.” Buffalo Express, 2 July, 3. Reprinted from SLC 1870pp, 133–35. [bib12215] | |||
bib12216 | SLC 1870 | 1870-07-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The European War!!!.” Buffalo Express, 25 July, 2. [bib12216] | |||
bib12217 | SLC 1870 | 1870-08-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 10 (August): 286–87. Includes: “A Memory,” “Personal Explanation.” [bib12217] | |||
bib12218 | SLC 1870 | 1870-08-08 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Tribute to Jervis Langdon.” Tribute to Jervis Langdon. MS (now lost) enclosed in letter of 7 August to Josephus N. Larned. In Larned 1870c. [bib12218] | |||
bib12219 | SLC 1870 | 1870-08-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Domestic Missionaries Wanted.” Buffalo Express, 25 August, 2. [bib12219] | |||
bib12220 | SLC 1870 | 1870-09-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 10 (September): 424–32. Includes “Political Economy,” “John Chinaman in New York,” “The Noble Red Man,” “A Royal Compliment,” “The Approaching Epidemic,” “Favors from Correspondents.” [bib12220] | |||
bib12221 | SLC 1870 | 1870-09-17 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Fortifications of Paris.” Buffalo Express, 17 September, 2. [bib12221] | |||
bib12222 | SLC 1870 | 1870-09-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Fortifications of Paris.” Buffalo Express, 21 September, no page. BAL 3320; no copy found for inspection. [bib12222] | |||
bib12223 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Article comprising “The Reception at the President’s,” “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again,” “Curious Relic For Sale,” “Science vs. Luck,” and “Favors from Correspondents” (includes “Johnny Skae’s Item”). Galaxy 10 (October): 567–76. [bib12223] | |||
bib12224 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “At the President’s Reception.” Buffalo Express, 1 October, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870yy, 567–69. [bib12224] | |||
bib12225 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Johnny Skae’s Item.” Buffalo Express, 1 October, 2–3. Reprinted from SLC 1870yy, 575–76. [bib12225] | |||
bib12226 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-08 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Curious Relic for Sale.” Buffalo Express, 8 October, 2–3. Reprinted from SLC 1870yy, 571–74. [bib12226] | |||
bib12227 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “‘It is said . . .’ ‘And with the . . .’ ” Buffalo Express, 15 October, 2. Untitled items reprinted from the Galaxy 10 (November): 735. [bib12227] | |||
bib12228 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-15 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mark Twain. His Map of the Fortifications of Paris.” Buffalo Express, 15 October, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870ggg, 723. [bib12228] | |||
bib12229 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Libel Suit.” Buffalo Express, 21 October, 2. [bib12229] | |||
bib12230 | SLC 1870 | 1870-10-29 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “On Riley—Newspaper Correspondent.” Buffalo Express, 29 October, 2. Reprinted from “Riley—Newspaper Correspondent, SLC 1870hhh, 726–27. [bib12230] | |||
bib12231 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mark Twain’s Map of Paris.” Galaxy 10 (November): 724–25. [bib12231] | |||
bib12232 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” “Riley—Newspaper Correspondent,” “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again,” “A Reminiscence of the Back Settlements,” “A General Reply,” and “Favors from Correspondents,” and two untitled items. Galaxy 10 (November): 726–35. [bib12232] | |||
bib12233 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-05 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Reminiscence of the Back Settlements.” Buffalo Express, 5 November, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870hhh, 731–32. [bib12233] | |||
bib12234 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-12 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A General Reply.” Buffalo Express, 12 November, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870hhh, 732–34. [bib12234] | |||
bib12235 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The ‘Present’ Nuisance.” Buffalo Express, 19 November, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870nnn, 880–81. [bib12235] | |||
bib12236 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Running for Governor.” Buffalo Express, 19 November, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870nnn, 878–80. [bib12236] | |||
bib12237 | SLC 1870 | 1870-11-26 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “My Watch—An Instructive Little Tale.” Buffalo Express, 26 November, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870nnn, 882–83. [bib12237] | |||
bib12238 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 10 (December): 876–85. Includes: “An Entertaining Article,” “ ‘History Repeats Itself,’ ” “Running for Governor,” “The ‘Present’ Nuisance,” “Dogberry in Washington,” “My Watch—An Instructive Little Tale,” “Favors from Correspondents,” and two untitled items. [bib12238] | |||
bib12239 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “An Entertaining Article.” Buffalo Express, 3 December, 2–3. Reprinted from SLC 1870nnn, 876–78. [bib12239] | |||
bib12240 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Dogberry in Washington.” Buffalo Express, 10 December, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1870nnn, 881–83. [bib12240] | |||
bib12241 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-13 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Famous Sanitary Flour Sack.” Letter to the editor dated 11 December. New York Tribune, 13 December, 5. [bib12241] | |||
bib12242 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-16 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “War and ‘Wittles.’ ” Buffalo Express, 16 December, 2. [bib12242] | |||
bib12243 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-17 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Facts in the Case of George Fisher, Deceased.” Buffalo Express, 17 December, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1871[bib32284]. [bib12243] | |||
bib12244 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Waiting for the Verdict.” Buffalo Express, 19 December, 2. [bib12244] | |||
bib12245 | SLC 1870 | 1870-12-24 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Sad, Sad Business.” Buffalo Express, 24 December, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1871b, 158–59. [bib12245] | |||
bib12246 | SLC 1871 | 1871-03-04 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Mark Twain’s (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance. New York: Sheldon and Co. [bib12246] | |||
bib12247 | SLC 1871 | 1871-01-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (January): 150–59. : “The Portrait,” “The Facts in the Case of George Fisher, Deceased,” “A ‘Forty-Niner’ . . . ,” “ ‘Doggerel,’ ” “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again,” “Mean People,” “A Sad, Sad Business,” “Concerning a Rumor,” “Answer to an Inquiry from the Coming Man.” [bib12247] | |||
bib12248 | SLC 1871 | 1871-01-04 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “John H. Surratt.” Letter to the editor dated 29 December 1870. New York Tribune, 4 January, 5. [bib12248] | |||
bib12249 | SLC 1871 | 1871-01-14 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “New Books.” Buffalo Express, 14 January, 2. [bib12249] | |||
bib12250 | SLC 1871 | 1871-02-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Danger of Lying in Bed.” Buffalo Express, 28 January, 2. Reprinted from SLC 1871f, 317–18. [bib12250] | |||
bib12251 | SLC 1871 | 1871-02-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (February): 312–21. : “The Coming Man,” “A Book Review,” “The Tone-Imparting Committee,” “The Danger of Lying in Bed,” “One of Mankind’s Bores,” “A Falsehood,” “The Indignity Put Upon the Remains of George Holland by the Rev. Mr. Sabine. [bib12251] | |||
bib12252 | SLC 1871 | 1871-04-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “An Autobiography.” Aldine 4 (April): 52. [bib12252] | |||
bib12253 | SLC 1871 | 1871-04-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (April): 615–18. : “Valedictory,” “My First Literary Venture,” “About a Remarkable Stranger.” [bib12253] | |||
bib12254 | SLC 1871 | 1871-04-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Question Answered.” American Publisher 1 (April): 4. Extract reprinted from SLC 1867a[bib11466], 45–48. [bib12254] | |||
bib12255 | SLC 1871 | 1871-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Answers to Correspondents.” MS of one page, probably written in May 1871, Historic Hudson Valley Library, Tarrytown, N.Y. An edited version was published anonymously under the title “To a Correspondent, Galaxy 12 (July): 141. [bib12255] | |||
bib12256 | SLC 1871 | 1871-05-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Old-Time Pony Express of the Great Plains.” American Publisher 1 (May): 4. Extract from SLC 1872[bib10439], chapter 8. [bib12256] | |||
bib12257 | SLC 1871 | 1871-05-03 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Substitute for Rulloff. Have We a Sydney Carton among Us?.” Letter to the editor dated 29 April. New York Tribune, 3 May, 2. [bib12257] | |||
bib12258 | SLC 1871 | 1871-07-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A New Beecher Church.” American Publisher 1 (July): 4. SLC 1872[bib13094] , 24–38, and SLC 1872e [bib12266], 30–39. [bib12258] | |||
bib12259 | SLC 1871 | 1871-08-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “About Barbers.” Galaxy 12 (August): 283–85. [bib12259] | |||
bib12260 | SLC 1871 | 1871-09-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Brace of Brief Lectures on Science.” Part 1. American Publisher 1 (September): 4. [bib12260] | |||
bib12261 | SLC 1871 | 1871-10-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Brace of Brief Lectures on Science.” Part 2. American Publisher 1 (October): 4. [bib12261] | |||
bib12262 | SLC 1871 | 1871-10-20 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Artemus Ward, Humorist.” MS of one leaf, from lecture written on 20 and 21 October, CU-MARK. [bib12262] | |||
bib12263 | SLC 1871 | 1871-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Big Scare.” American Publisher 1 (November): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1867c. [bib12263] | |||
bib12264 | SLC 1871 | 1871-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “My First Lecture.” American Publisher 1 (December): 4. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 78. [bib12264] | |||
bib12265 | SLC 1871 | 1871-09-09 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Samuel L. Clemens, of Hartford, Connecticut. Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments.” Statement dated 19 December, forming part of Letters Patent No. 121,992, “Samuel L. Clemens, of Hartford, Connecticut. Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments,” in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. [bib12265] | |||
bib12266 | SLC 1872 | 1872-06-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Mark Twain’s Sketches. Selected and Revised by the Author. Copyright Edition. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib12266] | |||
bib12268 | SLC 1872 | 1872-02-06 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Roughing It and The Innocents at Home. Copyright Edition. 2 vols. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib12268] | |||
bib12269 | SLC 1872 | 1872-01-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Nabob’s Visit to New York.” American Publisher 1 (January): 4. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 46. [bib12269] |