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bib11930Kodama 19871987Kodama, Mitsuo
Catalogue of Mark Twain Collection in the Library of Iwaki Meisei University. Tokyo. [bib11930]

bib11931Krause 19641964Krause, David, ed.
The Dolmen Boucicault. Dublin: Dolmen Press. [bib11931]

bib11932Krohe 19761976Krohe, James Jr., ed.
A Springfield Reader: Historical Views of the Illinois Capital, 1818–1976. Bicentennial Studies in Sangamon History, edited by Richard E. Hart. Springfield, Ill.: Sangamon County Historical Society. [bib11932]

bib11933Kruse 19901990Kruse, Horst H.
“Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee: Reconsiderations and Revisions.” American Literature 62 (September): 464–83. [bib11933]

bib11934Kruse 19911991Kruse, Horst H.
“Literary Old Offenders: Mark Twain, John Quill, Max Adeler and Their Plagiarism Duels.” Mark Twain Journal 29 (Fall): 10–27. [bib11934]

bib11935Kulp 1885-901885–90Kulp, George B.
Families of the Wyoming Valley: Biographical, Genealogical, and Historical. 3 vols. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: E. B. Yordy, Printer. [bib11935]

bib11939Lampton 19891989Lampton, Lucius Mario
“Hero in a Fool’s Paradise: Twain’s Cousin James J. Lampton and Colonel Sellers.” Mark Twain Journal 27 (Fall): 1–56. [bib11939]

bib11940Lampton 19901990Lampton, Lucius Marion
The Genealogy of Mark Twain. Jackson, Miss.: Diamond L Publishing. [bib11940]

bib119421955Langdon, Ida
“Elmira’s Langdon Family.” Chemung Historical Journal 1: 51–58. [bib11942]

bib119431870Langdon, Jervis
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bib11944Langdon 19931993Langdon, Jervis, Jr.
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bib11948Langley 18711871Langley, Henry G., comp.
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bib11949Larned 18701870-07-20Larned, Josephus Nelson
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bib11950Larned 18701870-07-26Larned, Josephus Nelson
“Personal.” Buffalo Express, 26 July, 4. [bib11950]

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bib11952Larned 18701870-11-09Larned, Josephus Nelson
“The Election.” Buffalo Express, 9 November, 1. [bib11952]

bib11953Larned 18701870-11-11Larned, Josephus Nelson
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bib11955Larned 18881888Larned, Josephus Nelson, ed.
Letters, Poems and Selected Prose Writings of David Gray. 2 vols. Buffalo: Courier Company. [bib11955]

bib11956Larned 19101910Larned, Josephus Nelson
“Mark Twain.” Buffalo Express, 26 April, 5. Reprinted in part in MTB 1912[bib00012], 1:399. [bib11956]

bib11957Lehr 19821982Lehr, Eugene R.
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bib11958Levering 19031903Levering, Joseph Mortimer
A History of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1741–1892, with Some Account of Its Founders and Their Early Activity in America. Bethlehem, Pa.: Times Publishing Company. [bib11958]

bib119621871Lockwood, Henry C.
Statement dated 3 October, forming part of the interference proceeding between Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. [bib11962]

bib119631871Lockwood, Henry C.
Statement dated 8 November, forming part of the interference proceeding between Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. [bib11963]

bib119641871Lockwood, Henry C.
Henry C. Lockwood, of Baltimore, Maryland. Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments Statement dated 19 December, forming part of Letters Patent No. 122,038, “Henry C. Lockwood, of Baltimore, Maryland. Improvement in Adjustable. [bib11964]

bib11965Long 19891989Long, Priscilla
Where the Sun Never Shines: A History of America’s Bloody Coal Industry. New York: Paragon House. [bib11965]

bib119661991Loos, William H.
“Mark Twain, James Fraser Gluck and the Manuscript of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Chronology.” Unpublished TS, compiled 23 April, PH in CU-MARK. [bib11966]

bib11967Lorch 19491949Lorch, Fred W.
“‘Doesticks’ and Innocents Abroad.” American Literature 20 (January): 446–49. [bib11967]

bib11968Lorch 19531953Lorch, Fred W.
“Mark Twain’s ‘Sandwich Islands’ Lecture and the Failure at Jamestown, New York, in 1869.” American Literature 25 (November): 314–25. [bib11968]

bib11969Lorch 19541954Lorch, Fred W.
“Reply to Mr. Alexander E. Jones.” American Literature 26 (November): 426–27. [bib11969]

bib11971Lossing 18841884Lossing, Benson J.
History of New York City, Embracing an Outline Sketch of Events from 1609 to 1830, and a Full Account of Its Development from 1830 to 1884. New York: A. S. Barnes and Co. [bib11971]

bib11973Love 19021902Love, Robertus
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bib11974Lyceum 18691869
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bib11978Lyceum 18731873Lyceum
The Lyceum Magazine: Edited by the Boston Lyceum Bureau, and Containing Its Fifth Annual List. Season of 1873–1874. Boston: Redpath’s Lyceum Bureau. [bib11978]

bib11979Lyceum 18741874Lyceum
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bib11980Lyceum 18751875Lyceum
Redpath’s Lyceum: Organ of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Boston: [Redpath’s Lyceum Bureau]. [Season of 1875–76.]. [bib11980]

bib11981Lyceum 18761876Lyceum
The Redpath Lyceum: Circular of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Boston and Chicago: [Redpath’s Lyceum Bureau]. [Season of 1875–76.]. [bib11981]

bib11982Lyceum 18831883Lyceum
The Redpath Lyceum Magazine. An Annual Publication Issued by the Redpath Lyceum Bureau, Sole Agents for the Principal Lecturers, Readers and Musical Celebrities of the Country. Season of 1883–84. Fifteenth Year. Boston and Chicago: [Redpath’s Lyceum Bureau]. [bib11982]

bib119831969McCullough, Joseph B.
A Complete Edition of the Contributions of Hy Slocum and Carl Byng to the Buffalo Express, 1868–1871, with a Discussion of Samuel L. Clemens’ Authorship. Ph.D. diss., Ohio University, Athens. [bib11983]

bib11984McCullough 19711971McCullough, Joseph B.
“Mark Twain and the Hy Slocum–Carl Byng Controversy.” American Literature 43 (March): 42–59. [bib11984]

bib119871935McIlhaney, Asa K.
“Mark Twain in the Lehigh Valley.” PH of unidentified clipping at Northampton County (Pa.) Historical Society, in CU-MARK. [bib11987]

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bib11994Merwin-Clayton 19051905Merwin-Clayton
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bib11995Merwin-Clayton 19061906Merwin-Clayton
Collection of the Late Mr. George M. Elwood of Rochester, N. Y. Sale of 12–16 November. New York: Merwin-Clayton Sales Company. [bib11995]

bib11996Merwin-Clayton 19071907-02-06Merwin-Clayton
Catalogue of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Documents. Sale of 6 February. New York: Merwin-Clayton Sales Company. [bib11996]

bib11997Merwin-Clayton 19071907-04-01Merwin-Clayton
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bib11998Meyer et al 19481948Meyer, Henry A., Frederic R. Harris, William J. Davey, John K. Bash, et al.
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Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. [bib12001]

Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich. [bib12003]

Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, Mo. [bib12005]

bib12007Morgan 19891989Morgan, Speer
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bib12012Mrja 19831983Mrja, Ellen M.
“Ansel Nash Kellogg.” In American Newspaper Journalists, 1873–1900, edited by Perry J. Ashley. Vol. 23 of Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale Research Company. [bib12012]

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bib12025Munroe 18711871Munroe
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bib12036Neville 19811981Neville
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bib12037Newark Galleries 19301930
Important Autographs: the Collection of the Late John C. Thurman of Green Bay, Wisc., with Additions. Sale no. 128 (5 December). Newark, N.J.: Newark Galleries [bib12037]

bib12038Newman 18671867Newman, Mary Richardson [May Wentworth, pseud.]
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bib12039New York Directory 19151915New York Directory
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bib12043Northampton County Guide 19391939Northampton County Guide
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bib12044Norwood 19711971Norwood, William Frederick
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bib12046NUC 1968–811968–81NUC
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bib12063Palmer 19801980Palmer, Barbara Heslan
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bib12066Park 18861886Park, Edwin J.
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bib12067Parke-Bernet 19381938-11-02Parke-Bernet
William Blake . . . Samuel L. Clemens Manuscripts, Autographs, First Editions Including the Manuscript of “Tom Sawyer” from Which the London Edition Was Printed . . . Collected by the Late George C. Smith, Jr., New York, N.Y. Sale no. 59 (2 and 3 November). New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries. [bib12067]

Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Rare Books: The Entire Collection of the Late John Gribbel, Philadelphia. Part 1. New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries. Sale no. 223 (30 and 31 October, 1 November). [bib12068]

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bib12071Parke-Bernet 19501950Parke-Bernet
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bib12072Parke-Bernet 19531953Parke-Bernet
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bib12073Parker 19901990Parker, Patricia Appleyard
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bib12074Parker 19901990Parker, Patricia Appleyard
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bib12077Phisterer 19121912Phisterer, Frederick
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bib12078Piatt 18711871Piatt, Donn
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bib12079Piatt 18711871Piatt, Donn
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bib12081Poore 18701870Poore, Benjamin Perley, comp.
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bib12082Poore 18711871Poore, Benjamin Perley, comp.
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bib12084Potter 18911891Potter, Helen
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bib12085Prang 18701870Prang, Louis
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bib12093Rapidan pseud. 18701870Rapidan [pseud.]
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bib12095Redpath 18601860Redpath, James
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