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bib11505SLC 18691869-09-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“[Burlesque letter from Lord Byron to Mark Twain].” Untitled burlesque letter from Lord Byron to Mark Twain, MS of five pages, written ca. September, CU-MARK. Published in Baender, 481–82. [bib11505]

bib11506SLC 18691869-09-04SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Journalism in Tennessee.” Buffalo Express, 4 September, 1. [bib11506]

bib11507SLC 18691869-09-07SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“More Byron Scandal.” Buffalo Express, 7 September, 2. [bib11507]

bib11508SLC 18691869-09-11SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Last Words of Great Men.” Buffalo Express, 11 September, 1. [bib11508]

bib11509SLC 18691869-09-13SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Gates Ajar.” Buffalo Express, 13 September, 2. [bib11509]

bib11510SLC 18691869-09-18SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The ‘Wild Man.’ ‘Interviewed.’ ” Buffalo Express, 18 September, 1. In McCullough and McIntire-Strasburg[bib00829], 53–56. [bib11510]

bib11511SLC 18691869-09-22SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“People and Things.” Buffalo Express, 22 September, 2. [bib11511]

bib11512SLC 18691869-09-25SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Rev. H. W. Beecher. His Private Habits.” Buffalo Express, 25 September, 1. [bib11512]

bib11513SLC 18691869-09-27SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“People and Things.” Buffalo Express, 27 September, 2. [bib11513]

bib11514SLC 18691869-09-28SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Arthur.” Buffalo Express, 28 September, 4. [bib11514]

bib11515SLC 18691869-09-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The California Pioneers.” Buffalo Express, 29 September, 2. [bib11515]

bib11516SLC 18691869-10-16SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter No. One.” Letter dated 10 October. Buffalo Express, 16 October, 1. [bib11516]

bib11517SLC 18691869-10-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter No. 2. Adventures in Hayti.” Letter dated 5 October. Buffalo Express, 30 October, 1. [bib11517]

bib11518SLC 18691869-11-10SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Good Letter.” Buffalo Express, 10 November, 1. [bib11518]

bib11519SLC 18691869-11-13SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter No. 3. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 13 November, 1. [bib11519]

bib11520SLC 18691869-11-27SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Browsing Around.” Letter dated November. Buffalo Express, 27 November, 2. “A Fair Career Closed” and “Getting My Fortune Told.” [bib11520]

bib11521SLC 18691869-12-04SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Browsing Around.” Letter dated November. Buffalo Express, 4 December, 2. “Back from ‘Yurrup’. [bib11521]

bib11522SLC 18691869-12-11SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter Number 4. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 11 December, 2. [bib11522]

bib11523SLC 18691869-12-18SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter Number 5. California—Continued.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 18 December, 2. [bib11523]

bib11524SLC 18691869-12-25SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Ye Cuban Patriot.” Buffalo Express, 25 December, 2. [bib11524]

bib11525SLC 18701870SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Tennessee Land.” Untitled autobiographical reminiscence. Published, with omissions, as “The Tennessee Land,” in MTA[bib00116], 1:3–7; untitled, in AMT[bib00001], 22–24; and in AutoMT1[bib33010], 61–63. [bib11525]

bib11526SLC 18701870-01-01SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Awful—Terrible Medieval Romance.” Buffalo Express, 1 January, 2. [bib11526]

bib11527SLC 18701870-01-08SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter Number 6. ‘Early Days’ in Nevada.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 8 January, 2–3. [bib11527]

bib11528SLC 18701870-01-15SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Ghost Story.” Buffalo Express, 15 January, 2. [bib11528]

bib11529SLC 18701870-01-22SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter Number 7. Pacific Coast—Concluded.” Undated letter. Buffalo Express, 22 January, 2. [bib11529]

bib11530SLC 18701870-01-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Around the World. Letter Number 8. Dining with a Cannibal.” Letter dated 20 November 1869. Buffalo Express, 29 January, 2. [bib11530]

bib11531SLC 18691869-01-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Buffalo Express.” Buffalo Express, 29 January, 2. [bib11531]

bib11533SLC 18701870-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Unburlesquable Things.” Galaxy 10 (July): 137–38. [bib11533]

bib11536SLC 18751875-07-21SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Sketches, New and Old. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib11536]

bib11537SLC 18761876-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib11537]

bib11540SLC 18851885-03-09SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib11540]

bib11541SLC 18971897-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Villagers of 1840–3.” MS of forty-three leaves, written in July–August, CU-MARK. Published in Inds,[bib00154] 93–108. [bib11541]

bib11542SLC 1897–981897–98SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“My Autobiography. [Random Extracts from It.]” MS of seventy-five pages, CU-MARK. Published with omissions as “Early Days” in MTA[bib00116], 1:81–115, and in full in AutoMT1[bib33010], 203–20. [bib11542]

bib11543SLC 18981898SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Old Lecture Days in Boston.” Untitled autobiographical reminiscence. MS of sixteen leaves, CU-MARK. Published in part as “Old Lecture Days in Boston” in MTA[bib00116], 1:147–53, and, untitled, in AMT, 166–69. [bib11543]

bib11544SLC 19031903-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“As Regards the Company’s Benevolences.” TS of four pages, CU-MARK. Published in HHR, 533–34. [bib11544]

bib11545SLC 19061906-12-07SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Statement of Mr. Samuel L. Clemens.” In Arguments before the Committees on Patents of the Senate and House of Representatives, Conjointly, on the Bills S. 6330 and H. R. 19853. To Amend and Consolidate the Acts Respecting Copyright. December 7, 8, 10, and 11, 1906. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. A version of this statement, conflated from various texts, can be found in Fatout 1976[bib00141], 533–39. [bib11545]

bib11546SLC 19071907-08-10SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“United autobiographical reminiscence dated 10 August.” MS of six leaves, CU-MARK. [bib11546]

bib11547NAR 241907-11-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Chapters from My Autobiography.—XXIV. By Mark Twain.” North American Review 186 (November): 327–36. Galley proofs (NAR 24pf) at ViU. [bib11547]

bib11548SLC 19091909-04-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Notes.” Autobiographical reminiscence. MS of three leaves (numbered 5–7), dated 30 April, appended to unsent four-page letter of 14 May 1887 to Jeannette Gilder, both in CU-MARK. Published in MTL, 2:487–88. [bib11548]

bib11549Slee 18691869Slee, John De La Fletcher
“The Coal Question.” Letter to the editor dated 19 August. Buffalo Express, 20 August, 2. [bib11549]

bib11550Smith 18841884Smith, Henry Perry, ed.
History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County. 2 vols. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason and Co. [bib11550]

bib11551Sobel and Raimo 19781978Sobel, Robert, and John Raimo, eds.
Biographical Directory of the Governors of the United States, 1789–1978. 4 vols. Westport, Conn.: Meckler Books. [bib11551]

bib11552Steiner 19141914Steiner, Bernard C.
Life of Reverdy Johnson. Baltimore: Norman, Remington Company. [bib11552]

bib11553Stevenson 19341934Stevenson, Burton, comp.
The Home Book of Quotations, Classical and Modern. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. [bib11553]

bib11554Stowe 18691869Stowe, Harriet Beecher
“The True Story of Lady Byron’s Life.” Atlantic Monthly 24 (September): 295–313. [bib11554]

bib11556Swan 19801980Swan, Marshall W. S.
Town on Sandy Bay, a History of Rockport, Massachusetts. Canaan, N.H.: Phoenix Publishing. [bib11556]

bib11557Swann 19901990Swann
Autographs, Letters, Photographs, Historic Documents, Signed & Inscribed Books. Sale no. 1539 (11 October). New York: Swann Galleries. [bib11557]

bib11558Sweets 19841984Sweets, Henry H., III.
The Hannibal, Missouri, Presbyterian Church: A Sesquicentennial History. Hannibal, Mo.: Presbyterian Church of Hannibal. [bib11558]

bib11559Tauranac 19791979Tauranac, John
Essential New York: A Guide to the History and Architecture of Manhattan’s Important Buildings, Parks, and Bridges. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [bib11559]

bib11560Tennyson 19871987Tennyson, Alfred
The Poems of Tennyson. Edited by Christopher Ricks. 2d ed. 3 vols. Harlow, England: Longman. [bib11560]

bib115611975Thomas, Jeffrey F.
The World of Bret Harte’s Fiction. Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley. 2 vols. [bib11561]

bib11563Thompson 1918-211918–21Thompson, Samuel C.
Untitled reminiscences. TS of 224 pages, CU-MARK. [bib11563]

bib11564Thurston 18691869Thurston, George H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships. For 1869–70. Pittsburgh: Geo. H. Thurston. [bib11564]

bib11565Thurston 18701870Thurston, George H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, the Adjacent Boroughs, and Parts of the Adjacent Townships. For 1870–71. Pittsburgh: Geo. H. Thurston. [bib11565]

bib11568Towner 18691869-04-24Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 24 April, 4. [bib11568]

bib11569Towner 18691869-05-22Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 22 May, 5. [bib11569]

bib11570Towner 18691869-08-21Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 21 August, 5. [bib11570]

bib11571Towner 18691869-08-28Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 28 August, 5. [bib11571]

bib11572Towner 18691869-09-04Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 4 September, 5. [bib11572]

bib11573Towner 18691869-09-11Towner, Ausburn (Ishmael)
“Ishmael’s Corner.” Elmira Saturday Evening Review, 11 September, 5. [bib11573]

bib11575Train 19021902Train, George Francis
My Life in Many States and Foreign Lands. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib11575]

bib11576Trefousse 19891989Trefousse, Hans L.
Andrew Johnson: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. [bib11576]

bib11578Tuckerman 18671867Tuckerman, Henry T., ed.
Book of the Artists: American Artist Life. New York: G. P. Putnam and Son. [bib11578]

University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Tex. [bib11579]

bib11581Ulster County Directory 18711871Ulster County Directory
Gazetteer and Business Directory of Ulster County, N.Y, for 1871–72. Syracuse, N.Y.: Hamilton Child. [bib11581]

bib11582Utica Directory 18691869Utica Directory
Utica City Directory, 1869–70. Utica, N.Y.: John H. Francis. [bib11582]

bib11583Vallejo pseud. 18681868Vallejo [pseud.]
“California.” Letter dated 7 December. Providence Journal, 28 December, Supplement, 1. [bib11583]

bib11584Van Deusen 19671967Van Deusen, Glyndon G.
William Henry Seward. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib11584]

bib11585Vann 19641964Vann, Elizabeth C. Denny
“William Ritenour Denny, of Winchester, Va. A Pilgrim to Europe in the Summer of 1867.” TS in CU-MARK. [bib11585]

bib11586Van Why 19751975Van Why, Joseph S.
Nook Farm. Edited by Earl A. French. Rev. ed. Hartford: Stowe-Day Foundation. [bib11586]

bib11591Wecter 19471947Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 180 (December): 66–72. [bib11591]

bib11592Wecter 19481948Wecter, Dixon, ed.
Mark Twain in Three Moods: Three New Items of Twainiana. San Marino, Calif.: Friends of the Huntington Library. (BAL 3577). [bib11592]

bib11593Wheat 19301930Wheat, Carl I., ed.
“The Journals of Charles E. De Long,1854–1863.” Quarterly of the California Historical Society 9 (September): 243–87. [bib11593]

bib11594White 19801980White, William Gee
Our Colonial Heritage: Plymouth and Jamestown. Rev. ed. Encino, Calif.: Glencoe Publishing Company. [bib11594]

bib11595White’s Conspectus 19371937White’s Conspectus
White’s Conspectus of American Biography: A Tabulated Record of American History and Biography. Compiled by the editorial staff of the National Cyclopedia of American Biography. 2d ed. New York: James T. White and Co. [bib11595]

bib11596Whitney and Smith 19131913Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith, eds.
The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Rev. and enl. 12 vols. New York: Century Company. [bib11596]

bib11597Wilson 18981898Wilson, Erasmus, ed.
Standard History of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Chicago: H. R. Cornell and Co. [bib11597]

bib11600Wilson 18691869Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXIII. For the Year Ending May 1, 1870. New York: John F. Trow. [bib11600]

bib11602Wisbey 19911991Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
“The Tragic Story of Emma Nye.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 14 (July): 1–4. [bib11602]

bib11603Wolcott 18961896Wolcott, Ella
“A Seedling Church.” In Park Church 1896[bib11429], 6–9. [bib11603]

bib11604Woods 19101910Woods, Samuel D.
Lights and Shadows of Life on the Pacific Coast. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company. [bib11604]

bib11606Young 19611961Young, James Harvey
The Toadstool Millionaires: A Social History of Patent Medicines in America before Federal Regulation. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [bib11606]

bib11608American Art Association 19161916American Art Association
Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents of Royalty, Statesmen, Authors and Other Celebrities. Sale of 11 and 12 May. New York: American Art Association. [bib11608]

bib11609American Art Association 19241924-03-10American Art Association
The Renowned Collection of the Late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Part 4. Sale of 10 and 11 March. New York: American Art Association. [bib11609]

bib11613American Art Association 19271927-02-08American Art Association
Autograph Letters by Celebrated Authors . . . the Estate of John Quinn, Deceased, with Additions as Indicated. Sale of 8 and 9 February. New York: American Art Association. [bib11613]

bib11614American Art Association 19271927-02-14American Art Association
The Notable Library of Major W. Van R. Whitall of Pelham, New York. Sale of 14, 15, and 16 February. New York: American Art Association. [bib11614]

bib11615American Art Association 19271927-03-31American Art Association
First Editions of XIXth Century Authors. Sale of 31 March and 1 April. New York: American Art Association. [bib11615]

bib11618AAA/Anderson 19351935-01-09AAA/Anderson
Books, Autographs and Drawings . . . Selections from the Collections of Nathan Comfort Starr, the Late Jahu Dewitt Miller . . . and Other Properties. Sale no. 4143 (9 and 10 January). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11618]

bib11619AAA/Anderson 19351935-03-13AAA/Anderson
First Editions and Manuscripts of Modern Authors, Early English Literature. . . . The Balance of the Eugene Field Collection of the Late Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bixby, St. Louis, Missouri; and Other Properties. Sale no. 4160 (13 and 14 March). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11619]

bib11620AAA/Anderson 19351935-12-14AAA/Anderson
Handsomely Bound Set of Esteemed Authors . . . the Library of the Late Richard P. H. Durkee, New York . . . the Remaining Portion of the Library of the Late Hannah M. Standish, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Other Properties. Sale no. 4215 (14 December). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11620]

bib11622AAA/Anderson 19361936-03-03AAA/Anderson
First Editions, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, Original Drawings and Standard Sets. Sale no. 4238 (3 and 4 March). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11622]

bib11623AAA/Anderson 19361936-03-18AAA/Anderson
First Editions and Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. The Library of Abel Cary Thomas, New York City. Sale no. 4242 (18 and 19 March). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11623]

bib11626Adams 18711871Adams, Joseph H.
Decision dated 27 November, in the interference proceeding between Henry C. Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.. [bib11626]

bib11627Affleck 1888-901888–90Affleck, J. O.
“Typhus, Typhoid, and Relapsing Fevers.” In The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 23. New York: Henry G. Allen and Co. [bib11627]

bib11628Albany Directory 18681868Albany Directory
The Albany Directory, for the Year 1868: Containing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, a Record of the City Government, Its Institutions, &c., &c. Albany, N.Y.: Sampson, Davenport and Co. [bib11628]

bib11629Albany Directory 18691869Albany Directory
The Albany Directory, for the Year 1869: Containing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, a Record of the City Government, Its Institutions, &c., &c. Albany, N.Y.: Sampson, Davenport and Co. [bib11629]

bib11630Albany Directory 18701870Albany Directory
The Albany Directory, for the Year 1870: Containing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, a Record of the City Government, Its Institutions, &c., &c. Albany, N.Y.: Sampson, Davenport and Co. [bib11630]

bib11631Aldrich 18591859Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
The Ballad of Babie Bell, and Other Poems. New York: Rudd and Carleton. [bib11631]

bib11633Aldrich 18711871-02-04Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
“Mark Twain Says He Didn’t Do It.” Every Saturday, n.s. 2 (4 February): 118. [bib11633]

bib11634Aldrich 18721872Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
“Concerning a Bear.” The Pellet, 18 April, no page. Reprinted in the Howells Sentinel (1 November 1962): 8. [bib11634]