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bib10477Treat 18931893Treat, Archibald J.
“‘Historical Sketch,’ in The History of the Olympic Club, 13–51.” San Francisco: Art Publishing Company. [bib10477]

bib10479Tucker 18631863Tucker, John W.
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bib10483U S Department of State 18701870U. S. Department of State
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bib10485Van Ravenswaay 19671967Van Ravenswaay, Charles
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bib10487Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 18621862-07-02Veni, Vidi [pseud.]
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bib10489Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 18621862-07-21Veni, Vidi [pseud.]
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bib10518Wilson and Fiske 1887-891887–89Wilson, James Grant, and John Fiske, eds.
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bib10521Wright 19601960Wright, James W. A.
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bib10522Wright 19631880-03-00Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
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bib10524Wright 18931893-01-22Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
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bib10525Wright 18931893-03-19Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
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bib10529Zimmer 19591959Zimmer, Ethel, ed.
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bib10531American Art Association 19241924-11-24American Art Association
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bib10537Alta California Bookstore 19641964Alta California Bookstore
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bib10543Annual Cyclopaedia 18681871Annual Cyclopaedia 1868
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bib10547Baehr 19361936Baehr, Harry W, Jr.
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bib10551Bartlett 18811881Bartlett, William C.
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bib10553Bayles 18671867Bayles, James Copper
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bib10555Beach 18671867-08-13Beach, Moses S.
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bib10556Beach 18671867-11-27Beach, Moses S.
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bib10558Beecher 18681868Beecher, Henry Ward
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bib10559Beecher 18691869Beecher, Henry Ward
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bib10561Boase 1892-19211892–1921Boase, Frederic
Modern English Biography, Containing Many Thousand Concise Memoirs of Persons Who Have Died since the Year 1850. 6 vols. Truro: Netherton and Worth. [bib10561]

bib10562Boatner 19591959Boatner, Mark Mayo, III
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The Tennessee Hand-Book and Immigrant’s Guide: Giving a Description of the State of Tennessee; . . . with Special Reference to the Subject of Immigration. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. [bib10563]

bib10564Booth 19471947Booth, Bradford A.
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bib10565Bower 18671867Bower, Robert F.
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bib10567Boyd 18571857Boyd, William H., comp.
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bib10569Broderick 19761976Broderick, John C.
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bib10570Brooks 18981898Brooks, Noah
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bib10571Brooks 19021902Brooks, Noah
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bib10572Brown 18671867Brown, James Baldwin
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bib10573Browne 18691869Browne, Junius Henri
The Great Metropolis; A Mirror of New York. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib10573]

bib10576Brownell 19451945Brownell, George H.
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bib10577Browning 18571857Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Aurora Leigh. London: Chapman and Hall. [bib10577]

bib10578Bryan 19161916Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart
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bib10579Bryan 19151915Bryan, William Alanson
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bib10580Budd 19721972Budd, Louis J.
“Did Mark Twain Write ‘Impersonally’ for the New York Herald?.” Library Notes (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina) 43 (November): 5–9. [bib10580]

University of New Brunswick, Archives and Special Collections Department, Fredericton, N.B., Canada [bib10581]

McGill University, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Montreal, Que., Canada [bib10582]

bib10584Carmichael 18661866Carmichael, Sarah E.
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bib10585Carnegie Book Shop [1963][1963]Carnegie Book Shop
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bib10586Carson City Census [1870] 1965[1870] 1965Carson City Census
“Inhabitants in … Carson City.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no.593. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10586]

bib10589Chommie19701970Chommie, John C.
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bib10590Christie 19881988Christie
The Estelle Doheny Collection from The Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library, St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California. Part IV. Sale of 17 and 18 October. New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib10590]

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bib10592Clark 19781978Clark, Clifford E., Jr.
Henry Ward Beecher: Spokesman for a Middle-Class America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [bib10592]

bib10597Cleveland Census [1850] 1964[1850] 1964Cleveland Census
“Free Inhabitants in . . . Cleveland.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 432. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10597]

bib10598Cleveland Census [1860] 1967[1860] 1967Cleveland Census
“Free Inhabitants in . . . Cleveland.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 653. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10598]

bib10599Cleveland Directory 18671867Cleveland Directory
Cleveland Leader Annual City Directory for 1867–68, Together with a General Business Directory. Cleveland: Cleveland Leader Printing Company. [bib10599]

bib10600Cleveland Directory 18681868Cleveland Directory
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The James S. Copley Library, La Jolla, California. The collection of the Copley Library was sold in a series of auctions at Sotheby’s, New York, in 2010 and 2011. [bib10601]

bib10605Congress 18691869Congress
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bib10606Coulter 19371937Coulter, E. Merton
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