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bib10421 | SLC 1866 | 1866-07-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Letter from Honolulu.” Letter dated 25 June, number 15 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 19 July, 1. Scrapbook 6:119–21, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 335–47. [bib10421] | |||
bib10422 | SLC 1866 | 1866-07-30 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 14.” Letter dated 30 June, number 16 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 30 July, 1. Scrapbook 6:121–22, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 348–55. [bib10422] | |||
bib10423 | SLC 1866 | 1866-08-01 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Scenes in Honolulu—No. 15.” Letter dated 1 July, number 17 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 1 August, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 6:122–23, CU-MARK. Reprinted in MTH, 356–64. [bib10423] | |||
bib10424 | SLC 1866 | 1866-09-26 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated 10 September, number 23 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 26 September, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 398–407. [bib10424] | |||
bib10425 | SLC 1866 | 1866-10-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “From the Sandwich Islands.” Letter dated June, number 24 in the sequence. Sacramento Union, 25 October, 1. Reprinted as “Letter from Mark Twain” in the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 27 October, 1; also reprinted in MTH, 408–15. [bib10425] | |||
bib10426 | SLC 1866 | 1866-11-16 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Letter from Honolulu.” Letter dated 3 June, number 25 in the sequence. Sacramento Union 16 November, 1. Reprinted in MTH, 416–20. [bib10426] | |||
bib10427 | SLC 1866 | 1866-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Forty-three Days in an Open Boat.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 34 (December): 104–13. [bib10427] | |||
bib10428 | SLC 1866 | 1866-12-06 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mark Twain’s Interior Notes—No. 2.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 6 December, 1. Reprinted in Benson[bib00144], 204–7. [bib10428] | |||
bib10432 | SLC 1867 | 1867-12-22 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Mark Twain’s Letters from Washington. Number I.” Letter dated 4 December. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 22 December, clipping in Willard S. Morse Collection, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, CtY-BR. [bib10432] | |||
bib10433 | SLC 1868 | 1868-05-31 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Letter from Mark Twain.” Letter dated 2 May. Chicago Republican, 31 May, 2. [bib10433] | |||
bib10434 | SLC 1869 | 1869-08-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib10434] | |||
bib10435 | SLC 1869 | 1869-11-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “‘A Fair Career Closed,’ in ‘Browsing Around.’ ” Letter dated November. Buffalo Express, 27 November, 2. [bib10435] | |||
bib10436 | SLC 1870 | 1870-02-25 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Anson Burlingame.” Buffalo Express, 25 February, 2. Reprinted in SLC 1923,[bib00449] 17–23. [bib10436] | |||
bib10437 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “A Couple of Sad Experiences.” Galaxy 9 (June): 858–61. [bib10437] | |||
bib10438 | SLC 1870 | 1870-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Post-Mortem Poetry.” Galaxy 9 (June): 864–65. [bib10438] | |||
bib10439 | SLC 1872 | 1872-02-19 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Roughing It. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib10439] | |||
bib10440 | SLC 1872 | 1872-12-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “How I Escaped Being Killed in a Duel.” In Hood 1872, 90–91, and Budd 1992a[bib00146], 543–46. [bib10440] | |||
bib10441 | SLC 1873 | 1873-01-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Samuel Langhorne Clemens.” Autobiographical sketch, January, MS of eleven pages, written ca. 27 January, NNPM[bib10289]. [bib10441] | |||
bib10442 | SLC 1873–74 | 1873-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-day. Charles Dudley Warner, coauthor. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Early copies bound with 1873 title page, later ones with 1874 title page: see BAL, 2:3357. [bib10442] | |||
bib10443 | SLC 1875 | 1875-01-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Old Times on the Mississippi.” Atlantic Monthly 35 (January–June): 69–73, 217–24, 283–89, 446–52, 567–74, 721–30; Atlantic Monthly 36 (August): 190–96. [bib10443] | |||
bib10444 | SLC 1880 | 1880-03-13 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | A Tramp Abroad. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib10444] | |||
bib10445 | SLC 1883 | 1883-05-17 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Life on the Mississippi. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib10445] | |||
bib10446 | SLC 1885 | 1885-04-09 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Remarks at Actors’ Fund Fair, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 9 April.” Speech delivered at the Actors Fund Fair at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, on 9 April 1885. In MTS 1910[bib00163], 265, as “Obituary Poetry (misdated) and Fatout 1976[bib00141], 194. [bib10446] | |||
bib10447 | SLC 1885 | 1885-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “The Private History of a Campaign That Failed.” Century Magazine 31 (December): 193–204. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 863–82. [bib10447] | |||
bib10448 | SLC 1894 | 1894-12-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson and the Comedy Those Extraordinary Twins. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib10448] | |||
bib10449 | SLC 1898? | 1898? | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Talk about going . . .” Autobiographical notes. MS of seven leaves beginning “Talk about going . . .”), CU-MARK. [bib10449] | |||
bib10450 | SLC 1899 | 1899 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Samuel Langhorne Clemens.” MS of fourteen leaves, notes written in March for Samuel E. Moffett to use in preparing a biographical sketch, NN-BGC[bib10288]. [bib10450] | |||
bib10451 | SLC 1899 | 1899-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “My Début as a Literary Person.” Century Magazine 59 (November): 76–88. Published in AutoMT1[bib33010], 127–44. [bib10451] | |||
bib10452 | SLC 1909 | 1909-04-13 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Is Shakespeare Dead? From My Autobiography. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib10452] | |||
bib10453 | SLC 1909 | 1909 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | Letters of James Russell Lowell. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers. Photofacsimile in Sotheby Parke Bernet, lot 16, PH in CU-MARK. See Gribben, 1:425–26. [bib10453] | |||
bib10454 | SLC 1912 | 1898-07-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “My Platonic Sweetheart.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 126 (December): 14–20. [bib10454] | |||
bib10456 | SLC 1961 | 1961 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | My Dear Bro: A Letter from Samuel Clemens to His Brother Orion. Edited by Frederick Anderson. Berkeley: Albion. [bib10456] | |||
bib10457 | Smith 1965 | 1965 | Smith, Elizabeth H. | “Reuel Colt Gridley.” Tales of the Paradise Ridge 6 (June): 11–18. [bib10457] | |||
bib10459 | Smith 1852 | 1852 | Smith, R. A. | Philadelphia as It Is, in 1852. Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston. [bib10459] | |||
bib10460 | Smith 1868 | 1868 | Smith, Solomon F. | Theatrical Management in the West and South for Thirty Years. New York: Harper and Brothers. Citations are to the 1968 reprint edition, edited by Arthur Thomas Tees, New York: Benjamin Blom. [bib10460] | |||
bib10461 | Sotheby Parke Bernet 1976 | 1976-02-25 | Sotheby Parke Bernet | Printed Books and Autograph Letters. Sale number 3482, 25 February New York: Sotheby Parke Bernet. [bib10461] | |||
bib10462 | Stanford 1863 | 1863 | Stanford, Leland | Message to the California legislature, 30 March, unidentified clipping in Scrapbook 3:35, CU-MARK. [bib10462] | |||
bib10463 | Statutes 1863 | 1863 | Statutes | The Statutes of California Passed at the Fourteenth Session of the Legislature, 1863. Sacramento: Benj. P. Avery. [bib10463] | |||
bib10464 | Stedman and Gould 1910 | 1910 | Stedman, Laura, and George M. Gould | Life and Letters of Edmund Clarence Stedman. 2 vols. New York: Moffat, Yard, and Co. [bib10464] | |||
bib10465 | Stevens 1912 | 1912 | Stevens, George A. | New York Typographical Union No. 6: Study of a Modern Trade Union and Its Predecessors. New York State Department of Labor, Annual Reports of Department Bureaus for the Twelve Months Ended September 30, 1911, vol. 2, pt. 1. Albany, N.Y.: State Department of Labor. [bib10465] | |||
bib10466 | Stevens 1911 | 1911 | Stevens, Walter B. | St. Louis: The Fourth City, 1764–1911. 2 vols. St. Louis: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company. [bib10466] | |||
bib10467 | Stiles 1916 | 1916 | Stiles, Edward H. | Recollections and Sketches of Notable Lawyers and Public Men of Early Iowa. Des Moines: Homestead Publishing Company. [bib10467] | |||
bib10468 | Stillé 1866 | 1866 | Stillé, Charles J. | History of the United States Sanitary Commission. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. [bib10468] | |||
bib10469 | Stokes 1939 | 1939 | Stokes, I. N. Phelps | New York Past and Present: Its History and Landmarks, 1524–1939. New York: New York Historical Society. [bib10469] | |||
bib10470 | A Subscriber [pseud.] 1863 | 1863 | A Subscriber [pseud.] | “The Ophir Monopoly.” Letter dated 20 August. San Francisco Alta California,4 September, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Union of 1 September. [bib10470] | |||
bib10471 | Sullivan 1926 | 1926 | Sullivan, Josephine | A History of C. Brewer & Company Limited: One Hundred Years in the Hawaiian Islands. Edited by K. C. Leebrick. Boston: Walton Advertising and Printing Company. [bib10471] | |||
bib10472 | Swackhamer 1973 | 1973 | Swackhamer, William D. | Political History of Nevada. 6th ed. Carson City: State Printing Office. [bib10472] | |||
bib10473 | Swasey 1891 | 1891 | Swasey, William F. | The Early Days and Men of California. Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Company. [bib10473] | |||
bib10474 | Titus 1965 | 1965 | Titus, Edna Brown, ed. | Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada. 3d ed. 5 vols. New York: H. W. Wilson Company. [bib10474] | |||
bib10476 | Townsend 1913 | 1913 | Townsend, John Wilson | Kentucky in American Letters, 1784–1912. 2 vols. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press. [bib10476] | |||
bib10477 | Treat 1893 | 1893 | Treat, Archibald J. | “‘Historical Sketch,’ in The History of the Olympic Club, 13–51.” San Francisco: Art Publishing Company. [bib10477] | |||
bib10479 | Tucker 1863 | 1863 | Tucker, John W. | “A ‘Pioneer’ Mining Shark!.” San Francisco Alta California, 16 January, 2. [bib10479] | |||
bib10480 | TxU-Hu | Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin [bib10480] | |||||
bib10482 | US Congress, Senate 1859 | 1859 | U.S. Congress, Senate | Report of the Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats for the Year 1859, in The Executive Documents, Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States, Second Session, Thirty-fifth Congress, 1858–59. 18 vols. Washington, D.C.: William A. Harris. [bib10482] | |||
bib10483 | U S Department of State 1870 | 1870 | U. S. Department of State | Register of the Department of State. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib10483] | |||
bib10484 | Van Der Zee 1915 | 1915 | Van Der Zee, Jacob | “History of Presbyterianism in Iowa City.” Iowa Journal of History and Politics 13 (October): 529–80. [bib10484] | |||
bib10485 | Van Ravenswaay 1967 | 1967 | Van Ravenswaay, Charles | “Years of Turmoil, Years of Growth: St. Louis in the 1850’s.” Bulletin of the Missouri Historical Society, 23 (July): 303–24. [bib10485] | |||
bib10487 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-07-02 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] | “Esmeralda Correspondence.” Letter dated 23 June. Sacramento Bee, 2 July, 1. [bib10487] | |||
bib10488 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-07-12 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] | “Mono County Correspondence.” Sacramento Bee, 12 July, 3. Letter dated 3 July. [bib10488] | |||
bib10489 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-07-21 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] | “Esmeralda Correspondence.” Letter dated 13 July. Sacramento Bee, 21 July, 1. [bib10489] | |||
bib10490 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-08-20 | Veni, Vidi [pseud.] | “Esmeralda Correspondence.” Letter dated 13 August. Sacramento Bee, 20 August, 1. [bib10490] | |||
bib10491 | ViNeM | Mariners'— Museum, Newport News, Va. [bib10491] | |||||
bib10492 | ViU | University of Virginia, Charlottesville. [bib10492] | |||||
bib10493 | Vox Populi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-04-14 | Vox Populi [pseud.] | “Letter from Esmeralda Mining District.” Sacramento Union, 14 April, 8. Letter dated 7 April. [bib10493] | |||
bib10494 | Vox Populi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-04-22 | Vox Populi [pseud.] | “Letter from Esmeralda.” Letter dated 13 April. Sacramento Union, 22 April, 4. [bib10494] | |||
bib10495 | Vox Populi [pseud.] 1862 | 1862-04-28 | Vox Populi [pseud.] | “Letter from Esmeralda.” Letter dated 21 April. Sacramento Union, 28 April, 5. [bib10495] | |||
bib10497 | Walker 1969 | 1969 | Walker, Franklin | San Francisco’s Literary Frontier. Rev. ed. Seattle: University of Washington Press. [bib10497] | |||
bib10498 | Wasson 1878 | 1878 | Wasson, Joseph | Bodie and Esmeralda. San Francisco: Spaulding, Barto, and Co. [bib10498] | |||
bib10499 | Way 1975 | 1975 | Way, Frederick, Jr. | “Mississippi Scene.” S&D Reflector 12 (September): 40–46. [bib10499] | |||
bib10501 | WBD 1967 | 1967 | WBD | Webster’s Biographical Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam Company. [bib10501] | |||
bib10502 | Webb 1866 | 1866 | Webb, Charles H. [Inigo, pseud.] | “Inigoings.” Californian 4 (5 May): 8–9. [bib10502] | |||
bib10503 | Webster 1918 | 1918 | Webster, Annie Moffett | “Family Chronicle Written for Jean Webster McKinney by Her Grandmother.” TS of forty-four pages dated 26 October, catalogued as AA43, NPV. [bib10503] | |||
bib10504 | Webster 1949 | 1949 | Webster, Annie Moffett | “Recollections of the Clemens Family in St. Louis When Sam Was a River Pilot.” Twainian 8 (March-April): 1–2. [bib10504] | |||
bib10506 | Weisenburger 1965 | 1965 | Weisenburger, Francis Phelps | Idol of the West: The Fabulous Career of Rollin Mallory Daggett. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. [bib10506] | |||
bib10507 | Wells 1921 | 1921 | Wells, Evelyn | “The Silver Sixties.” San Francisco Call and Post, 6 April, 13. [bib10507] | |||
bib10508 | West 1924 | 1924 | West, George P. | “Bret Harte’s ‘Roaring Camp’ Still Producing: Mother Lode Country Rich in Reminiscences of Mark Twain’s Youth.” San Francisco Call and Post, 24 May, section 2:13, 18. [bib10508] | |||
bib10509 | Westcott 1877 | 1877 | Westcott, Thompson | The Historic Mansions and Buildings of Philadelphia, with Some Notice of Their Owners and Occupants. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates. [bib10509] | |||
bib10510 | Wheat 1967 | 1967 | Wheat, Margaret M. | Survival Arts of the Primitive Paiutes. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib10510] | |||
bib10511 | Williams 1861 | 1861 | Williams, C. S. | Williams’ Cincinnati Directory, City Guide and Business Mirror . . . for 1861. Cincinnati: C. S. Williams. [bib10511] | |||
bib10512 | Williams 1863 | 1863 | Williams, C. S. | Williams’ Cincinnati Directory, City Guide and Business Mirror, for Year Commencing June, 1863. Cincinnati: Williams and Co. [bib10512] | |||
bib10513 | Williams 1912 | 1912 | Williams, Frederick Wells | Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib10513] | |||
bib10514 | Willis 1913 | 1913 | Willis, William L. | History of Sacramento County, California. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company. [bib10514] | |||
bib10515 | Wilmington 1864 | 1864 | Wilmington, J. W. [Printer, pseud.] | “How It Is.” Virginia City Union, 21 May, 2. [bib10515] | |||
bib10516 | Wilmington 1864 | 1864-05-24 | Wilmington, J. W. [Printer, pseud.] | “Personal Correspondence, Item II.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 24 May, clipping in Scrapbook 3:146, CU-MARK. [bib10516] | |||
bib10517 | Wilson 1853 | 1853 | Wilson, H., comp. | Trow’s New York City Directory . . . for 1853–1854. New York: John F. Trow. [bib10517] | |||
bib10518 | Wilson and Fiske 1887-89 | 1887–89 | Wilson, James Grant, and John Fiske, eds. | Appletons’ Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 6 vols. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib10518] | |||
bib10519 | Wilson 1875 | 1875 | Wilson, Joseph M. | The Masterpieces of the Centennial International Exhibition. Vol. 3, History, Mechanics, Science. Philadelphia: Gebbie and Barrie. [bib10519] | |||
bib10521 | Wright 1960 | 1960 | Wright, James W. A. | The Cement Hunters: Lost Gold Mine of the High Sierra. Edited by Richard E. Lingenfelter. Los Angeles: Glen Dawson. [bib10521] | |||
bib10522 | Wright 1963 | 1880-03-00 | Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.] | “Letter from Dan De Quille!.” Letter dated 24 February. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, undated clipping in Scrapbook 2:33, CU-MARK. [bib10522] | |||
bib10524 | Wright 1893 | 1893-01-22 | Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.] | “The Territorial Enterprise . . .,” in “The Passing of a Pioneer.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as “The Story of the Enterprise” in Lewis 1971[bib10211], 5–10. [bib10524] | |||
bib10525 | Wright 1893 | 1893-03-19 | Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.] | “Salad Days of Mark Twain.” San Francisco Examiner, 19 March, 13–14. Reprinted in Lewis 1971[bib10211], 37–52. [bib10525] | |||
bib10526 | Writers’ Program 1942 | 1942 | Writers’ Program | Lee County History. Compiled and written by the Iowa Writers’ Program. Lee County: Work Projects Administration. [bib10526] | |||
bib10527 | Wytoming [pseud.] 1862 | 1862 | Wyoming [pseud.] | “Letter from the Humboldt Mines.” Letter dated 23 March. Sacramento Union, 1 April, 4. [bib10527] | |||
bib10528 | Wytoming [pseud.] 1862 | 1862 | Wyoming [pseud.] | “Letter from the Humboldt Mines.” Letter dated 20 April. Sacramento Union, 29 April, 1. [bib10528] | |||
bib10529 | Zimmer 1959 | 1959 | Zimmer, Ethel, ed. | “Colonel Samuel Youngs’ Journal.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 2 (April-June): 27–67. [bib10529] | |||
bib10531 | American Art Association 1924 | 1924-11-24 | American Art Association | The Renowned Collection of the Late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Part 5. Sale of 24 and 25 November. New York: American Art Association. [bib10531] | |||
bib10532 | American Art Association 1926 | 1926-02-17 | American Art Association | The Collections of Brandreth Symonds and Ralph E. Samuel. Sale of 17 and 18 February. New York: American Art Association. [bib10532] | |||
bib10533 | American Art Association 1927 | 1927-02-28 | American Art Association | The Collection of Henry Goldsmith of New York City. Sale of 28 February. New York: American Art Association. [bib10533] | |||
bib10534 | AAA/Anderson 1934 | 1934-03-05 | AAA/Anderson | First Editions and Manuscripts Collected by the Late Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bixby . . . and Other Literary Property. Sale no. 4098 (4 and 5 April). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib10534] | |||
bib10535 | AAA/Anderson 1937 | 1937 | AAA/Anderson | First Editions, Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Standard Sets Including . . . Manuscripts and Letters by Samuel L. Clemens, the Collection of the Late Albert Bigelow Paine. Sale no. 4346 (11 and 12 November). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib10535] |