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Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y. [bib10289]

bib10290Nomad [pseud.] 18631863Nomad [pseud.]
“Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 17 February. Sacramento Union, 24 February, 1. [bib10290]

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [bib10291]

Nevada State Library, Division of State Archives, Carson City, Nev. [bib10292]

Nevada State Historical Society, Reno, Nev. [bib10293]

University of Nevada, Reno, Nev. [bib10294]

Nevada State Papers (microform archive), University of Nevada, Reno, Nev. [bib10295]

bib10296Nye 18621862Nye, James W.
Second Annual Message of Governor James W. Nye, to the Legislature of Nevada Territory, November 13, 1862. Carson City: J. T. Goodman and Co. [bib10296]

bib10297Nye-Starr 18881888Nye-Starr, Kate
A Self-Sustaining Woman; or, The Experience of Seventy-two Years. Chicago: Illinois Printing and Binding Company. [bib10297]

bib10298OC 18531853-09-10Clemens, Orion
“Notice.” Announcement dated 7 September. Hannibal Journal, 10 September, 2. [bib10298]

bib10299OC 18531853-09-29Clemens, Orion
“Notice to the Public.” Hannibal Tri-Weekly Messenger, 29 September, 3, reprinting the Hannibal Journal of 22 September. [bib10299]

bib10300OC 18551855Clemens, Orion
“Good Bye.” Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal, 8 June, 2. [bib10300]

bib10301OC 18561856Clemens, Orion
Keokuk City Directory, for 1856–7. Compiled by Orion Clemens. Keokuk: O. Clemens. [bib10301]

bib10302OC 18571857Clemens, Orion
Keokuk Directory and Business Mirror for the Year 1857. Compiled by Orion Clemens. Keokuk: O. Clemens. [bib10302]

bib10303OC 18621862Clemens, Orion
“Matters in Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 10 May. Keokuk Gate City, 19 June, 2. Reprinted in Rogers 1961[bib00196], 41–45. [bib10303]

bib10304OC 18661866-05-28Clemens, Orion
“Meadow Lake.” Letter dated 28 May. San Francisco American Flag, 7 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:96–97, CU-MARK. [bib10304]

bib10305OC 18661866-06-03Clemens, Orion
“Letter from Meadow Lake.” Letter dated 3 June, signed “Snow Shoe.” San Francisco American Flag, 12 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:98–99, CU-MARK. [bib10305]

bib10306OC 18661866-06-09Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 1.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 9 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:97, CU-MARK. [bib10306]

bib10307OC 18661866-06-12Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 2.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 12 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:98, CU-MARK. [bib10307]

bib10308OC 18661866-06-15Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 3.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 15 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:100, CU-MARK. [bib10308]

bib10309OC 18661866-06-18Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 4.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 18 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:100–101, CU-MARK. [bib10309]

bib10310OC 18661866-06-23Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 5.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 23 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:101, CU-MARK. [bib10310]

bib10311OC 18661866-06-26Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 6.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 26 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:101–102, CU-MARK. [bib10311]

bib10312OC 18661866-06-29Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 7.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 29 June, clipping in Scrapbook 6:102, CU-MARK. [bib10312]

bib10313OC 18661866-07-02Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 8.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 2 July, clipping in Scrapbook 6:104, CU-MARK. [bib10313]

bib10314OC 18661866-07-04Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 9.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 4 July, clipping in Scrapbook 6:104, CU-MARK. [bib10314]

bib10315OC 18661866-07-10Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 10.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 10 July, clipping in Scrapbook 6:106, CU-MARK. [bib10315]

bib10316OC 18661866-07-16Clemens, Orion
“Our Ledges.—No. 11.” Undated letter signed “Noiro.” Meadow Lake (Calif.) Morning Sun, 16 July, clipping in Scrapbook 6:107, CU-MARK. [bib10316]

bib10317OC 18661866-08-08Clemens, Orion
“Letter from Meadow Lake.” Letter dated 26 July, signed “Noiro.” San Francisco American Flag, 8 August, clipping in Scrapbook 6:123–24, CU-MARK. [bib10317]

bib10318OC 18671867-01-26Clemens, Orion
“Letter from Tennessee.” Letter dated 28 December 1866, signed “Cumberland.” San Francisco Times, 26 January, 2, clipping in Scrapbook 4:38, CU-MARK. [bib10318]

bib10319OC 18671867-02-02Clemens, Orion
“Letter from Tennessee.” Letter dated 4 January, signed “Cumberland.” San Francisco Times, 2 February, 4, clipping in Scrapbook 4:38–39, CU-MARK. [bib10319]

bib10320OC 18671867-04-13Clemens, Orion
“Letter from St. Louis.” Unsigned letter dated 11 March. San Francisco Times, 13 April, 2. [bib10320]

bib10321OC and Wilson 18551855Clemens, Orion, and Charles E. H. Wilson
“Introduction.” Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal, 4 June, 2. [bib10321]

bib10322O’Connor 19661966O’Connor, Richard
Bret Harte: A Biography. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. [bib10322]

bib10324Oehser 19831983Oehser, Paul H.
The Smithsonian Institution. 2d ed. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. [bib10324]

bib10325Orton 18901890Orton, Richard H.
Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1867. Sacramento: State Office. [bib10325]

bib10326Paine 19111911Paine, Albert Bigelow
“Mark Twain: Some Chapters from an Extraordinary Life.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 124 (December): 42–53. [bib10326]

Pamela Ann Moffett. [bib10327]

bib10328Parke 18911891Parke, William Cooper
Personal Reminiscences of William Cooper Parke, Marshal of the Hawaiian Islands, from 1850 to 1884. Cambridge, Mass.: University Press. [bib10328]

bib10329Paul 18611861-11-01Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]
“Washoe: Its Mines, Mills and Machinery.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 1 November, 1. [bib10329]

bib10330Paul 18641861-03-24Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]
“A Great Sanitary Fair in St. Louis—The Union People of Nevada Are Called!.” Virginia City Union, 24 March, 2. [bib10330]

bib10331Paul 18641864-05-25Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]
“Affairs in Washoe.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 25 May, 1. [bib10331]

bib10332Paul 18641861-06-08Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]
“Telegram to Samuel Copp, 6 June, in The Gold and Silver Bars from Nevada.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 8 June, 3. [bib10332]

bib10333Paul 19271927Paul, Almarin B. [Cosmos, pseud.]
“My First Two Years in California.” Quarterly of the Society of California Pioneers 4 (March): 24–54. [bib10333]

bib10335Phillips 19201920Phillips, Michael J.
“Mark Twain’s Partner.” Saturday Evening Post 193 (11 September): 22–23, 69–70, 73–74. [bib10335]

bib10336Pioneer [pseud.] 18631863Pioneer [pseud.]
“The Esmeralda Mining Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 15 January, 2. Letter dated 7 January. [bib10336]

bib10337Pioneer [pseud.] 18631863Pioneer [pseud.]
“Unionville, Then and Now.” Unidentified clipping, 16 May, in Bancroft Scraps: Nevada Mining (set W, vol. 94:1), 84, CU-BANC. [bib10337]

bib10338Portrait 18991899Portrait
Portrait and Biographical Record of the State of Colorado. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company. [bib10338]

bib10339Poulton 19661966Poulton, Helen J.
Index to History of Nevada. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib10339]

bib10340Primm 19811981Primm, James Neal
Lion of the Valley: St. Louis, Missouri. Boulder, Colo.: Pruett Publishing Company. [bib10340]

bib10341Proclamations 1861–641861–64Nye, James Warren
Proclamations, Appointments, Messages, 1861–1864, in Executive Records of Governor James Warren Nye ( 1861–64). Nv-Ar. [bib10341]

bib10342Quartz [pseud.] 18631863Quartz [pseud.]
“Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 1 February. San Francisco Alta California, 8 February, 1. [bib10342]

bib10343Quartz [pseud.] 18631863Quartz [pseud.]
“Notes on the Mines of Nevada Territory—No. 2.” San Francisco Alta California, 11 February, 1. Letter dated 6 February. [bib10343]

bib10344Ratay 19731973Ratay, Myra Sauer
Pioneers of the Ponderosa: How Washoe Valley Rescued the Comstock. Sparks, Nev.: Western Printing and Publishing Company. [bib10344]

bib10345Raymond 18811881Raymond, Rossiter W.
A Glossary of Mining and Metallurgical Terms. Easton, Pa.: American Institute of Mining Engineers. [bib10345]

bib10346[Read] 18831883[Read, Opie P.]
“A Mark Twain Letter.” Arkansaw Traveler 3 (14 July): 4. [bib10346]

bib10347[Read] 18831883[Read, Opie P.]
“That Mark Twain Letter.” Arkansaw Traveler 3 (4 August): 4. [bib10347]

bib10348Reed 19691969Reed, Mort
Cowles Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. Coins. Foreword by Gilroy Roberts. New York: Cowles Book Company. [bib10348]

bib10349Rees 19081908Rees, Thomas
Sixty Days in Europe and What We Saw There. Springfield, Ill.: State Register Company. [bib10349]

bib10350Reid 18761876Reid, J. M.
Sketches and Anecdotes of the Old Settlers, and New Comers, the Mormon Bandits and Danite Band. Keokuk, Iowa: R. B. Ogden. [bib10350]

bib10352Rice 18631863-04-10Rice, Clement T. [Carl, pseud.]
“Mineral Wealth of Washoe.” Sacramento Union, 10 April, 4, reprinting the Virginia City Union of 2 April. [bib10352]

bib10353Rice 18631863-07-30Rice, Clement T. [Carl, pseud.]
“The Late Fire at Virginia City (N.T.).” Sacramento Union, 30 July, 2, reprinting the Virginia City Union of unknown date. [bib10353]

bib10354Rice 18641864Rice, Clement T. [Carl, pseud.]
“Letter from Carson.” Virginia City Union, 30 January, 1. [bib10354]

bib10355Ridings 19301930Ridings, J. Willard
“Missouri History Not Found in Textbooks.” Missouri Historical Review 25 (October): 180–99. [bib10355]

bib10356Ringwalt 18711871Ringwalt, J. Luther, ed.
American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Philadelphia: Menamin and Ringwalt. [bib10356]

bib10357Rocha and Smith 19831983Rocha, Guy Louis, and Roger Smith
“Mark Twain and the Nevada Notary Stampede.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 26 (Summer): 83–90. [bib10357]

bib10358Rode 18521852Rode, Charles R., comp.
The New York City Directory, for 1852–1853. New York: Charles R. Rode. [bib10358]

bib10359Rode 18531853Rode, Charles R., comp.
The New-York City Directory, for 1853–1854. New York: Charles R. Rode. [bib10359]

bib10360Rode 18531853Rode, Charles R., comp.
Rode’s New York Business Directory, 1853–1854. At end of Rode 1853 [bib10359]. [bib10360]

bib10361Rogers 19571957Rogers, Franklin R.
“Washoe’s First Literary Journal.” California Historical Society Quarterly 36 (December): 365–70. [bib10361]

bib10363Rosecrans 18641864Rosecrans, William S.
Certificate dated 27 April, in “Sanitary Appointment.” Virginia City Union, 19 May, 3. [bib10363]

bib10364Sahab [pseud.] 18631863Sahab [pseud.]
“The Esmeralda Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 3 February, 1. Letter dated 24 January. [bib10364]

bib10365Samuels and Samuels 19761976Samuels, Peggy, and Harold Samuels
The Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedia of Artists of the American West. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co. [bib10365]

bib10366Sandburg 19271927Sandburg, Carl.
The American Songbag. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co. [bib10366]

bib10367Saunders 18531853Saunders, Frederick
New-York in a Nutshell; or, Visitors’ Hand-Book to the City. New York: T. W. Strong. [bib10367]

bib10369Scharf and Westcott 18841884Scharf, J. Thomas, and Thompson Westcott
History of Philadelphia: 1609–1884. 3 vols. Philadelphia: L. H. Evens and Co. [bib10369]

bib10370Scott and Gallaher 18571857Scott, Charles M., and William Gallaher
“To the Public.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 6 October, 2. [bib10370]

bib10371Scott 19571957Scott, Edward B.
The Saga of Lake Tahoe. Crystal Bay, Nev.: Sierra-Tahoe Publishing Company. [bib10371]

bib10372Sears 19261926Sears, Minnie Earl, ed.
Song Index: An Index to More Than 12000 Songs in 177 Song Collections Comprising 262 Volumes. New York: H. W. Wilson Company. [bib10372]

bib10373Seitz 19191919Seitz, Don C.
Artemus Ward (Charles Farrar Browne): A Biography and Bibliography. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib10373]

bib10374Selby 19731973Selby, P. O., comp.
Mark Twain’s Kinfolks. Kirksville, Mo.: Missouriana Library, Northeast Missouri State University. [bib10374]

bib10375Shuck 18891889Shuck, Oscar T.
Bench and Bar in California. San Francisco: Occident Printing House. [bib10375]

bib10376Shuck 18911901Shuck, Oscar T.
History of the Bench and Bar of California. Los Angeles: Commercial Printing House. [bib10376]

bib10377Silliman and Goodrich 18541854Silliman, B., Jr., and C. R. Goodrich, eds.
The World of Science, Art, and Industry Illustrated from Examples in the New-York Exhibition, 1853–54. New York: G. P. Putnam and Co. [bib10377]

bib10378Silversmith 18611861Silversmith, J.
“Joshua A. Clayton.” Mining and Scientific Press 3 (30 March): 4. [bib10378]

bib10379Silversmith 18611861Silversmith, J.
“The Veatch Process.” Mining and Scientific Press 3 (20 April): 4. [bib10379]

bib10380Simmons 18611861Simmons, A. J.
“Letter from the Humboldt Mines.” Letter dated 5 August. Sacramento Union, 27 August, 3. [bib10380]

bib10381Simmons 18611861Simmons, A. J.
“The Humboldt Mines.” Letter dated 22 September. Sacramento Union, 3 October, 1. [bib10381]

bib10383SLC 18531853-05-26SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Our Assistant’s Column.” Hannibal Journal, 26 May, 3. [bib10383]

bib10384SLC 18561856-11-01SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Correspondence.” Letter dated 18 October. Keokuk Saturday Post, 1 November, 4. Reprinted in SLC 1928[bib33018], 3–16. [bib10384]

bib10385SLC 18561856-11-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Snodgrass’ Ride on the Railroad.” Letter dated 14 November. Keokuk Post, 29 November, 2, and Keokuk Saturday Post, 6 December, 4. Reprinted in SLC 1928[bib33018], 19–33. [bib10385]

bib10386SLC 18571857-04-10SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Snodgrass, in a Adventure.” Letter dated 14 March. Keokuk Post, 10 April, 2, and Keokuk Saturday Post, 18 April, 4. Reprinted in SLC 1928[bib33018], 37–48. [bib10386]

bib10387SLC 18581858-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“My brother, Henry Clemens ...” In an incomplete, unidentified newspaper clipping, July?, Scrapbook 1:15, CU-MARK. Facsimile in Branch 1985a [bib10036], 36. [bib10387]

bib10388SLC 18591859-07-21SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Soleather Cultivates His Taste for Music.” New Orleans Crescent, 21 July, 4. Branch 1982b, 498–502. [bib10388]

bib10389SLC 1862 [attributed]1862-07-22SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Late from Washoe.” Sacramento Union, 22 July, 2. Reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 20 July, not extant. [bib10389]

bib10390SLC 18631863-03-03SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“From the Humboldt River Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 3 March, 2. Reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 26 February, not extant. [bib10390]

bib10391SLC 18631863-04-20SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Latest from Washoe.” San Francisco Alta California, 20 April, 1. Reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of 17 April, not extant. [bib10391]

bib10392SLC 18631863-07-12SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Comstock Mines.” Marysville (Calif.) Appeal, 12 July, 1. Reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise of unknown date, not extant. Fatout 1964, 75–76. [bib10392]

bib10393SLC 18631863-07-15SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 12 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 15 July, 1. Twainian 11 (January–February 1952): 2–3. [bib10393]

bib10394SLC 18631863-07-18SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“‘Mark Twain’s’ Letter.” Letter dated 16 July. San Francisco Morning Call, 18 July, 1. Twainian 11 (January–February 1952): 3. [bib10394]