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bib00001AMT1959Neider, Charles, ed.
The Autobiography of Mark Twain. Edited by Charles Neider. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00001]

bib00002Clemens 19321932Clemens, Cyril
Mark Twain the Letter Writer. Foreword by Carl Sandburg. Boston: Meador Publishing Company. (BAL 3554). [bib00002]

bib00003ET&S11979SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Early Tales & Sketches, Volume 1 (1851–1864). Edited by Edgar Marquess Branch and Robert H. Hirst, with the assistance of Harriet Elinor Smith. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00003]

bib00004ET&S21981SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Early Tales & Sketches, Volume 2 (1864–1865). Edited by Edgar Marquess Branch and Robert H. Hirst, with the assistance of Harriet Elinor Smith. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00004]

bib00005L11988SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 1: 1853–1866. Edited by Edgar Marquess Branch, Michael B. Frank, and Kenneth M. Sanderson. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00005]

bib00006L21990SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 2: 1867–1868. Edited by Harriet Elinor Smith, Richard Bucci, and Lin Salamo. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00006]

bib00007L31992SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 3: 1869. Edited by Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, and Dahlia Armon. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00007]

bib00008L41995SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 4: 1870–1871. Edited by Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, and Lin Salamo. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00008]

bib00009L51997SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 5: 1872–1873. Edited by Lin Salamo and Harriet Elinor Smith. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00009]

bib00010L62002SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 6: 1874–1875. Edited by Michael B. Frank and Harriet Elinor Smith. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Also online at MTPO[bib32371]. [bib00010]

bib00011Lelect2003SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, 1876–1880: An Electronic Edition. Edited by the Mark Twain Project. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00011]

bib00012MTB1912Paine, Albert Bigelow
Mark Twain: A Biography. By Albert Bigelow Paine. 3 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers. Volume numbers in citations are to this edition; page numbers are the same in all editions [bib00012]

bib00013MTBus1946Webster, Samuel Charles
Mark Twain, Business Man. Edited by Samuel Charles Webster. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. [bib00013]

bib00014MTE1940SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain in Eruption. Edited by Bernard DeVoto. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00014]

bib00015MTEnt1957Smith, Henry Nash, ed.
Mark Twain of the “Enterprise.” Edited by Henry Nash Smith, with the assistance of Frederick Anderson. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00015]

Mark Twain–Howells Letters. Edited by Henry Nash Smith and William M. Gibson, with the assistance of Frederick Anderson. 2 vols. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [bib00016]

bib00017MTL1917Paine, Albert Bigelow, ed.
Mark Twain’s Letters. Edited by Albert Bigelow Paine. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00017]

bib00018MTLP1967Hill, Hamlin, ed.
Mark Twain’s Letters to His Publishers, 1867–1894. Edited by Hamlin Hill. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00018]

bib00019MTMF1949SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain to Mrs. Fairbanks. Edited by Dixon Wecter. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library. [bib00019]

bib00020MTTB1940SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Travels with Mr. Brown. Edited by Franklin Walker and G. Ezra Dane. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [bib00020]

Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 1 (1855–1873). Edited by Frederick Anderson, Michael B. Frank, and Kenneth M. Sanderson. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00021]

Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 2 (1877–1883). Edited by Frederick Anderson, Lin Salamo, and Bernard Stein. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00022]

Mark Twain’s Notebooks & Journals, Volume 3 (1883–1891). Edited by Robert Pack Browning, Michael B. Frank, and Lin Salamo. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00023]

bib00024Paine 19121912-06-00Paine, Albert Bigelow
“Mark Twain: Some Chapters from an Extraordinary Life. Eighth Paper.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 125 (June): 104–19. [bib00024]

bib00025Reade 18751875-06-19Reade, Charles
“The Rights of Authors.” New York Tribune, 19 June, 6. [bib00025]

bib00026Reade 18751875-07-17Reade, Charles
“Copyright Not a Monopoly.” New York Tribune, 17 July, 6. [bib00026]

bib00027UCCL1986Machlis, Paul, ed.
Union Catalog of Clemens Letters. Edited by Paul Machlis. In some cases, UCCL catalog numbers cited on this site supersede those assigned in 1986 and reflect corrections or additions to the catalog since publication. An updated version of the catalog can be consulted via the Letters Search page. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. [bib00027]

bib00028UCLC1992Machlis, Paul, ed.
Union Catalog of Letters to Clemens. Edited by Paul Machlis, with the assistance of Deborah Ann Turner. An updated version of the catalog can be consulted via the Letters Search page. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. [bib00028]

bib00029U.S. Department of the Interior 18721872U.S. Department of the Interior
Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the United States, on the Thirtieth of September, 1871. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib00029]

Microfilm Edition of Mark Twain’s Manuscript Letters Now in the Mark Twain Papers. Prepared by Anh Quynh Bui, Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, Robert H. Hirst, Lin Salamo, and Harriet Elinor Smith. 11 vols. Berkeley: The Bancroft Library. [bib00030]

Microfilm Edition of Mark Twain’s Previously Unpublished Letters. Prepared by Anh Quynh Bui, Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, Robert H. Hirst, Lin Salamo, and Harriet Elinor Smith. 8 vols. Berkeley: The Bancroft Library. [bib00031]

Microfilm Edition of Mark Twain’s Literary Manuscripts Available in the Mark Twain Papers. Prepared by Anh Quynh Bui, Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, Robert H. Hirst, Lin Salamo, and Harriet Elinor Smith. 42 vols. Berkeley: The Bancroft Library. [bib00032]

bib00033Cooley 19911991Cooley, John, ed.
Mark Twain’s Aquarium: The Samuel Clemens–Angelfish Correspondence, 1905–1910. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib00033]

bib00034Harnsberger 19601960Harnsberger, Caroline Thomas
Mark Twain, Family Man. New York: Citadel Press. [bib00034]

bib00035MFMT1931CC (Clara Langdon Clemens, later Gabrilowitsch and Samossoud)
My Father, Mark Twain. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00035]

bib00036Leary 19611961Leary, Lewis, ed.
Mark Twain’s Letters to Mary. New York: Columbia University Press. [bib00036]

bib00037LLMT1949Wecter, Dixon
The Love Letters of Mark Twain. Edited by Dixon Wecter. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib00037]

bib00038HHR1969Leary, Lewis, ed.
Mark Twain’s Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893–1909. Edited by Lewis Leary. The Mark Twain Papers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00038]

bib00039Harnsberger 19471947Harnsberger, Caroline Thomas, ed.
The Family Letters of Mark Twain. n.p. [bib00039]

bib00040Clemens 18941894Clemens, Will M.
Mark Twain: His Life and Work. Chicago: F. T. Neely. [bib00040]

bib00041Clemens 18821882Clemens, Will M.
Famous Funny Fellows. Cleveland: W. W. Williams. [bib00041]

bib00043Grant 1885–861885–86Grant, Ulysses S.
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. 2 vols. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib00043]

bib00044Welland 19781978Welland, Dennis
Mark Twain in England. London: Chatto and Windus. [bib00044]

bib00046Many Citizens 18701870Many Citizens [pseud.]
"Mark Twain Criticized–An Indignant Spectator." Jamestown (N.Y.) Journal, 24 January, no page. Reprinted in the Weekly Journal, 28 January, 8, and in Parker 1990, 5. [bib00046]

bib00047Marshall 18781878Marshall, John
Anatomy for Artists. New York: Macmillan and Co. [bib00047]

bib00048Murphy 19851985Murphy, Francis
The End of a Friendship: Two Unpublished Letters from Twain to Howells about Bret Harte. New England Quarterly 58 (March): 87–91. [bib00048]

bib00049Chemung 19821982Chemung
“2 Notes to Dr. Darby Discovered.” Chemung Historical Journal 27 (June): 3188–90. [bib00049]

bib00050Jerome and Wisbey 19831983Jerome, Robert D., and Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr.
“Mark Twain Notes.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 6 (January): 6. [bib00050]

bib00051Joline 19131913Joline, Adrian H.
Rambles in Autograph Land. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib00051]

bib00052University of Virginia 19691969University of Virginia
The American Writer in England: An Exhibition Arranged in Honor of the Sesquicentennial of the University of Virginia. Foreword by Gordon N. Ray and introduction by C. Waller Barrett. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. [bib00052]

bib00053Ticknor 19221922Ticknor, Caroline
Glimpses of Authors. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. [bib00053]

bib00054Lilly Library 19911991Karanovich, Nick, William Cagle, and Joel Silver
Mark Twain: Selections from the Collection of Nick Karanovich. Bloomington, Ind.: Lilly Library, Indiana University. [bib00054]

bib00055Lilly Library 19731973Randall, David A.
An Exhibition of American Literature: Honoring the completion of the editorial work on the 100th volume approved by the Center for Editions of American Authors. Bloomington, Ind.: Lilly Library, Indiana University. [bib00055]

bib00056Public Record Office 18651865Great Britain, Public Record Office
Facsimiles of National Manuscripts from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne, Part 2. Compiled by Colonel Sir Henry James, R.E. Copy presented to SLC by Thomas Duffus Hardy. Southampton, England: Ordnance Survey Office. [bib00056]

bib00057Means 18881888Means, James
Oppressive Tariff Taxation. Boston: Massachusetts Tariff Reform League. [bib00057]

bib00058Vanderbilt 19721972Vanderbilt, Kermit
“Mark Twain Writes to Poet Longfellow.” Mark Twain Journal 16 (Summer): cover. [bib00058]

bib00059Lyceum 1877–781877–78Lyceum
Clemens, Sam’l L. (Mark Twain). The Redpath Lyceum. The Redpath Lyceum, 2. Boston and Chicago: Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Season of 1877–78. [bib00059]

bib00060Osborn 19201920Osborn, Norris J.
Isaac H. Bromley. New Haven: Yale University Press. [bib00060]

bib00061Pioneers 18761876Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California
First Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California. New York: P. Barnes, Steam Book and Job Printer. [bib00061]

bib00062Berkove 19881988Berkove, Lawrence I.
“Jim Gillis: ‘The Thoreau of the Sierras.’ ” Mark Twain Circular 2 (March–April): 1–2. [bib00062]

bib00063Mack 19471947Mack, Effie Mona
Mark Twain in Nevada. New York and London: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib00063]

bib00064Simon 19751975Simon, John Y.
“General Grant and Mark Twain.” ICarbS 2 (Winter–Spring): 3–10. [bib00064]

bib00065Bruno 19161916Bruno, Guido
[Manuscript Facsimile of Mark Twain Autograph, July 1877] Bruno’s Weekly. Edited by Guido Bruno in His Garret on Washington Square. 2 (22 January). New York: Guido Bruno. [bib00065]

bib00066Whiting 19001900Whiting, Lilian
Kate Field: A Record. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. [bib00066]

bib00067Weaver 19741974Weaver, William
“Mark Twain and Kate Field Differ on Constitutional Rights.” Mark Twain Journal 17 (Summer): 16–17. [bib00067]

bib00068Davis 19781977-09-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Family Letters of the 1890s (Continuation).” Twainian 37 (September–October). [bib00068]

bib00069Davis 19771977-07-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Decorating the Hartford House.” Twainian 36 (July–August): 4. [bib00069]

bib00070Harris 19181918Harris, Julia Collier
The Life and Letters of Joel Chandler Harris. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. [bib00070]

bib00071Daly 19171917Daly, Joseph Francis
The Life of Augustin Daly. New York: Macmillan Company. [bib00071]

bib00072Harnsberger 19721972Harnsberger, Caroline Thomas, comp.
Everyone’s Mark Twain. South Brunswick, N.J.: A. S. Barnes and Co. [bib00072]

bib00073Rogers 19271927Rogers, Cameron
Colonel Bob Ingersoll. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page and Co. [bib00073]

bib00074Brown 19071907Brown, John
Letters of Dr. John Brown. With Letters from Ruskin, Thackeray, and Others. Edited by John Brown and D. W. Forrest. With biographical introductions by Elizabeth T. McLaren. London: Adam and Charles Black. [bib00074]

bib00075Wakeman 18781878Wakeman, Edgar
The Log of an Ancient Mariner. Being the Life and Adventures of Captain Edgar Wakeman. Edited by Minnie Wakeman-Curtis. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co. [bib00075]

bib00076Hamilton 19791979Hamilton, Charles
The Signature of America: A Fresh Look at Famous Handwriting. New York: Harper and Row. [bib00076]

bib00077MTH1947Frear, Walter Francis
Mark Twain and Hawaii. By Walter Francis Frear. Chicago: Lakeside Press. [bib00077]

bib00078Clemens 19411941Clemens, Cyril
“Mark Twain’s Unpublished Letters to His English Publishers.” Mark Twain Journal 4 (Summer–Fall): 1–2, 24. [bib00078]

bib00079Gates 19391939Gates, William Bryan
“Mark Twain to His English Publishers.” American Literature 11 (March): 78–80. [bib00079]

bib00080P&P1979SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Prince and the Pauper. Edited by Victor Fischer and Lin Salamo, with the assistance of Mary Jane Jones. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [bib00080]

bib00081Hamilton 19611961Hamilton, Charles
Collecting Autographs and Manuscripts. Norman, Ok.: University of Oklahoma Press. [bib00081]

bib00082New-England Society 18771877New-England Society in the City of New York
Seventy-second Anniversary Celebration of the New-England Society in the City of New York at Delmonico’s, Dec. 22, 1877. [New York]. [bib00082]

bib00083Smith 19551955Smith, Henry Nash
“That Hideous Mistake of Poor Clemens’s.” Harvard Library Bulletin 9 (Spring): 145–80. [bib00083]

bib00084Smith 19621962Smith, Henry Nash
Mark Twain: The Development of a Writer. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [bib00084]

bib00085Enkvist 19641964Enkvist, Nils Erik
“British and American Literary Letters in Scandinavian Public Collections.” Acta Academiae Aboensis Humaniora 27, no. 3. [bib00085]

bib00086Stead 18901890Stead, William T., ed.
“Some Autographs and Welcomes: Mark Twain. Review of Reviews.” 1 (May): 375. [bib00086]

bib00087Stead 18901890Stead, William T., ed.
Portraits and Autographs: An Album for the People. London: Mowbray House. [bib00087]

bib00088Gilliam 18861886Gilliam, E. W.
“Chinese Immigration.” North American Review 143 (July): 26–34. [bib00088]

bib00089Somerville 18851885Somerville, Edith A. OE., comp.
The Mark Twain Birthday Book. London: Remington and Co. [bib00089]

bib00090O’Reilly 18871887O’Reilly, Bernard
Life of Leo XIII. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib00090]

bib00091McClellan 18871887McClellan, George B.
McClellan’s Own Story. Edited by William C. Prime. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib00091]

bib00092Warner 18861886-04-00Warner, Charles Dudley
“Their Pilgrimage.” Harper’s Monthly 72 (April): 659–82; (May): 885–98; 73 (June): 107–20; (July): 165–88; (August): 416–43; (September): 585–601; (October): 667–82; (November): 933–41. [bib00092]

bib00093Richardson 19421942Richardson, Lyon N.
“Men of Letters and the Hayes Administration.” New England Quarterly 15 (March): 110–41. [bib00093]

bib00094Davis 19501950Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Mark Twain and President Hayes.” Twainian 9 (November–December): 2–3. [bib00094]

bib00095Schiller 18811881Schiller, Johann von
Schillers Sämtliche Werke. Volumes 9 and 10 in one volume. Stuttgart, Germany: J. G. Cotta. [bib00095]

bib00096Schiller 18811881Schiller, Johann von
Schillers Sämtliche Werke. Volumes 5 and 6 in one volume. Stuttgart, Germany: J. G. Cotta. [bib00096]

bib00097Hornberger 19411941Hornberger, Theodore
Mark Twain’s Letters to Will Bowen. Austin: University of Texas Press. [bib00097]

bib00098Walling 18871887Walling, George Washington
Recollections of a New York Chief of Police. New York: Caxton Book Concern. [bib00098]

bib00099McElderry 19611961McElderry, Bruce R., Jr.
“‘Who Was Sarah Findlay’?.” Twainian (September–October): 3. [bib00099]

bib00100Fairbanks 19211921Fairbanks, Charles Mason
‘Coming Out’: A letter to a Rosebud of two generations ago now inscribed to the bud of today from the same shoot. New York: Privately printed. [bib00100]

bib00101McLaughlin 19701970McLaughlin, Florence C.
“‘Margaret Townsend Scully’s Trunk.’ Part 4.” Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine 53 (October). [bib00101]

bib00102Historical Society Notes 19511951Western Pennsylvania Historical Society
“Historical Society Notes.” Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine 34 (December). [bib00102]