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bib00029U.S. Department of the Interior 18721872U.S. Department of the Interior
Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the United States, on the Thirtieth of September, 1871. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib00029]

bib00177Browning 18721872Browning, Robert
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz. [bib00177]

bib00266Beadle 18721872Beadle, J. H.
Preface to Brigham’s Destroying Angel. In Hickman[bib00400], v–vii. [bib00266]

bib00381Goodman 18721872Goodman, Joseph T.
“Greeley and Hank Monk.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 24 July, 2. [bib00381]

bib00400Hickman 18721872Hickman, Bill
Brigham’s Destroying Angel: Being the Life, Confession, and Startling Disclosures of the Notorious Bill Hickman, the Danite Chief of Utah. Edited by J. H. Beadle. New York: George A. Crofutt. [bib00400]

bib00437Geer 18721872Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for 1872–73: Containing Every Kind of Desirable Information for Citizens and Strangers; Together with a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib00437]

bib00590De Forest 18721872De Forest, J. W.
“An Independent Ku-Klux.” Galaxy 13 (April): 480–88. [bib00590]

bib00592De Vere 18721872De Vere, M. Schele
Americanisms: The English of the New World. New York: Charles Scribner and Co. [bib00592]

bib00674Moulton 18721872Moulton, Louise Chandler
“Boston: Literary Notes.” New York Tribune, 10 June, 6. [bib00674]

bib00681Browne 18721872Browne, Junius Henri
Sights and Sensations in Europe. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib00681]

bib00922Still 18721872Still, William
The Underground Rail Road. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates. [bib00922]

bib00998Fields 18721872Fields, James T.
Yesterdays with Authors. Boston: J. R. Osgood and Co. [bib00998]

bib01092Lyceum 18721872Lyceum
The Lyceum Magazine: Edited by the Boston Lyceum Bureau, and Containing Its Fourth Annual List. Season of 1872–1873. Boston: Redpath and Fall. [bib01092]

bib01094London Directory 18721872London Directory
The Post Office London Directory, 1873. . . . Printed and Published for Frederic Kelly, Proprietor. London: Kelly and Co. [bib01094]

bib10111Foster 18721872Foster, John G.
Testimony of 20 February, in Report of the Commissioners and Evidence Taken by the Committee on Mines and Mining of the House of Representatives of the United States, in Regard to the Sutro Tunnel. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib10111]

bib10544Baedeker 18721872Baedeker, Karl
Paris and Northern France. Handbook for Travellers. 3d ed. Coblenz: Karl Baedeker. [bib10544]

bib11634Aldrich 18721872Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
“Concerning a Bear.” The Pellet, 18 April, no page. Reprinted in the Howells Sentinel (1 November 1962): 8. [bib11634]

bib11684Boyd and Boyd 18721872Boyd, Andrew, and W. Harry Boyd, comps.
Boyds’ Elmira and Corning Directory: Containing the Names of the Citizens, a Compendium of the Government, and Public and Private Institutions . . . 1872–3. Elmira, N.Y.: Andrew and W. Harry Boyd. [bib11684]

bib11687Boyd 18721872Boyd, William H., comp.
Boyd’s Directory of the District of Columbia, Together with a Compendium of Its Governments, Institutions and Trades. Washington, D.C.: William H. Boyd. [bib11687]

bib11799Drake 18721872Drake, Francis Samuel
Dictionary of American Biography, Including Men of the Time. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib11799]

bib12101Redpath and Fall 18721872Redpath, James, and George L. Fall
“Mark Twain.” Lyceum Circular, 1 January. Boston: Redpath and Fall. [bib12101]

bib12353Sutro 18721872Sutro, Adolph
Closing Argument of Adolph Sutro on the Bill Before Congress to Aid the Sutro Tunnel, Delivered Before the Committee on Mines and Mining of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Monday, April 22, 1872. Washington, D.C.: M’Gill and Witherow. [bib12353]

bib12493Bierce 18721872Bierce, Ambrose
“Letter from England.” Letter dated 3 October. San Francisco Alta California, 30 October, 1. [bib12493]

bib12498Blanc 18721872Blanc, Marie-Thérèse [Thérèse Bentzon, pseud.]
“Les humoristes américains: I. Mark Twain.” Revue des deux mondes 100 (15 July): 313–35. [bib12498]

bib12504Boone 18721872Boone, H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, . . . for 1872–73. Pittsburgh: George H. Thurston. [bib12504]

bib12527Buffalo Directory 18721872Buffalo Directory
Buffalo City Directory for the Year 1872. Buffalo: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib12527]

bib12575Congressional Globe 18721872Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at That Session. 6 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib12575]

bib12577Conway 18721872Conway, Moncure D.
“Mark Twain in London.” Cincinnati Commercial, 10 October, 4. Letter dated 24 September. [bib12577]

bib12586Crocker 18721872Crocker, Samuel R.
“What Katy Did.” Literary World 3 (December): 105–6. [bib12586]

bib12654Farington 18721872Farington, Frank Chandler [pseud.]
“Notes from a Rolling Stone.” Correspondence dated ‘London, April 23, 1872. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 12 May, 1. [bib12654]

bib12701Gore’s Directory 18721872Gore’s Directory
Gore’s Directory for Liverpool and Its Environs. Liverpool: J. Mawdsley and Son. [bib12701]

bib12718Hardinge 18721872Hardinge, Emma
Modern American Spiritualism: A Twenty Years’ Record of the Communion between Earth and the World of Spirits. 4th ed. [1st printing, 1870]. New York: Published by the author. [bib12718]

bib12726Harte 18721872Harte, Bret
“Bret Harte and His Lecture Engagement.” Letter dated 16 November. Boston Advertiser, 20 November, 2. [bib12726]

bib12734Hay 18721872Hay, John M.
“Mark Twain at Steinway Hall.” New York Tribune, 25 January, 5. [bib12734]

bib12761Hood 18721872Hood, Tom
“A Grave Lecture.” Fun, 9 November, 190. [bib12761]

bib12762Hood 18721872Hood, Tom, ed.
Tom Hood’s Comic Annual for 1873. With Twenty-three Pages of Illustrations by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Published at the Fun Office. [bib12762]

bib12770Hotten 18721872Hotten, John Camden, ed.
Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward, Including the Story of the Man Who Fought Cats. London: John Camden Hotten. [Includes several pieces erroneously attributed to Clemens.]. [bib12770]

bib12771Hotten 18721872Hotten, John Camden
“Mr. Hotten’s Edition of ‘Mark Twain.’ To the Editor of the ‘Spectator.’ ” London Spectator, 8 June, 722. Letter dated 5 June. [bib12771]

bib127721872Hotten, John Camden
“‘Mark Twain’ and His English Editor. To the Editor of the Spectator.” London Spectator, 28 September, 1237. Undated letter. [bib12772]

bib12813Kendall 18721872Kendall, W. A.
“Frank Bret Harte.” San Francisco Chronicle, 15 December, 1. [bib12813]

bib12837Landon 18721872Landon, Melville D. [Eli Perkins, pseud.]
Saratoga in 1901. New York: Sheldon and Co. Copy owned by Clemens, with marginalia, CtRe[bib12596]. [bib12837]

bib12848Langley 18721872Langley, Henry G., comp.
The San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing March, 1872. San Francisco: Henry G. Langley. [bib12848]

bib12861Locker 18721872Locker, Arthur
“Two American Humorists—Hans Breitmann and Mark Twain.” London Graphic, 5 October, 310, 324. [bib12861]

bib12897Mercantile Library 18721872Mercantile Library
Fifty-first Annual Report of the Board of Direction of the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New York. New York: James Sutton and Co. [bib12897]

bib12966Official Gazette 18721872Official Gazette
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Vol. 2, no. 23 (19 November). [bib12966]

bib13014Reid 18721872Reid, Whitelaw
“Schools of Journalism.” Scribner’s Monthly 4 (June): 194–204. [bib13014]

bib13023Robinson 18721872Robinson, William Stevens [Warrington, pseud.]
“Warrington’s Letters.” Letter dated 21 March from Boston. Springfield Republican, 22 March, 5–6. [bib13023]

bib13096SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Innocents Abroad. Author’s English Edition. Rev. ed. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib13096]

bib13099SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Author’s English Edition. Rev. ed. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib13099]

bib13273Wilson 18721872Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXVI. For the Year Ending May 1, 1873. New York: Trow City Directory Company. [bib13273]

bib13277Wingate 18721872Wingate, Charles F. [Carlfried, pseud.]
Sketch of the Celebration of the Sixty-first Birthday of the Hon. Horace Greeley, LL.D. New York: Printed, not published. [bib13277]

bib13305Albany Directory 18721872Albany Directory
The Albany Directory, for the Year 1872: Containing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, a Record of the City Government, Its Institutions, &c., &c. Albany, N.Y.: Sampson, Davenport and Co. [bib13305]

bib13351Barnum 18721872Barnum, Phineas T.
Struggles and Triumphs: or, Forty Years’ Recollections of P. T. Barnum. Buffalo, N.Y.: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib13351]

bib13632King 18721872King, Clarence
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib13632]

bib13721Men of the Time 18751872Men of the Time
Men of the Time: A Dictionary of Contemporaries, Containing Biographical Notices of Eminent Characters of Both Sexes. Revised by Thompson Cooper. 9th ed. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib13721]

bib13901Seward 18721872Seward, Theodore F.
Jubilee Songs: As Sung by the Jubilee Singers, of Fisk University New York: Biglow and Main. [bib13901]

bib20547Hardwick1872Hardwick, Charles
Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-lore. Manchester: A. Ireland and Co. [bib20547]

bib21579Toby 18721872Toby, B. B.
“‘Mark Twain.’ Biographical Sketch of the Great Humorist. Carefully Compiled from Imaginary Notes by B. B. Toby.” San Francisco Morning Call, 28 April, 1. [bib21579]

bib31060Jolly Jokes1872M. J. Ivers & Co., comp.
Jolly Jokes for Jolly People New York: M. J. Ivers & Co. [bib31060]

bib31098Buyers Manual1872
The Buyers’ Manual and Business Guide … with Copious and Readable Selections Chiefly From California Writers. San Francisco: Francis and Valentine. (BAL 3348). [bib31098]

bib31305SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Roughing It. London: Routledge. [bib31305]

bib31336SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Innocents at Home Copyright Edition. London: Routledge and Sons [bib31336]

bib31386Buyers Manual 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Buyers’ Manual and Business Guide … with Copious and Readable Selections Chiefly From California Writers.” San Francisco: Francis and Valentine [bib31386]

bib31407SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Foreword and Notes by John C. Gerber. Text established by Paul Baender. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press [bib31407]

bib31829SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Chinatown.” Roughing It (Hartford: American Publishing Co., 1872), chapter 54, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 1863?, not extant. [bib31829]

bib31833SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Hour in the Caved Mines.” Roughing It (Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1872), chapter 52, reprinting an item from the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 17? July 1863, not extant. [bib31833]

bib31902SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Aged Pilot Man.” Roughing It (Hartford: American Publishing Company), chapter 51. [bib31902]

bib32150Monroe 18721872Monroe, Lewis B.
Public and Parlor Readings. Prose and Poetry for the Uses of Reading Clubs and for Public and Social Entertainment. Humorous. Edited by Lewis B. Monroe. Boston: Lee and Shepard. [bib32150]

bib32459SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Curious Dream.” in Mark Twain’s Sketches. Selected and Revised by the Author. Copyright Edition. [bib32459]

bib32463SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Information for the Million.” in Mark Twain’s Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County And other Sketches. With the Burlesque Autobiography and First Romance. [bib32463]

bib32558SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Complaint About Correspondents, Dated in San Francisco.” in Mark Twain’s Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County And other Sketches. With the Burlesque Autobiography and First Romance. [bib32558]

bib32877SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Jumping Frog.” in Mark Twain’s Sketches. Selected and Revised by the Author. Copyright Edition. [bib32877]

bib32883SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
"After" Jenkins.” in Mark Twain’s Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County And other Sketches. With the Burlesque Autobiography and First Romance (JF4b). [bib32883]

bib32926SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Editorial Skits.” in Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward. [bib32926]

bib32928SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Sending them Through.” in Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward. [bib32928]

bib32936SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” 654 pages. [bib32936]

bib32937SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Unknown extent. [bib32937]

bib32959SLC 18721872SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Buck Fanshaw’s Funeral.” Howard’s Recitations. Comic, Serious and Pathetic. Edited by Clarence J. Howard. New York: Dick and Fitzgerald. [bib32959]

bib32991Choice Selections, No. 51872Garrett, Phineas
One Hundred Choice Selections No. 5 … Compiled and Arranged by Phineas Garrett Philadelphia: P. Garrett & Co. (BAL 3345). [bib32991]

bib33004Howells 18721872Howells, William Dean
Their Wedding Journey. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib33004]

bib33263American Bible Society 18721872American Bible Society
Fifty-sixth Annual Report of the American Bible Society, Presented May 9, 1872. New York: American Bible Society. [bib33263]

bib34247Curtis 18721872Curtis, George Ticknor
Life of Daniel Webster. 2 vols. 4th ed. New York: D. Appleton and Company. [bib34247]

bib34502Rowell 18721872Rowell, George P.
George P. Rowell & Co.’s American Newspaper Directory. New York: Geo. P. Rowell and Co. [bib34502]