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bib00391Greeley 18711871Greeley, Horace
What I Know of Farming. New York: G. W. Carleton. [bib00391]

bib00407Hingston 18711871Hingston, Edward P.
The Genial Showman: Being Reminiscences of the Life of Artemus Ward and Pictures of a Showman’s Career in the Western World. London: John Camden Hotten. First published in 1870 in two volumes. [bib00407]

bib00436Geer 18711871Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for 1871–72: Containing Every Kind of Desirable Information for Citizens and Strangers; Together with a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib00436]

bib00496Kelly 18711871Kelly, Fanny
Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians. Hartford: Mutual Publishing Company. [bib00496]

bib00583Darwin 18711871Darwin, Charles
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. Vol. 1 of 2. New York: D. Appleton and Co. Copy owned by Clemens, with marginalia, CU-MARK. [bib00583]

bib00611Eggleston 18711871Eggleston, Edward
The Hoosier School-Master: A Novel. New York: Orange Judd and Co. [bib00611]

bib00675Leonowens 18711871Leonowens, Anna Harriette
The English Governess at the Siamese Court. Boston: Osgood and Co. [bib00675]

bib00709Hay 18711871Hay, John M.
“Jim Bludso (of the Prairie Belle).” New York Tribune, 5 January, 5. Reprinted in the Buffalo Express, 7 January, 2. [bib00709]

bib00808Keeler 18711871Keeler, Ralph
“From Vicksburg to Memphis.” Every Saturday 16 (September): 284–86. [bib00808]

bib00913Scott 18711871Scott, Walter
The Lady of the Lake. Edinburgh: John Ross and Co. [bib00913]

bib01086Lyceum 18711871Lyceum.
The Lyceum Magazine: Edited by the Boston Lyceum Bureau, and Containing Its Third Annual List. For the Season of 1871–1872. Boston: Redpath and Fall. [bib01086]

bib01091Boston Directory 18711871Boston Directory
The Boston Directory, Embracing the City Record, a General Directory of the Citizens, and a Business Directory . . . For the Year Comencing July 1, 1871. Boston: Sampson, Davenport, and Co. [bib01091]

bib10356Ringwalt 18711871Ringwalt, J. Luther, ed.
American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Philadelphia: Menamin and Ringwalt. [bib10356]

bib10543Annual Cyclopaedia 18681871Annual Cyclopaedia 1868
The American Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1868. Vol. 8. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib10543]

bib10682Griswold 18711871Griswold, Louise M. (Mrs. Stephen M. Griswold)
A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Hartford: J. B. Burr and Hyde. [bib10682]

bib11068Thorpe 18711871Thorpe, Thomas Bangs
“The New York Custom-House.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 43 (June): 11–26. [bib11068]

bib11202Congressional Globe 18711871Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the First Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at that Session; also, Special Session of the Senate. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib11202]

bib11243Edwards 18711871Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Thirteenth Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Business, Business Firms, Manufacturing Establishments, etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1871. St. Louis: Southern Publishing Company. [bib11243]

bib11581Ulster County Directory 18711871Ulster County Directory
Gazetteer and Business Directory of Ulster County, N.Y, for 1871–72. Syracuse, N.Y.: Hamilton Child. [bib11581]

bib11626Adams 18711871Adams, Joseph H.
Decision dated 27 November, in the interference proceeding between Henry C. Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.. [bib11626]

bib11686Boyd 18711871Boyd, William H., comp.
Boyd’s Directory of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, Together with a Compendium of their Governments, Institutions and Trades. Washington, D.C.: William H. Boyd. [bib11686]

bib11707Buffalo Directory 18711871Buffalo Directory
Buffalo City Directory for the Year 1871: Embracing a Brief Historical Sketch of Buffalo, a General Directory of Residents, a Street and Avenue Directory, Climatology of Buffalo, City and County Officers, Societies and Incorporated Companies, Banks, Tele Buffalo: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib11707]

bib11718Casual 18711871Casual [pseud.]
“From Washington. Buffalo Matters at the Capitol.” Buffalo Courier, 6 February, 1. [bib11718]

bib11725Chicago Directory 18711871Chicago Directory
Fire Edition. Edwards’ Chicago Directory. Chicago: Richard Edwards. [bib11725]

bib11731Cincinnati [pseud.] 18711871Cincinnati [pseud.]
“Washington Letters.” Letter dated 6 February. Cincinnati Commercial, 9 February, 2. [bib11731]

bib11733Cincinnati Directory 18711871Cincinnati Directory
Williams’ Cincinnati Directory, Embracing a Full Alphabetical Record of the Names of the Inhabitants of Cincinnati, a Business Directory, United States Post Office Directory, Municipal Record, Etc. Etc. Cincinnati: Williams and Co. [bib11733]

bib11748Cleveland Directory 18711871Cleveland Directory
Cleveland Directory, 1871–72. Comprising an Alphabetical List of All Business Firms and Private Citizens; A Classified Business Directory; and a Directory of the Public Institutions of the City. Compiled by A. Bailey. Cleveland: W. S. Robison and Co. [bib11748]

bib11751Colbert and Chamberlin 18711871Colbert, Elias, and Everett Chamberlin
Chicago and the Great Conflagration. Cincinnati and New York: C. F. Vent. [bib11751]

bib11753Congressional Globe 18711871Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Third Session Forty-First Congress; Together with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at That Session. 3 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib11753]

bib11792Des Moines Directory 18711871Des Moines Directory
Bushnell’s Resident and Business Directory of Des Moines, Iowa. Containing an Epitome of the Early History of the State, County, and City; a List of. State, County, and City Officers; a Street, Resident, and Business Directory; Map of the State, V Compiled by Joseph P. Bushnell. Des Moines: Joseph P. Bushnell. [bib11792]

bib11831Foster 18711871Foster, James P.
“Mark Twain.” Undated letter to the editor. Syracuse (N.Y.) Journal, 6 December, no page. [bib11831]

bib11850Gray 18711871Gray, David
“Mark Twain in the Lecture Field.” Buffalo Courier, 12 June, 2. [bib11850]

bib11851Gray 18711871Gray, David
“A New Lecture by Mark Twain.” Buffalo Courier, 9 December, 2. [bib11851]

bib11948Langley 18711871Langley, Henry G., comp.
The San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing April, 1871. San Francisco: Henry G. Langley. [bib11948]

bib119621871Lockwood, Henry C.
Statement dated 3 October, forming part of the interference proceeding between Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. [bib11962]

bib119631871Lockwood, Henry C.
Statement dated 8 November, forming part of the interference proceeding between Lockwood and Samuel L. Clemens, in the records of the United States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. [bib11963]

bib119641871Lockwood, Henry C.
Henry C. Lockwood, of Baltimore, Maryland. Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments Statement dated 19 December, forming part of Letters Patent No. 122,038, “Henry C. Lockwood, of Baltimore, Maryland. Improvement in Adjustable. [bib11964]

bib12025Munroe 18711871Munroe
“Gossip from Massachusetts.” Letter dated 4 July. New York Times, 6 July, 6. [bib12025]

bib12030Nast 18711871Nast, Thomas
Th. Nast’s Illustrated Almanac for 1872. New York: Harper and Brothers. (BAL 3332). [bib12030]

bib12078Piatt 18711871Piatt, Donn
“Washington Letter.” Letter dated 8 February. Cincinnati Commercial, 11 February, 2. [bib12078]

bib12079Piatt 18711871Piatt, Donn
“Introductory.” In “The Galaxy Club-Room.” Galaxy 11 (May): 751–52. [bib12079]

bib12082Poore 18711871Poore, Benjamin Perley, comp.
Congressional Directory for the Third Session of the Forty-First Congress of the United States of America. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib12082]

bib12096Redpath 18711871Redpath, James
“The Lecture System.” Cleveland Herald, 28 January, Supplement. [bib12096]

bib12107Riley 18711871Riley, John Henry
“Memoranda.” Carbon MS of sixteen pages from a manifold Journal, numbered 1–5 and 9–19, written periodically between early January and 23 March 1871, CU-MARK. [bib12107]

bib12123Sikes 18711871Sikes, William Wirt
Marginalia dated ‘Columbus, O. March 13, 1871. 75c’ in a copy of Mark Twain’s (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance (SLC 1871a). Roberton F. Williams Collection, CU-MARK. [bib12123]

bib12351Storey 18711871Storey
Storey, Ormsby, Washoe and Lyon Counties Directory, . . . For 1871–72. Sacramento: H. S. Crocker and Co. [bib12351]

bib12397Webb 18711871Webb, Charles Henry [John Paul, pseud.]
“To the Editor of Every Saturday.” Every Saturday, n.s. 2 (28 January): 91. [bib12397]

bib12412Wilson 18711871Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXV For the Year Ending May 1, 1872. New York: John F. Trow. [bib12412]

bib12503Boone 18711871Boone, H., comp.
Directory of Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cities, . . . for 1871–72. Pittsburgh: George H. Thurston. [bib12503]

bib12505Boyd 18711871Boyd, Andrew, comp.
Boyd’s Paterson Directory, 1871–72. Paterson, N.J.: Andrew Boyd. [bib12505]

bib125371871Carleton, Will M.
“Betsey and I Are Out.” Harper's Weekly 15 (27 May): 473. [bib12537]

bib125391871Carleton, Will M.
“Over the Hill to the Poor-House.” Harper's Weekly 15 (17 June): 545. [bib12539]

bib125401871Carleton, Will M.
“Gone with a Handsomer Man.” Harper's Weekly 15 (15 July): 641. [bib12540]

bib12585Crocker 18711871Crocker, Samuel R.
“Mark Twain’s Autobiography.” Literary World 1 (April): 165. [bib12585]

bib12725Harte 18711871Harte, Bret
Poems. Boston: Fields, Osgood, and Co. [bib12725]

bib12730Hassard 18711871Hassard, John Rose Greene
“The New York Mercantile Library.” Scribner’s Monthly 1 (February): 353–67. [bib12730]

bib12732Hay 18711871Hay, John M.
Pike County Ballads and Other Pieces. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib12732]

bib12756Holland 18711871Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
“Lecture-Brokers and Lecture-Breakers.” Scribner’s Monthly 1 (March): 560–61. [bib12756]

bib12769Hotten 18711871Hotten, John Camden
“Introduction to “Holiday Literature.” In SLC 1871e, 9. [bib12769]

bib12797Jerkins 18711871Jerkins, John Edward
Ginx’s Baby: His Birth and Other Misfortunes. 2d ed. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib12797]

bib12865Longfellow 18711871Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
“The Legend Beautiful.” Atlantic Monthly 28 (December): 657–60. [bib12865]

bib13006Redpath 18711871Redpath, James
“Reply.” In Lyceum 1871[bib01086], 9–11. [bib13006]

bib13084SLC 18711871SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Eye Openers: Good Things, Immensely Funny Sayings & Stories That Will Bring a Smile upon the Gruffest Countenance. London: John Camden Hotten. (BAL 3331). [bib13084]

bib13087SLC 18711871SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Pleasure Trip on the Continent. London: John Camden Hotten. Reprints SLC 1870b[bib12175] , d [bib12178] . [bib13087]

bib13304Albany Directory 18711871Albany Directory
The Albany Directory, for the Year 1871: Containing a General Directory of the Citizens, a Business Directory, a Record of the City Government, Its Institutions, &c., &c. Albany, N.Y.: Sampson, Davenport and Co. [bib13304]

bib13689McCabe 18711871McCabe, James D.
The Great Republic: A Descriptive, Statistical, and Historical View of the States and Territories of the American Union. Philadelphia: W. B. Evans and Co. [bib13689]

bib21103Sanger 18711871Sanger, George P., ed.
The Statutes at Large and Proclamations of the United States of America, from December 1869 to March 1871, and Treaties and Postal Conventions. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. [bib21103]

bib30914Gilbert 18711871Gilbert, W. S.
Pygmalion and Galatea. play, first produced 9 December 1871. [bib30914]

bib32173Nat. Watch 18711871The National Watch Company
The National Watch Company’s Illustrated Almanac. Chicago: National Watch Co. [bib32173]

bib32174Monroe 18711871Monroe, Lewis B.
Public and Parlor Readings. Prose and Poetry for the Uses of Reading Clubs and for Public and Social Entertainment. Humorous. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1871; New York: Lee, Shepard and Dillingham. [bib32174]

bib32175Jelliffe 18711871Jelliffe, W. M.
Good Selections, in Prose and Poetry, for Use in Schools and Academies. New York: J. W. Schermerhorn & Co., 1871 (BAL 3330). [bib32175]

bib33705New Hampshire Publishers 18711871New Hampshire Publishers, Editors and Printers Association
Proceedings of the New Hampshire Publishers, Editors and Printers’ Association Annual Meeting. Rye Beach, July 27th, 28th, 1870. Manchester: Charles F. Livingstone’s Power Printing House [bib33705]

bib34099Hay 18711871Hay, Mary Ann Harris
The pastor's story and other pieces, or, Prose and poetry. Memphis: Goodwyn [bib34099]